DiscoverCrime in Sports#427 - The King Of New Jersey - Jayson Williams - Part 3
#427 - The King Of New Jersey - Jayson Williams - Part 3

#427 - The King Of New Jersey - Jayson Williams - Part 3

Update: 2024-09-24


This podcast delves into the complex trial of former NBA player Jason Williams, accused of shooting a limo driver. The episode examines the legal strategies employed by both the prosecution and defense, highlighting the influence of Williams' wealth on the proceedings. The episode explores the testimony of key witnesses, including Williams' former teammate Benoit Benjamin, and the role of forensic experts in presenting evidence. The podcast also discusses the ethical concerns surrounding the trial, including the potential for jury tampering and the defense's attempts to manipulate the narrative. The episode concludes with the jury's verdict, which found Williams not guilty of aggravated manslaughter but deadlocked on the reckless manslaughter charge, resulting in a mistrial. The podcast also explores the aftermath of the trial, including the family's pursuit of a civil suit and the state's decision to retry Williams on the reckless manslaughter charge.


Jason Williams' Trial: A Deep Dive into the Arrogance of an Athlete

This chapter delves into the ongoing trial of Jason Williams, a former NBA player, for the shooting death of a limo driver. The episode highlights Williams' wealth and its impact on delaying the trial, his alleged attempts to manipulate witnesses, and the shocking revelation of a previous incident where he shot his own dog.

Jason Williams' Legal Dream Team

The episode introduces the legal team assembled by Jason Williams, a formidable group of attorneys, consultants, and public relations executives. The episode discusses the strategies employed by the defense team, including challenging every piece of evidence and attempting to discredit witnesses.

Key Witness Testimony: Benoit Benjamin's Account

This chapter focuses on the testimony of Benoit Benjamin, a former teammate of Jason Williams, who claims to have witnessed the shooting. Benjamin's testimony is crucial to the prosecution's case, but it contains inconsistencies and raises questions about his motivations.

Expert Testimony and the Defense's Argument

The episode examines the testimony of forensic experts, including Henry Lee, who provides evidence supporting the prosecution's claim that the shooting was not an accident. The defense presents their own expert, who argues that the shotgun malfunctioned, leading to the accidental death of the limo driver.

The Centennial Park Bombing and Richard Jewel

This chapter shifts focus to the 1996 Centennial Olympic Park bombing and the subsequent investigation that wrongly targeted security guard Richard Jewel. The episode highlights the public pressure and media frenzy that led to Jewel being falsely accused, emphasizing the dangers of a media witch hunt.

Williams' Attempts to Influence Witnesses

The episode reveals that Jason Williams allegedly attempted to influence witnesses in his case, urging them to tell the truth after initially encouraging them to lie. This revelation further damages Williams' credibility and raises concerns about his character.

The Defense's Strategy: Showcasing Williams' Wealth

The episode discusses the defense's strategy of showcasing Williams' wealth and possessions to the jury, seemingly attempting to create a perception of innocence by highlighting his success and affluence. This tactic raises questions about the defense's ethical boundaries.

The Defense's Investigation and Benjamin's Inconsistencies

The episode explores the defense's investigation into Benoit Benjamin's testimony, revealing inconsistencies and raising doubts about his credibility. The episode highlights the tactics employed by both sides to discredit witnesses and manipulate the narrative.

Williams' Decision Not to Testify

This chapter focuses on Jason Williams' decision not to testify in his own defense. The episode analyzes the implications of this decision, particularly in light of the defense's earlier promise that Williams would take the stand.

Closing Arguments and the Verdict

The episode concludes with the closing arguments presented by both sides, highlighting the prosecution's focus on Williams' reckless conduct and the defense's claim of an unforeseeable accident. The episode ends with the jury's verdict, but the details of the verdict are not provided.

Jason Williams Trial Verdict and Aftermath

Jason Williams, a former NBA player, was found not guilty of aggravated manslaughter in the shooting death of Gus Christophe. The jury was deadlocked on the reckless manslaughter charge, resulting in a mistrial. Williams was found guilty of covering up the crime by destroying evidence. The episode explores the reactions to the verdict, including the prosecution's disappointment, the family's frustration, and the defense attorney's perspective.

Defense Strategy and Potential Civil Suit

Experts praised the defense's strategy, arguing that they successfully diverted the jury's attention from the shooting itself by focusing on technical details about the shotgun. This strategy is similar to the one used in the O.J. Simpson trial. Christophe's family expressed their desire to pursue a civil suit against Williams, arguing that the lower burden of proof in civil court would make it easier to hold him accountable.

Retrial and New Charges

The state announced their intention to retry Williams on the reckless manslaughter charge, citing the family's strong desire for justice. This decision will likely result in significant legal costs for Williams. The episode also discusses new charges against Williams, including a defamation suit filed against him by a state trooper and civil charges for the death of his dog.

Williams' Return to Basketball and Legal Battles

Williams began working out with the Cleveland Cavaliers, expressing his desire to return to the NBA. He signed with the Idaho Stampede of the Continental Basketball Association, hoping to use the league as a springboard for his return to the NBA. The episode also discusses Williams' ongoing legal battles, including his lawyer's publication of a crime novel and his efforts to dismiss the retrial.


Arrogance of Athletes

The excessive pride and self-importance often exhibited by athletes, particularly those who have achieved significant success and wealth. This can manifest in behaviors such as disrespect for rules, disregard for consequences, and a sense of entitlement.

Media Witch Hunt

A situation where the media focuses intense scrutiny and negative attention on an individual or group, often without sufficient evidence or due process. This can lead to public pressure for a conviction, even if the accused is innocent.

Jury Tampering

The act of attempting to influence or intimidate jurors in a trial, often by providing false information or threats. This is a serious offense that can result in criminal charges.

Forensic Psychology

A branch of psychology that applies psychological principles to legal issues, such as criminal investigations, witness testimony, and jury selection. Forensic psychologists often provide expert testimony in court.

Gun Malfunction

A failure of a firearm to operate properly, often due to mechanical defects, improper maintenance, or misuse. Gun malfunctions can lead to accidental discharges and injuries.

Reckless Conduct

An act that is performed without regard for the safety of others, often resulting in harm or injury. Reckless conduct can be a criminal offense, particularly if it leads to death or serious injury.

Defense Strategy

The plan and tactics employed by a defense attorney to represent their client in a criminal case. This may involve challenging evidence, discrediting witnesses, and presenting alternative narratives.

Expert Witness

An individual with specialized knowledge or skills in a particular field who is called to testify in court. Expert witnesses provide opinions and insights that can help the jury understand complex issues.


  • What are some of the key allegations against Jason Williams in his trial?

    Williams is accused of shooting a limo driver, attempting to manipulate witnesses, and previously shooting his own dog. The prosecution argues that he acted recklessly and possibly while intoxicated.

  • How does Jason Williams' wealth influence his trial?

    Williams' wealth allows him to delay the trial significantly by hiring a large legal team and employing various delaying tactics. This raises concerns about the fairness of the legal system for those with limited resources.

  • What are some of the strategies employed by the defense team?

    The defense team challenges every piece of evidence, attempts to discredit witnesses, and presents an alternative narrative that the shooting was an accident caused by a gun malfunction.

  • What is the significance of Benoit Benjamin's testimony?

    Benjamin's testimony is crucial to the prosecution's case, as he claims to have witnessed the shooting. However, inconsistencies in his account and questions about his motivations raise doubts about his credibility.

  • What is the role of forensic experts in the trial?

    Forensic experts provide evidence and analysis that can help the jury understand the events of the shooting. Their testimony can be crucial in determining whether the shooting was intentional or accidental.

  • What is the impact of Jason Williams' decision not to testify?

    Williams' decision not to testify raises questions about his credibility and potentially damages his defense. It also creates a perception of guilt, as the jury may infer that he is hiding something.

  • What are some of the ethical concerns raised by the trial?

    The trial raises concerns about the influence of wealth on the legal system, the potential for jury tampering, and the ethical boundaries of defense strategies. It also highlights the dangers of a media witch hunt and the importance of due process.

  • What was the outcome of Jason Williams' trial for the shooting death of Gus Christophe?

    Williams was found not guilty of aggravated manslaughter, but the jury was deadlocked on the reckless manslaughter charge, resulting in a mistrial. He was found guilty of covering up the crime by destroying evidence.

  • What was the defense's strategy in the trial?

    The defense focused on technical details about the shotgun, arguing that it could have misfired. They also presented testimony from weapons experts to cast doubt on the prosecution's case.

  • How did the family of Gus Christophe react to the verdict?

    Christophe's family expressed disappointment and frustration, believing that Williams received special treatment due to his wealth and status. They are pursuing a civil suit against him.

Show Notes

This week, we follow as Jayson stands trial for the killing of his limo driver. Before the trial a very damaging story comes out about a dog, that doesn't look good for Jayson, but lawyers insist that he will clear everything up with his testimony, only to not send him to the stand. Jayson uses his massive resources to clog up the trial with many experts, who have some questionable theories about how shotguns work, and who question the motives of witnesses!! Will he get away with it??

Spend millions of dollars on your trial, go on 20/20 to get your story out, while really angering a judge, and get a whole series of soon to be discredited experts to say that you did nothing wrong with Jayson Williams - Part 3!!

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#427 - The King Of New Jersey - Jayson Williams - Part 3

#427 - The King Of New Jersey - Jayson Williams - Part 3