428 - A Fool's Errand with J Strautman
J is one of the Dungeon Masters for Planet Arcana, and the co-designer of A Fool's Errand, a tarot-fueled science fantasy game set in a vibrant post-calamity world of Androids, Humans, and those in between. We sit down to build out characters and explore the world of the game, discovering a calamitous, world-shaking Big Oops along the way--and asking the question "what is life like for the people alive in its wake?"
A FOOL'S ERRAND: https://afoolserrandgame.com/
PLANET ARCANA: https://www.planetarcana.com/
J STRAUTMAN: https://strautmaskreplica.carrd.co/
ALL MY FANTASY CHILDREN: https://moonshotpods.com/all-my-fantasy-children/
YAZEBA’S BED & BREAKFAST: https://redcircle.com/shows/yazebas-bed-and-breakfast
PARTY OF ONE DISCORD: https://discordapp.com/invite/SxpQKmK
SUPPORT JEFF ON PATREON: www.patreon.com/jeffstormer
THEME SONG: Mega Ran feat. D&D Sluggers, “Infinite Lives,” RandomBeats LLC, www.megaran.com
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