DiscoverFortitude#37 – Tim Kennedy (Green Beret / Ex MMA fighter) 🇺🇸
#37 – Tim Kennedy (Green Beret / Ex MMA fighter) 🇺🇸

#37 – Tim Kennedy (Green Beret / Ex MMA fighter) 🇺🇸

Update: 2024-06-25


Welcome back to another episode of Fortitude, the show that delves into the lives of those who face and overcome adversity.


Today, we’re joined by a truly remarkable guest, Tim Kennedy, whose day began as intensely as he lives his life. Just before our conversation, Tim wrapped up a training session — and in true warrior fashion, he managed to sustain a head injury. Yet, here he is, bloodied and resolute, ready to share his life's lessons with us, even receiving stitches immediately after our conversation!


Tim Kennedy is not only a decorated former Green Beret and Special Forces sniper but also a renowned mixed martial artist who has competed at the highest levels of the UFC. Beyond his combat and athletic achievements, he is a fervent advocate for veterans' welfare and emergency preparedness, a successful businessman, and even builds schools to offer a new way to educate children.


During our talk, Tim emphasized the vital role of education in fostering a free and critical spirit among children, the fine balance between self-confidence and humility, and how the atrocities of war can shatter a man from within. He explained how daily actions, routine, and discipline can forge meaning and assist those who have witnessed horrors in rebuilding their lives, preventing them from becoming prisoners of their traumas.


For those interested in exploring Tim’s philosophies further, his book 'Scars and Stripes', recently translated into French as 'Des plaies et des bosses', is a profound read. It not only delves into his life’s adventures and challenges but also reflects, with a rare honesty, on the lessons learned from the front lines to everyday life.


Join us for an unforgettable time as we explore the robust philosophies and spirited anecdotes of a man who trains relentlessly at 44, respects his engagements no matter the circumstances, and believes that a head wound is no reason to shy away from a deep dive, with a French podcaster, into adversity, resilience, and life philosophy.


Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.









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#37 – Tim Kennedy (Green Beret / Ex MMA fighter) 🇺🇸

#37 – Tim Kennedy (Green Beret / Ex MMA fighter) 🇺🇸

Nicolas Lisimachio