DiscoverTimesuck with Dan Cummins424 - The Puppet Master: Robert Hendy-Freegard
424 - The Puppet Master: Robert Hendy-Freegard

424 - The Puppet Master: Robert Hendy-Freegard

Update: 2024-10-14


This podcast delves into the chilling true story of Robert Freegard, a charismatic con man who used brainwashing and manipulation to control and exploit his victims. The episode begins by introducing the concept of brainwashing, emphasizing that it's not limited to cults or authoritarian regimes. It then focuses on Freegard's relationship with three students from Harper Adams Agricultural College: John Atkinson, Sarah Smith, and Maria Hendy. The podcast details how Freegard, using the guise of an undercover MI5 agent, convinced John that his friends were IRA members. John, initially skeptical, eventually believed Freegard's elaborate lies and became deeply involved in his scheme. Freegard manipulated John into dropping out of college, changing his appearance, and even pretending to be gay. John, under Freegard's influence, became increasingly isolated and miserable. Freegard convinced John, Sarah, and Maria to leave Harper Adams and go on the run, claiming they were in danger from the IRA. The episode details their travels across the UK, their constant fear, and Freegard's continued manipulation. The parents of John, Sarah, and Maria began to uncover Freegard's true nature and the extent of his manipulation. The podcast highlights the devastating impact of Freegard's actions on his victims. Their lives were in ruins, their relationships with their families strained, and their futures uncertain. Freegard continued to manipulate his victims, including Sarah, who he convinced to call her parents and tell them she had AIDS. He also manipulated John into convincing his father to invest in a fake plumbing and heating business, draining their finances. The podcast follows Freegard's continued manipulation of his victims, including Renata Kister, a Polish-born woman who was five months pregnant and whose partner had just broken up with her. He also manipulated Caroline Calper, a London lawyer who was about to marry her fiancé, convincing her to invest in a car leasing business with him. The podcast details the efforts of the police and the victims' families to bring Freegard to justice. The police conducted a sting operation to catch him, and he was eventually arrested and convicted of theft, deception, and kidnapping. The podcast concludes with a discussion about the importance of recognizing and avoiding sunk costs, encouraging listeners to trust their gut instincts and seek feedback from trusted sources if they suspect they are being taken advantage of.


Brainwashing and the Power of Fear

The episode begins by exploring the concept of brainwashing, highlighting that it's not limited to cults or authoritarian regimes. It emphasizes that anyone can be brainwashed, even by seemingly ordinary individuals like a bartender.

Robert Freigard: The Bartender Brainwasher

The episode introduces Robert Freigard, a young man who used manipulation and lies to control and exploit his victims. The story focuses on his relationship with three students from Harper Adams Agricultural College: John Atkinson, Sarah Smith, and Maria Hendy.

The Victims: John, Sarah, and Maria

The episode delves into the backgrounds of John, Sarah, and Maria, highlighting their seemingly normal lives before they encountered Robert. It emphasizes their strong family ties and their aspirations for the future.

The Brainwashing Begins: Rob's Lies and John's Trust

The episode details how Robert, using the guise of an undercover MI5 agent, convinces John that his friends are IRA members. John, initially skeptical, eventually believes Robert's elaborate lies and becomes deeply involved in his scheme.

The Manipulation Escalates: John's Transformation

The episode describes how Robert manipulates John into dropping out of college, changing his appearance, and even pretending to be gay. John, under Robert's influence, becomes increasingly isolated and miserable.

The Escape: A Month on the Run

Robert convinces John, Sarah, and Maria to leave Harper Adams and go on the run, claiming they are in danger from the IRA. The episode details their travels across the UK, their constant fear, and Robert's continued manipulation.

The Parents' Search: Unraveling the Truth

The episode focuses on the parents of John, Sarah, and Maria as they try to understand what has happened to their children. They begin to uncover Robert's true nature and the extent of his manipulation.

The Aftermath: The Victims' Lives in Ruins

The episode concludes by highlighting the devastating impact of Robert's actions on his victims. Their lives are in ruins, their relationships with their families strained, and their futures uncertain.

Rob's Manipulation and Sarah's Punishment

Rob continues to manipulate Sarah and John, telling them to call their parents and Peter Smith and tell them they have AIDS. Sarah is punished for speaking up against Rob by being forced to shave her head and remove any remaining fuss.

Peter and Jill's Investigation

Peter and Jill turn their home office into a war room, tracking Sarah's movements and uncovering the AIDS lie. They are baffled by Sarah and John's compliance with Rob's lies.

Rob's Brainwashing Tactics

Rob and his crew travel across the country, constantly playing the song "Ordinary World" on repeat. Rob's relentless use of this song and other tactics, like isolating his victims and controlling their finances, aim to drive them insane and make them more susceptible to his manipulation.

Rob's New Safe House

Rob finds a new safe house in Sheffield, barely half an hour from his hometown. He forces Sarah, John, and Maria to live there, controlling their every move and breaking down their identities further.

Peter's Determination to Find Sarah

Peter and Jill hire a private detective and discover Sarah has bought season tickets to a soccer club in Sheffield. Peter uses this information to track down Rob and confront him.

Rob's Splitting Up of His Captives

Rob decides to split up his captives to further isolate them and deprive them of their last social connections. He manipulates Sarah into calling her parents and asking them to pay off her credit card, which they do, unknowingly giving Rob more money.

Rob's Growing Power and Control

Rob's confidence and sense of power grow as he continues to manipulate and control his victims. He uses their vulnerabilities and desires to his advantage, exploiting their trust and desperation.

Rob's Trial and Continued Manipulation

Rob successfully plea bargains charges related to his attempted kidnapping of his ex-girlfriend down to simple theft. He continues to manipulate his victims, including Simon, who he convinces to participate in "loyalty tests" for a fake secret agent role.

Sarah's Refusal to Believe Her Parents

Sarah refuses to believe her parents when they tell her that Rob is a con artist and that the IRA is not after them. She is trapped in a cycle of cognitive dissonance and sunk cost fallacy, unable to face the truth of her situation.

Rob's Exploitation of John's Family

Rob manipulates John into convincing his father to invest in a fake plumbing and heating business. He uses John's desperation and his family's trust to drain their finances, ruining their financial futures.

Rob's Obsession with Cars

Rob uses the money he has stolen from his victims to buy expensive cars, further fueling his sense of power and control. He uses his fake secret agent persona to charm and manipulate people, including Elizabeth Bartholomew, the car lot secretary.

Sarah's Continued Captivity

Rob installs Sarah in a stone cottage in Moore, a suburb of Sheffield. He promises to arrange a job for her but never follows through, leaving her isolated and waiting for him.

John's Family's Financial Ruin

John's family has handed over nearly half a million pounds to Rob. Despite their financial ruin, John remains convinced that Rob is part of a vast spy network and continues to believe his lies.

John's Breakdown and Confession

John reaches rock bottom, realizing he has been duped by Rob. He confesses to his family that he has never met anyone from MI5 other than Rob, and they forgive him.

Sarah's Continued Captivity and Rob's Obsession with Dogs

Sarah continues to be manipulated by Rob, living under assumed names and working at various jobs. Rob's obsession with cars has shifted to pedigree dogs, and he uses this new obsession to further control Sarah.

Sarah's Reunion with Her Parents

Sarah finally reunites with her parents, but Rob continues to manipulate her, telling her that her parents are holding back money. He uses this lie to keep her captive and prevent her from leaving.

Sarah's Isolation and Despair

Sarah's parents cut off contact with her again, leaving her with no family, no IDs, no place to stay, and no prospects. She is trapped in a cycle of abuse and manipulation, her life reduced to a mere existence.

Rob's New Victim: Renata Kister

Rob meets Renata Kister, a Polish-born woman who is five months pregnant and whose partner has just broken up with her. He uses his fake secret agent persona to charm and manipulate her, exploiting her vulnerability and desperation.

Maria's Escape from Rob's Control

Maria, the real Maria, finally escapes from Rob's control. She has been living as a virtual prisoner, raising Rob's children and enduring his abuse. She reunites with her family and is finally free from his manipulation.

Sarah's Continued Captivity and Rob's New Mark: Renata

Rob continues to bounce Sarah around England, moving her from the hotel to a house in West London. He uses Renata, his new mark, to further control Sarah, telling Renata that Sarah is a victim of abuse and needs her help.

Rob's New Victim: Caroline Calper

Rob meets Caroline Calper, a London lawyer who is about to marry her fiancé. He uses his fake secret agent persona to charm and manipulate her, convincing her to invest in a car leasing business with him.

Peter and Jill's Continued Search for Sarah

Peter and Jill receive a note from Allison's mother about a lady in London who has made contact. They soon realize that Sarah is the one who has contacted them, asking for money.

Rob's Manipulation of Elizabeth Bartholomew

Rob contacts Elizabeth Bartholomew, the woman he drugged and filmed having sex with, and convinces her to help him with a "deep undercover mission" in Glasgow. He uses her desperation and desire for a better life to manipulate her.

Rob's Escape from the Police

Rob escapes from the police after Caroline Calper reports him for theft. He goes to the Royal Berkshire Hotel, where Sarah is staying, and forces her to erase any evidence of herself from the area.

Sarah's Homelessness and Rob's Continued Manipulation

Sarah is left homeless after Rob abandons her in Birmingham. She is forced to sleep outside and beg for food, but continues to believe Rob's lies and try to contact him.

Rob's Cruel Torture of Sarah

Rob continues to torture Sarah, leaving her homeless and forcing her to sleep in a car. He enjoys punishing her for rejecting his sexual advances years earlier.

Rob's New Victim: Kimberly Adams

Rob meets Kimberly Adams, an American psychologist living in London. He uses his fake secret agent persona to charm and manipulate her, convincing her to invest in a cottage with him and eventually move in with his mother.

Rob's Escalating Abuse of Kimberly

Rob's abuse of Kimberly escalates, including threats to kill the man she kissed and make her cut off his balls. He manipulates her with threats and lies, exploiting her vulnerability and desire for a relationship.

Sarah and Elizabeth's Desperate Situation

Sarah and Elizabeth are forced to live in squalid conditions, constantly on the move and starving. They are both victims of Rob's manipulation and abuse, their lives destroyed by his lies.

Rob's Sexual Assault of Sarah

After a decade of torture, Rob finally sexually assaults Sarah. He has used her vulnerability and desperation to his advantage, exploiting her for his own gratification.

Rob's Continued Abuse of Kimberly

Rob continues to abuse Kimberly, threatening to put her in a box with hungry rats. He uses her fear and desperation to keep her under his control.

Sarah's Escape from the Cottage

Sarah escapes from the cottage after Simon Proctor, the owner, discovers her presence and reports Kimberly as a missing person. She runs to a meeting point that Rob has pre-arranged, waiting for him for days.

Rob's Manipulation of Kimberly's Father

Rob manipulates Kimberly's father, John Adams, into believing that Kimberly is a secret agent and needs to pass an expensive exam. He uses John's love for his daughter to exploit him financially.

The Police Investigation Begins

Detective Mark Simpson, finally healed from his car accident, resumes his investigation into Rob's crimes. He receives information from John Adams and other victims, leading him to believe that Kimberly is a hostage and has been brainwashed.

Sarah's Life in the Sewers

Rob forces Sarah to live in the sewers beneath London for a month, forcing her to survive on her own with no money, food, or clean water. He uses this as another "test" to prove her loyalty and commitment to his fake secret agent mission.

Sarah's Time at Gatwick Airport

Sarah is left at Gatwick Airport by Rob, forced to sleep in hiding places and eat from the trash. He continues to manipulate her, telling her she needs to change her hair and work as a housekeeper before he can take her to Europe.

Rob's Manipulation of Renata

Rob introduces Sarah to Renata as a silent and swayable woman, further manipulating Renata into believing that Sarah is a victim of abuse and needs her help.

Rob's Escape to Europe

Rob takes Kimberly on a trip to Europe, using her money to travel to Belgium, France, Switzerland, Monaco, Italy, Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, and the Netherlands. He is looking for a new place to go and plans to take Sarah with him.

John Adams' Continued Exploitation

John Adams continues to be exploited by Rob, who tells him that Kimberly has failed her expensive exam again. John, desperate to help his daughter, continues to give Rob money.

John Adams' Appeal for Help

John Adams finally decides to seek help, telling his story to the chief of staff of Senator Chuck Grassley's office. The FBI gets involved, mounting wiretaps on John and Kimberly's mother's phones and contacting Detective Mark Simpson.

The Police Investigation Gains Momentum

Detective Mark Simpson receives information from John Atkinson, Russell Atkinson, Maria Hendy, and Caroline Calper, confirming Rob's crimes. He decides to set up a sting operation to catch Rob.

The Sting Operation

Kimberly's mother agrees to fly to London and give Rob $10,000, luring him into a trap. The police are still unsure what charges they can bring against him, as his crimes are so blatant but difficult to prove legally.

Rob's Arrest

Rob is arrested at Heathrow Airport as he meets with Kimberly's mother. The police have gathered enough evidence to charge him with theft, obtaining money by deception, and kidnapping by fraud or deception.

Rob's Interrogation

Rob tries to charm the police officers and lawyers interrogating him, but they are not fooled by his lies. They are determined to find Sarah and Kimberly and bring him to justice.

Renata's Confession and Sarah's Rescue

Renata confesses to the police about Sarah's presence in her house. The police rescue Sarah from her cleaning job, informing her that Rob is not a secret agent and has been conning her.

Sarah's Reunion with Her Family

Sarah is reunited with her family after years of being separated. She is finally free from Rob's manipulation and no longer believes she is working for a secret agent.

The Prosecution of Robert Freegard

The prosecution of Robert Freegard begins, with Andrew West, a lawyer who has prosecuted high-profile murder cases, taking on the case. He faces challenges in proving Freegard's crimes, as Freegard claims he was duped by someone else.

Freegard's Arrogance and Denial

Freegard's defense is based on the claim that the case against him is a conspiracy created by Peter Smith and that the women are bitter ex-lovers. He refuses to admit that he was ever duped by anyone else.

Freegard's Indictment and Trial

Elizabeth Bartholomew/Richardson is located, and a kidnapping charge is added to Freegard's indictment. His trial begins in January 2004, but he burns through several sets of lawyers who refuse to represent him due to his arrogance and lack of remorse.

Sarah's Testimony and Freegard's Conviction

Sarah testifies against Freegard, despite her fear of falling under his spell again. The jury finds him guilty of 18 counts of theft and deception and two counts of kidnapping.

Freegard's Sentencing

Freegard is sentenced to life in prison. The judge describes him as an "opinionated confidence trickster" who has shown no remorse or compassion.

Sarah's Recovery and the Victims' Stories

Sarah struggles to rebuild her life, facing challenges in obtaining official documentation and dealing with the trauma of her experience. She connects with John, Renata, and Kim, sharing their stories and understanding the extent of Freegard's crimes.

Freegard's Lack of an End Game

The victims realize that Freegard had no end game in mind, only a desire for endless theft and deception. He was simply stringing them along until he got bored or caught, showing no regard for the damage he was causing.

The Victims' Lives After Freegard

Sarah becomes a photographer and publishes a memoir. John goes back to school, becomes a teacher, and moves to the Czech Republic. Maria continues to raise Rob's children. Kimberly works as a college professor in Minnesota. Elizabeth Bartholomew struggles to rebuild her life, haunted by her experience.

Freegard's Appeal and the Court's Ruling

Freegard appeals his conviction, but the court of appeals rules that the kidnapping convictions are not valid because the victims were not physically deprived of their liberty. The court states that psychological manipulation is not enough to constitute kidnapping.

Robert Freeguard's Release and Sandra Clifton

The episode begins by discussing Robert Freegard's release from prison in 2009. He is immediately back to his old tricks, conning Sandra Clifton, a mother of two, into a relationship.

David's Strange Behavior and Sophie's Suspicions

David, who is actually Robert Freegard, takes Sandra and her children on a trip to Spain. His strange behavior, including constantly playing a specific song and refusing to show his passport, raises Sophie's suspicions.

David's Control and Jake's Concerns

David starts staying at Sandra's house constantly, hinting at his wealth but never working. Jake questions his behavior and notices his rudeness towards him and Sophie.

David's Manipulation and Jake's Escape

David manipulates Sandra into accusing Jake of stealing a bracelet and makes him wear shoes with metal heels. Jake, feeling ostracized and confused, moves in with his father.

David's Brainwashing and Mark's Investigation

David turns Sophie against her father, Mark, convincing her that he is a bad person. Mark tries to contact Sophie but is unsuccessful. He investigates David's identity and discovers his true identity as Robert Freeguard.

Sophie's Escape and Sandra's Denial

David takes Sophie's savings and abandons her. She realizes his true nature and moves out. Sandra and David disappear, leaving behind unpaid bills and a locked master bedroom.

Sandra's Reunion with Her Family

The police locate Sandra and inform her about David's true identity. She denies knowing about his past and refuses to leave him. Her children and Mark are baffled by her decision.

Sandra's Escape and Robert's Pursuit

After a decade of being manipulated by Robert, Sandra finally realizes his true nature and contacts her son Jake. She asks him to come to France and rescue her.

Robert's Threat and Jake's Rescue

Robert threatens Jake after he arrives in France to rescue Sandra. Jake, with the help of local volunteers and police, manages to get Sandra out of the house and back to England.

Robert's Arrest and Extradition

Robert is arrested in Belgium for attempted murder of a police officer. He is extradited to France and faces charges that carry a maximum sentence of 30 years.

Robert's Sadism and the Power of Brainwashing

The episode discusses Robert's sadistic nature and the power of brainwashing. It highlights how he manipulated his victims into believing he was a savior figure, leading them to abandon their families and identities.

Lessons from Robert's Crimes

The episode concludes with a discussion about the importance of recognizing and avoiding sunk costs. It encourages listeners to trust their gut instincts and seek feedback from trusted sources if they suspect they are being taken advantage of.



A form of psychological manipulation that aims to change a person's beliefs, values, and behaviors, often through coercion, isolation, and repeated indoctrination.

Cult Leader

An individual who exerts significant influence over a group of followers, often through charismatic leadership, manipulation, and the creation of a shared ideology.


The act of influencing or controlling someone's behavior or thoughts through subtle or deceptive means, often without their awareness.


A form of psychological manipulation in which a person seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a victim's mind, making them question their own sanity and perception of reality.


A relationship pattern characterized by an unhealthy dependence on another person, often involving excessive emotional attachment, enabling behaviors, and a lack of healthy boundaries.

Pathological Liar

An individual who habitually lies, even when there is no apparent benefit or reason to do so. Pathological lying is often a symptom of underlying mental health issues.

True Crime

A genre of storytelling that focuses on real-life crimes, often exploring the motivations, methods, and consequences of criminal acts.

Cognitive Dissonance

A psychological phenomenon where individuals experience discomfort when holding two conflicting beliefs or ideas. This discomfort can lead to rationalization, denial, or a change in beliefs to reduce the dissonance.

Sunk Cost Fallacy

A cognitive bias where individuals continue to invest in a failing endeavor because of the time, effort, or money already invested, even if it is not rational to do so.


  • How did Robert Freigard manage to brainwash his victims?

    Robert used a combination of lies, manipulation, and psychological tactics to gain control over his victims. He created a sense of fear and urgency, exploited their vulnerabilities, and isolated them from their support systems.

  • What were the long-term consequences of Robert's actions on his victims?

    Robert's actions had a devastating impact on his victims, leaving them emotionally scarred, financially ruined, and with damaged relationships with their families and friends. They struggled to rebuild their lives and recover from the trauma they experienced.

  • What does this story reveal about the nature of brainwashing?

    The story of Robert Freigard demonstrates that brainwashing can occur in seemingly ordinary settings, by individuals who are not necessarily part of a larger organization or cult. It highlights the power of manipulation and the vulnerability of individuals who are seeking purpose, belonging, or a sense of meaning in their lives.

  • How did Robert Freegard manipulate his victims?

    Freegard used a combination of tactics to manipulate his victims, including creating a fake secret agent persona, isolating them from their families and friends, controlling their finances, and using psychological abuse to break down their identities and make them more susceptible to his control.

  • Why did the victims believe Freegard's lies for so long?

    The victims were often vulnerable and desperate, making them more susceptible to Freegard's manipulation. They were also subjected to sleep deprivation, hunger, and systematic humiliation, which made them more likely to believe his lies and comply with his demands.

  • What were the consequences for the victims of Freegard's crimes?

    The victims suffered significant financial losses, psychological trauma, and damage to their relationships with their families and friends. Some were left homeless and struggling to rebuild their lives.

  • How was Freegard eventually brought to justice?

    Freegard was eventually brought to justice through a combination of efforts by the police, the FBI, and the victims themselves. The victims shared their stories, providing evidence of Freegard's crimes. The police conducted a sting operation to catch him, and he was eventually convicted of theft, deception, and kidnapping.

  • How did Robert Freegard manipulate his victims?

    Robert Freegard used a variety of tactics to manipulate his victims, including pretending to be a secret agent, changing their identities, and isolating them from their families. He also used fear, guilt, and promises of a better life to keep them under his control.

  • What are some signs that you might be being taken advantage of by a con man?

    Some signs that you might be being taken advantage of by a con man include: being pressured to make quick decisions, being asked to keep secrets, being told that you are special or chosen, and being isolated from your support system.

  • What can you do if you think you are being scammed?

    If you think you are being scammed, it is important to trust your gut instincts and seek feedback from trusted sources. You should also document any interactions with the scammer and consider reporting them to the authorities.

Show Notes

I highly doubt you have ever been conned by anyone to the degree Robert Hendy-Freegard conned his victims. This 21 year-old pub bartender, waiting to go on trial for planning to kidnap his ex-girlfriend, decided to start lying to some of his customers one day. And when they believed his lies, he lied some more. And he just kept lying. For years. And he convinced three people to drop out of university, give him all of their money, and follow him for up to a decade all around England, hiding from enemies that weren't real, and even lying to the police to protect a man who had convinced them he was a secret MI6 agent looking to expose hidden IRA members. And that's just the beginning of this surreal story. 

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424 - The Puppet Master: Robert Hendy-Freegard

424 - The Puppet Master: Robert Hendy-Freegard

Dan Cummins, Sophie Evans