DiscoverTimesuck with Dan Cummins410 - The Love Has Won Cult
410 - The Love Has Won Cult

410 - The Love Has Won Cult

Update: 2024-07-083


This episode of Time Suck delves into the strange world of the Love Has Won cult, led by Amy Carlson, who proclaimed herself to be Mother God. The episode explores the cult's origins, beliefs, and practices, including their belief in a 19-billion-year-old universe, the importance of reaching a higher vibrational state, and the role of the Galactic Federation of Light. The episode also details Carlson's life, her journey into new age spirituality, and her eventual death in 2021. The episode highlights the dangers of cults and the importance of critical thinking, particularly when it comes to beliefs that promise salvation or enlightenment. The episode also explores the concept of conspiratuality, which combines conspiracy theories with spirituality, and how it can be used to manipulate and control people. The episode concludes with a discussion of the Love Has Won cult's practices, including their use of colloidal silver, their promotion of conspiracy theories, and their reliance on donations from their followers. The episode also details the cult's rise, its bizarre beliefs, and its tragic end, including Amy's death and the subsequent legal proceedings against her followers. The episode explores the cult's recruitment tactics, its internal dynamics, and the impact it had on its members' lives. The episode also highlights the dangers of cults and the importance of critical thinking, particularly when it comes to beliefs that promise salvation or enlightenment. The episode then shifts to listener emails, featuring a story about a woman who dated the I-5 Killer and another about a family's hilarious use of a mouse trap-equipped walking stick. The episode ends with a humorous message from John Lennon, who is still trying to find Mother God in the fifth dimension.



This Chapter introduces the Love Has Won cult and its leader, Amy Carlson, who claimed to be Mother God. The chapter also mentions that the cult's beliefs are strange and that the episode will explore them in detail.

Cult Beliefs and Practices

This Chapter delves into the Love Has Won cult's beliefs, including their belief in a 19-billion-year-old universe, the importance of reaching a higher vibrational state, and the role of the Galactic Federation of Light. The chapter also discusses the cult's practices, including their use of colloidal silver, their promotion of conspiracy theories, and their reliance on donations from their followers.

Amy Carlson's Life and the Rise of Love Has Won

This Chapter explores the life of Amy Carlson, the leader of the Love Has Won cult. The chapter details her childhood, her struggles with abusive relationships, and her eventual journey into new age spirituality. The chapter also discusses how Carlson met her partner, Amarith White Eagle, and how they moved to Crestone, Colorado, a town known for its spiritual energy. The chapter concludes with a discussion of how Carlson's beliefs and practices evolved over time, leading to the formation of the Love Has Won cult.

The Rise of Love Has Won

This Chapter details the early days of the Love Has Won cult, focusing on Amy Carlson's online presence and her growing following. The chapter also discusses how Carlson's beliefs and practices evolved over time, leading to the formation of the Love Has Won cult.

The Cult's Expansion and Internal Conflicts

This Chapter explores the Love Has Won cult's expansion and internal conflicts, focusing on the recruitment of new members, the cult's financial struggles, and the growing tensions between Amy Carlson and her followers. The chapter also discusses the cult's use of psychedelics and its impact on its members' mental health.

Amy Carlson's Decline and Death

This Chapter details Amy Carlson's decline and death, focusing on her excessive use of alcohol, drugs, and colloidal silver, and the cult's refusal to seek medical treatment for her. The chapter also discusses the cult's beliefs about illness and their reliance on alternative medicine.

The Aftermath of Amy Carlson's Death

This Chapter explores the aftermath of Amy Carlson's death, focusing on the cult's attempts to conceal her body, the legal proceedings against her followers, and the impact of the cult on its members' lives. The chapter also discusses the cult's continued existence after Amy's death and its efforts to recruit new members.

Amy Carlson's Death and the Coroner's Report

This Chapter discusses the coroner's report on Amy Carlson's death, which concluded that her death was natural, but the host disagrees, citing her excessive use of colloidal silver and alcohol. The chapter also mentions that traces of silver were found in Amy's liver.

The Love Has Won Cult's Beliefs and Practices

This Chapter discusses the Love Has Won cult's beliefs and practices, highlighting their bizarre and often contradictory nature. The host also discusses the cult's recruitment tactics, focusing on their ability to appeal to people who are desperate for purpose and meaning.

Takeaways from the Love Has Won Cult

This Chapter summarizes the key takeaways from the episode, including Amy Carlson's life before becoming a cult leader, the cult's beliefs and practices, the impact of the cult on its members, and the aftermath of Amy Carlson's death.

Listener Email: Encounter with the I-5 Killer

This Chapter features a listener email about their mother's encounter with the I-5 Killer, Randy Woodfield. The listener details their mother's relationship with Woodfield, including their dates, her suspicions about his behavior, and the shock of his arrest for murder. The listener also mentions their mother's previous encounter with the Golden State Killer, Joseph D'Angelo, who ran through their backyard after committing his first murder.

Listener Email: The Jesus Stick

This Chapter features a listener email about a hilarious childhood prank involving a mouse trap-equipped walking stick. The listener describes how his older brother used the stick to terrorize him and his younger brother, and how they eventually found the stick years later and used it to prank each other again.

Listener Email: Birthday Shout Out

This Chapter features a listener email requesting a birthday shout out for her husband, Zachary Fleming. The listener describes their adventurous life together, including his service in the Marines and their current move to Africa. She also expresses her love and appreciation for him.

Listener Email: Whiplash from Whip Outs

This Chapter features a listener email about their experiences with unwanted public displays of affection, specifically five instances of being flashed in four years. The listener describes each encounter in detail, highlighting the absurdity and creepiness of the situations. The listener also wonders if they are past the age of being flashed and how their pus puppet would sound.

John Lennon's Message from the Fifth Dimension

This Chapter features a humorous message from John Lennon, who is still trying to find Mother God in the fifth dimension. Lennon explains that there was a mix-up with the meeting time for Mother God's ascension and that he and Robin Williams got into an argument about spaghetti and tacos. He also asks for help finding Mother God and for the spirits of Domed Eloise and Regis Philbin to return to the ship immediately.


Love Has Won

Love Has Won is a cult that was founded by Amy Carlson, who claimed to be Mother God. The cult's beliefs are based on a combination of new age spirituality, Christianity, indigenous religious beliefs, and conspiracy theories. The cult's members believe in the importance of reaching a higher vibrational state and ascending to the fifth dimension. The cult also promotes the idea of a Galactic Federation of Light, which is a group of extraterrestrial beings who are helping humanity to ascend. The cult's practices include the use of colloidal silver, the promotion of conspiracy theories, and the reliance on donations from their followers.

Amy Carlson

Amy Carlson was the leader of the Love Has Won cult. She claimed to be Mother God and promised her followers ascension to the fifth dimension. Carlson's beliefs were based on a combination of new age spirituality, Christianity, indigenous religious beliefs, and conspiracy theories. She also believed that she was in contact with a group of extraterrestrial beings called the Galactic Federation of Light. Carlson died in 2021, but her followers continue to believe in her teachings.


Conspiratuality is a term that describes the combination of conspiracy theories with spirituality. It is often used to explain events that are difficult to understand or to provide a sense of meaning and purpose in a chaotic world. Conspiratuality can be used to manipulate and control people, as it can provide a sense of belonging and purpose to those who are feeling lost or alienated. The Love Has Won cult is an example of a group that uses conspiratuality to recruit and retain members.

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is a substance that is often promoted as a cure for a variety of illnesses. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims. Colloidal silver can be dangerous, as it can cause a blue-gray tint to the skin, eyes, organs, nails, and gums. It can also cause severe problems such as kidney damage, seizures, and organ failure. The Love Has Won cult promoted the use of colloidal silver as a healing remedy, despite the lack of scientific evidence and the potential dangers.

Galactic Federation of Light

The Galactic Federation of Light is a group of extraterrestrial beings that is often mentioned in new age spirituality and conspiracy theories. The Federation is said to be helping humanity to ascend to a higher vibrational state. The Love Has Won cult believed that Carlson was in contact with the Galactic Federation of Light and that they were guiding her in her mission to help humanity ascend. The Federation is also said to be involved in a secret war against the cabal, which is a group of evil beings who are trying to keep humanity enslaved.


QAnon is a conspiracy theory that originated on the internet in 2017. QAnon followers believe that former President Donald Trump is waging a secret war against a cabal of satanic pedophiles who are running the world. QAnon followers have been linked to violence, including the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. The Love Has Won cult's members also believed in QAnon and its conspiracy theories.

Crestone, Colorado

Crestone, Colorado, is a small town located in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. The town is known for its spiritual energy and is home to a variety of new age groups and spiritual centers. Amy Carlson and Amarith White Eagle moved to Crestone in the early 2000s, where they began to develop their beliefs and practices that would eventually lead to the formation of the Love Has Won cult.

I-5 Killer

Randy Woodfield, also known as the I-5 Killer, was a serial killer who operated in the Pacific Northwest in the late 1970s and early 1980s. He was convicted of multiple murders and sentenced to life in prison. In this episode, a listener shares a story about their mother's encounter with Woodfield, who dated her in the late 1970s.

Golden State Killer

Joseph James DeAngelo Jr., also known as the Golden State Killer, was a serial killer, rapist, and burglar who operated in California in the 1970s and 1980s. He was convicted of multiple murders and sentenced to life in prison. In this episode, a listener shares a story about their mother's encounter with DeAngelo, who ran through their backyard after committing his first murder.

Mouse Trap Walking Stick

In this episode, a listener shares a hilarious story about a childhood prank involving a mouse trap-equipped walking stick. The listener describes how his older brother used the stick to terrorize him and his younger brother, and how they eventually found the stick years later and used it to prank each other again.


  • What are some of the key beliefs of the Love Has Won cult?

    The Love Has Won cult believes in a 19-billion-year-old universe, the importance of reaching a higher vibrational state, and the role of the Galactic Federation of Light. They also believe that Amy Carlson, their leader, is Mother God and that she is leading humanity on a path to ascension to the fifth dimension.

  • How did Amy Carlson become the leader of the Love Has Won cult?

    Carlson's journey into new age spirituality began after she took a large dose of Molly. She met Amarith White Eagle, who introduced her to deeper spirituality and convinced her that she was a divine being. They moved to Crestone, Colorado, a town known for its spiritual energy, and began to develop their beliefs and practices that would eventually lead to the formation of the Love Has Won cult.

  • What are some of the dangerous practices of the Love Has Won cult?

    The Love Has Won cult promoted the use of colloidal silver, which is a substance that has no proven health benefits and can be dangerous. They also promoted conspiracy theories, including QAnon, which has been linked to violence. The cult also relied on donations from their followers, which may have been used to support Carlson's lavish lifestyle.

  • What happened to Amy Carlson?

    Carlson died in 2021. Her followers believed that she was ascending to the fifth dimension, but her death was actually caused by her excessive use of alcohol, drugs, and colloidal silver.

  • What is conspiratuality?

    Conspiratuality is a term that describes the combination of conspiracy theories with spirituality. It is often used to explain events that are difficult to understand or to provide a sense of meaning and purpose in a chaotic world. Conspiratuality can be used to manipulate and control people, as it can provide a sense of belonging and purpose to those who are feeling lost or alienated.

  • Why do people join cults?

    People join cults for a variety of reasons, including a desire for belonging, a need for purpose, and a search for meaning. Cults often offer a sense of community and belonging to those who are feeling lost or alienated. They also provide a sense of purpose and meaning to those who are struggling with their lives. Cults can be dangerous, as they can manipulate and control their members, often to the detriment of their health and well-being.

  • What are some of the warning signs of a cult?

    Some of the warning signs of a cult include: a charismatic leader who demands absolute obedience, a belief system that is based on secrecy and manipulation, a focus on controlling members' lives, and a lack of tolerance for dissent. If you are concerned that someone you know may be involved in a cult, it is important to talk to them about your concerns and to encourage them to seek help from a mental health professional.

  • What are some of the dangers of conspiracy theories?

    Conspiracy theories can be dangerous, as they can lead to violence, distrust, and a lack of critical thinking. Conspiracy theories often promote fear and paranoia, which can lead to people making irrational decisions. Conspiracy theories can also be used to manipulate and control people, as they can provide a sense of belonging and purpose to those who are feeling lost or alienated.

  • What are some of the ways to protect yourself from cults and conspiracy theories?

    Some of the ways to protect yourself from cults and conspiracy theories include: being critical of information that you encounter online and in the media, being aware of the warning signs of a cult, and seeking help from a mental health professional if you are concerned about your own or someone else's mental health.

Show Notes

The Love Has Won Cult was led by Amy Carlson, who died from alcohol abuse, anorexia, and colloidal silver dosing at the age of only 45 on April 16th, 2021. She'd badly needed medical treatment for two years, but didn't trust "3D hospitals" because she thought she was Mother God, a 5D being. And one of her galactic spiritual advisors, Robin Williams, forbid her from receiving treatment. Oh yeah,  this is an especially weird one...

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410 - The Love Has Won Cult

410 - The Love Has Won Cult

Dan Cummins, Olivia Lee