DiscoverTimesuck with Dan Cummins417 - The Slavemaster: Serial Killer John Edward Robinson
417 - The Slavemaster: Serial Killer John Edward Robinson

417 - The Slavemaster: Serial Killer John Edward Robinson

Update: 2024-08-264


This podcast delves into the chilling story of John Edward Robinson, a serial killer who preyed on vulnerable women using the internet and his manipulative charm. The episode chronicles his early life, marked by a desire for power and control, and his descent into a life of crime, starting with financial scams and escalating to murder. Robinson's use of the internet to target victims, his involvement in BDSM, and his ability to compartmentalize his life are explored in detail. The podcast also examines the impact of his crimes on his victims, their families, and his own adopted daughter, Heather. The episode concludes with a discussion of the key takeaways from the case, highlighting the dangers of online predators, the importance of recognizing manipulative behavior, and the lasting impact of such crimes.


The Slave Master: John Edward Robinson

This episode introduces John Edward Robinson, a serial killer known as the "Slave Master" and the "Internet's First Serial Killer." The episode promises to delve into his complicated life, including his history of con artistry and his involvement in BDSM.

Robinson's Early Life and Rise of Obsession

This chapter explores John Edward Robinson's early life, highlighting his shy and unassuming nature, his struggle for power and control, and his early involvement in Boy Scouts. It also reveals his fascination with BDSM and his desire to dominate others.

Robinson's Criminal Beginnings: From Minor Offenses to Major Scams

This chapter details Robinson's early criminal activities, including minor offenses in Cicero and his later attempts to secure jobs through deception. It highlights his pattern of financial scams and his eventual move to Kansas City, Missouri.

Robinson's Financial Scams in Kansas City: A Pattern of Deception and Exploitation

This chapter focuses on Robinson's continued financial scams in Kansas City, including his theft from various employers and his forgery of documents to secure jobs. It also reveals his firing from Children's Mercy Hospital for incompetence and infidelity.

Robinson's Escalating Crimes: From Theft to Convictions

This chapter details Robinson's escalating criminal activities, including his theft from Fountain Plaza X-ray and his conviction for theft by deceit. It highlights his violation of probation and his subsequent legal troubles.

Robinson's Return to Chicago and New Scams: A Life of Deception and Manipulation

This chapter describes Robinson's move back to Chicago with his wife Nancy and his continued scams. It highlights his firing from RB Jones for embezzlement and his establishment of a fake company, Professional Services Association Inc. (PSA).

Robinson's Move to Stanley, Kansas: A New Life, New Scams

This chapter details Robinson's move to Stanley, Kansas, where he presented himself as a successful entrepreneur and family man. It highlights his establishment of a hydroponics company, Hydro Grow Incorporated, which he used to scam investors.

Robinson's "Man of the Year" Scam and Nancy's Growing Suspicions

This chapter focuses on Robinson's orchestration of a fake "Man of the Year" award for himself, which led to his wife Nancy's growing suspicions about his activities. It highlights her surveillance of him and her threat to leave him, but ultimately her decision to stay.

Robinson's Continued Scams and Affair: A Pattern of Deception and Betrayal

This chapter details Robinson's continued scams, including his job as an employee relations manager at a snack food company, his affair with a secretary, and his subsequent arrest and short jail sentence.

Robinson's Equa Plus Scam and the Back Care Systems Investigation: The Beginning of the End

This chapter focuses on Robinson's opening of another fake company, Equa Plus, which he used to scam Back Care Systems. It highlights the company's hiring of a private investigator, who uncovered Robinson's history of scams and alerted the Johnson County DA's office.

Robinson's First Known Murder: The Disappearance of Paula Godfrey

This chapter discusses Robinson's first known murder victim, Paula Godfrey. It details her disappearance in 1984 and the theories surrounding her involvement in the International Council of Masters (ICM), a BDSM group that Robinson allegedly joined.

Robinson's Continued Crimes: From Prison to Manipulation

This chapter details John Robinson's continued criminal activities while on parole and after being sentenced to prison. Despite being incarcerated, he continued to scam people, sexually abuse women, and even managed to get featured in Farm Journal for his "innovative agricultural products."

Catherine Clampett's Disappearance: Another Victim, Another Mystery

This chapter focuses on the disappearance of Catherine Clampett, a young woman who was lured into working for Robinson's company, Equitoo. She was last seen on June 15th, 1987, and despite suspicions, there wasn't enough evidence to connect Robinson to her disappearance.

Robinson's Prison Life and Manipulation: A Master of Deception

This chapter describes Robinson's time in prison, where he was a model inmate. He received computer training and even saved the state of Kansas money. However, he also used his intelligence to manipulate prison staff and psychiatrists, ultimately getting released early.

Robinson's Affair with Beverly Bonner: A Pattern of Manipulation and Control

This chapter details Robinson's affair with Beverly Bonner, the wife of the doctor who had determined his medical claims were false. He used his charm to manipulate her, and their relationship eventually led to her disappearance.

Robinson's Release and New Scams: A Life of Crime Continues

This chapter covers Robinson's release from prison in 1993. He immediately began dreaming up new scams and continued his affair with Beverly. He also started a new company, HydroGrow, with Beverly as president.

The Disappearance of Sheila Faith and Debbie: Another Family Vanishes

This chapter focuses on the disappearance of Sheila Faith and her disabled daughter, Debbie. They were lured to Kansas by Robinson, who promised them a better life. They were last seen in the summer of 1994, and their disappearance remains unsolved.

Robinson's Life in Florida and Online Activities: A Continued Pattern of Deception

This chapter describes Robinson's life in Florida, where he purchased a house for his son. He continued to run his illegal businesses and spent much of his time in online chat rooms, where he would often discuss BDSM with women.

Isabella Luica's Disappearance: Another Young Woman Vanishes

This chapter focuses on the disappearance of Isabella Luica, a young college student from Indiana. She was lured to Kansas by Robinson, who claimed to be an international book agent. She was last seen in June 1997, and her disappearance remains unsolved.

Robinson's Farm and Continued Crimes: A Life of Deception and Violence

This chapter describes Robinson's purchase of a farm near Lecine, Kansas. He continued to engage in his criminal activities, including manipulating people into helping him with his scams and bragging about his sexual exploits.

The Disappearance of Susette Trouton: Another Victim, Another Mystery

This chapter focuses on the disappearance of Susette Trouton, a healthcare worker from Michigan. She was lured to Kansas by Robinson, who promised her a job and a relationship. She was last seen in February 2000, and her disappearance remains unsolved.

The Horrific Discoveries: Uncovering the Truth

This chapter delves into the gruesome details of John Robinson's crimes, starting with the discovery of multiple bodies in barrels. The victims suffered severe injuries, including hammer blows and defensive wounds. The episode also reveals the shocking truth about Robinson's adoption of a baby, Lisa Stassi's daughter, Tiffany.

Robinson's Arrests and Charges: Facing Justice

This chapter details Robinson's arrest and charges for multiple murders in both Kansas and Missouri. It highlights the legal proceedings, including the preliminary hearing, jury selection, and trial. The episode also highlights the testimony of Robinson's wife, Nancy, who remained steadfast in her support despite the overwhelming evidence against her husband.

The Trial and Conviction: A Life of Crime Comes to an End

This chapter focuses on the key events of Robinson's trial, including the presentation of evidence, the testimony of witnesses, and the closing arguments. It highlights the graphic nature of the evidence presented, including the tape of Robinson and one of his victims having sex. The episode concludes with Robinson's conviction on multiple charges, including capital murder.

The Sentencing and Aftermath: The Legacy of a Serial Killer

This chapter details the sentencing phase of Robinson's trial, where the jury voted for the death penalty for two of the murders. The episode also discusses the impact of Robinson's crimes on his family, particularly his daughter, Heather, who was adopted by Robinson's brother and his wife.

John Edward Robinson: A Legacy of Violence and Deception

This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of John Robinson's life and crimes. It highlights his history of financial crimes, his manipulative nature, and his use of the internet to lure victims. The episode also discusses the impact of his crimes on his victims and their families.

Takeaways from the John Robinson Case: Lessons Learned

This chapter concludes with five key takeaways from the John Robinson case. These takeaways include Robinson's use of the internet to target victims, his ability to compartmentalize his life, his tactics for manipulating victims and authorities, the role of his wife Nancy, and the ongoing impact of his crimes on his adopted daughter, Heather.


International Council of Masters (ICM)

A purported secret, sadomasochistic group with members worldwide, founded in London in 1921. The ICM allegedly involved sexual torture and rape, with women being traded amongst members.


The practice of growing plants in nutrient-rich solutions without soil. It is often associated with indoor cannabis cultivation.


Bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, sadism, and masochism. A form of sexual activity that involves power dynamics, often involving physical restraint and pain.

Con Artist

A person who uses deception and trickery to gain money or other benefits from others. Con artists often create elaborate schemes and use charisma and manipulation to convince their victims.

Serial Killer

A person who commits two or more murders, typically with a cooling-off period between each killing. Serial killers often have a specific pattern or motive for their crimes.

Slave Master

A term used to describe a person who dominates and controls others, often in a sexual context. In the case of John Edward Robinson, it refers to his alleged role in the International Council of Masters.

Internet's First Serial Killer

A title given to John Edward Robinson due to his use of the internet to find and lure victims. He used online chat rooms to connect with women and exploit their vulnerabilities.


One of John Edward Robinson's many fake companies. He used Equitu to scam investors and lure victims, including Paula Godfrey.


  • What is the International Council of Masters (ICM), and what role did it allegedly play in John Edward Robinson's crimes?

    The ICM is a purported secret BDSM group that Robinson allegedly joined. It involved sexual torture and rape, with women being traded amongst members. Some believe that Robinson may have used the ICM to lure and control victims, including Paula Godfrey.

  • How did John Edward Robinson manage to avoid serious consequences for his crimes for so long?

    Robinson was a master con artist who used deception, manipulation, and charisma to convince people he was legitimate. He also had a knack for avoiding jail time, often pleading guilty to lesser charges or paying restitution. His wife Nancy's loyalty and support also played a role in his ability to evade justice.

  • What was the significance of Robinson's use of the internet in his crimes?

    Robinson was one of the first serial killers to use the internet to find and lure victims. He used online chat rooms to connect with women and exploit their vulnerabilities. This made him a pioneer in the use of technology for criminal purposes.

  • What happened to Lisa Stasi and her baby, Tiffany?

    Lisa Stasi was a young mother who was referred to Robinson's fake charity, Kansas City Outreach. He kidnapped her and her baby, Tiffany, and later murdered Lisa. He then gave Tiffany to his brother Don and his wife Helen, who raised her as their own.

  • What ultimately led to John Edward Robinson's arrest and conviction?

    Robinson's crimes finally caught up with him when multiple victims came forward with accusations of assault, kidnapping, and murder. The FBI and local law enforcement agencies launched investigations, and he was eventually arrested and convicted of multiple charges, including murder.

  • What were some of the ways John Robinson used his intelligence to manipulate people?

    Robinson used his intelligence to manipulate people in a variety of ways, including: creating fake businesses to scam people, using his charm to gain the trust of women, and manipulating prison staff and psychiatrists to get released early.

  • How did John Robinson use online chat rooms to target women?

    Robinson used online chat rooms to target women by portraying himself as a wealthy entrepreneur or a dominant figure. He would often discuss BDSM with women and would lure them to Kansas with promises of a better life.

  • What evidence was found at John Robinson's farm that linked him to the murders of Susette Trouton and Isabella Luica?

    At Robinson's farm, investigators found two barrels containing the bodies of Susette Trouton and Isabella Luica. They also found a variety of items that linked Robinson to the murders, including a slave contract signed by Susette, nude photos of Isabella, and a videotape of Robinson and Susette having sex.

  • What were some of the key details about the victims' injuries that were discovered?

    The victims suffered severe injuries, including fractures on the back of their heads and faces, broken forearms, and multiple blows to the side of the head. These injuries were consistent with hammer blows, and some victims showed signs of defensive wounds, indicating they fought back.

Show Notes

This one is a doozy! John Edward Robinson may be the most intelligent serial killer I've ever come across. This guy fooled so, so many people with over 40 years of brazen crimes. Doctors, psychiatrists, detectives, and so, so many victims. In addition to being a serial killer, this BDSM-obsessed dirtbag, scammed hundreds if not thousands of people for four decades. 

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417 - The Slavemaster: Serial Killer John Edward Robinson

417 - The Slavemaster: Serial Killer John Edward Robinson

Dan Cummins, Olivia Lee