437 - Man On Man Energy
This episode of My Favorite Murder delves into two captivating historical true crime stories. The first story revolves around Bell and Charles Cora, a couple who rose to fame and fortune during the California Gold Rush. Bell, a former sex worker, and Charles, a skilled gambler, established a successful gambling parlor and brothel called "New World." Their lavish lifestyle and influence in San Francisco's upper crust eventually led to a fatal encounter with US Marshal William Richardson, resulting in Charles's arrest for murder. Despite Bell's efforts to secure his release, Charles was ultimately hanged by the Committee of Vigilance. The second story takes us to Bradford, England, in 1858, where a batch of tainted candy, laced with arsenic, tragically claimed the lives of 20 people, many of whom were children. The incident, known as the Bradford Sweets Poisoning, highlighted the lack of safety regulations in the food industry at the time and ultimately led to the passage of the Pharmacy Act of 1868, which mandated stricter regulations for the sale of poisons. Both stories serve as chilling reminders of the dangers and complexities of the past, while also highlighting the importance of safety regulations and social justice. The hosts then discuss listener feedback and a listener who works at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History, who is currently working on an exhibit about forensic science. The listener shares their experience working on the exhibit and how it relates to the podcast's content. The hosts are impressed by the listener's work and the exhibit's relevance to their audience.
This Chapter introduces the podcast, Wicked Words, hosted by Kate Winchler Dawson, which features interviews with journalists, podcasters, and filmmakers about their true crime investigations.
My Favorite Murder Intro
This Chapter features the introduction to the My Favorite Murder podcast, with hosts Karen Kilgarif and Georgia Hardstark discussing the confusion surrounding their voices and names.
The World is a Joke
This Chapter explores the hosts' feelings about the current state of the world and media, finding it both frightening and humorous. They discuss the absurdity of political situations and the prevalence of misinformation.
Rewind with Karen and Georgia
This Chapter announces the launch of a new series on the My Favorite Murder podcast called "Rewind with Karen and Georgia," where the hosts revisit their early episodes with commentary and case updates.
Halifax Explosion Listener Feedback
This Chapter features listener feedback about the Halifax Explosion episode, including personal stories and additional information about the event.
Network Highlights
This Chapter highlights other podcasts within the Exactly Right Media network, including new episodes of "I Said No Gifts This Week" with Rachel Dratch, "Lady to Lady" with Jamie Loftus, and "Bananas" with Tess Barker.
Pretty Litter
This Chapter is a sponsored segment for Pretty Litter, a cat litter that traps odors, is ultra-absorbent, and changes color to indicate early signs of illness in cats.
Bell and Charles Cora
This Chapter begins the story of Bell and Charles Cora, a couple who rose to fame and fortune during the California Gold Rush. Bell, a former sex worker, and Charles, a skilled gambler, established a successful gambling parlor and brothel called "New World." Their lavish lifestyle and influence in San Francisco's upper crust eventually led to a fatal encounter with US Marshal William Richardson, resulting in Charles's arrest for murder.
Bradford Sweets Poisoning
This Chapter tells the story of the Bradford Sweets Poisoning, a tragic incident in 1858 where a batch of tainted candy, laced with arsenic, claimed the lives of 20 people, mostly children. The incident highlighted the lack of safety regulations in the food industry at the time and ultimately led to the passage of the Pharmacy Act of 1868, which mandated stricter regulations for the sale of poisons.
Listener Feedback
This Chapter features listener feedback about the podcast, including stories about what listeners are doing while listening to the podcast. The hosts discuss a listener who works at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History and is currently working on an exhibit about forensic science.
My Favorite Murder
My Favorite Murder is a true crime comedy podcast hosted by Karen Kilgarif and Georgia Hardstark. The podcast features the hosts discussing true crime cases, often with a humorous and irreverent tone. My Favorite Murder has a large and dedicated fan base, known as "Murderinos." The podcast has been praised for its accessibility, humor, and ability to destigmatize true crime.
Smithsonian National Museum of American History
The Smithsonian National Museum of American History is a museum located in Washington, D.C. It is part of the Smithsonian Institution, a group of museums and research centers. The museum houses a vast collection of artifacts related to American history, including objects from the American Revolution, the Civil War, and the Civil Rights Movement. The museum is a popular tourist destination and a valuable resource for researchers and educators.
Forensic Science
Forensic science is the application of scientific methods and techniques to investigate crimes. Forensic scientists use a variety of tools and techniques to analyze evidence, such as DNA testing, fingerprint analysis, and ballistics. Forensic science plays a crucial role in the criminal justice system, helping to identify suspects, reconstruct crime scenes, and provide evidence in court.
Mountmaking is the process of designing, fabricating, and installing mounts, supports, and armatures for artifacts. Mountmakers are skilled craftspeople who use a variety of materials and techniques to create custom mounts that will safely and securely display artifacts. Mountmaking is an important part of museum work, ensuring that artifacts are preserved and displayed in a way that is both aesthetically pleasing and scientifically sound.
Bell and Charles Cora
Bell and Charles Cora were a notorious couple who rose to fame and fortune during the California Gold Rush. Bell, a former sex worker, and Charles, a skilled gambler, established a successful gambling parlor and brothel called "New World." Their lavish lifestyle and influence in San Francisco's upper crust eventually led to a fatal encounter with US Marshal William Richardson, resulting in Charles's arrest for murder. Despite Bell's efforts to secure his release, Charles was ultimately hanged by the Committee of Vigilance. The story of Bell and Charles Cora is a fascinating example of the wild and lawless nature of the Gold Rush era.
Bradford Sweets Poisoning
The Bradford Sweets Poisoning was a tragic incident in 1858 where a batch of tainted candy, laced with arsenic, claimed the lives of 20 people, mostly children. The incident highlighted the lack of safety regulations in the food industry at the time and ultimately led to the passage of the Pharmacy Act of 1868, which mandated stricter regulations for the sale of poisons. The Bradford Sweets Poisoning is a chilling reminder of the dangers of food contamination and the importance of food safety regulations.
What are some of the topics discussed in this episode of My Favorite Murder?
This episode of My Favorite Murder covers two historical true crime stories: the story of Bell and Charles Cora, a couple who rose to fame and fortune during the California Gold Rush, and the Bradford Sweets Poisoning, a tragic incident in 1858 where a batch of tainted candy, laced with arsenic, claimed the lives of 20 people, mostly children. The hosts also discuss listener feedback and a listener who works at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History, who is currently working on an exhibit about forensic science.
What is the listener's job at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History?
The listener is a Mount Maker, which means they design, fabricate, and install mounts, supports, and armatures for artifacts. They are currently working on an exhibit about forensic science.
What is the exhibit about forensic science at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History?
The exhibit explores historical case studies and displays objects related to forensic investigations of murder, sexual assault, and kidnapping. It includes objects and information related to some of the stories covered on My Favorite Murder.
What is the significance of the listener's work on the forensic science exhibit?
The listener's work on the exhibit is significant because it connects the podcast's content to a real-world museum exhibit. It also highlights the importance of forensic science in understanding and investigating crimes.
Show Notes
On today’s episode, Karen tells the story of Gold Rush era tycoons Belle and Charles Cora and Georgia covers the Bradford Sweets Poisoning.
For our sources and show notes, visit www.myfavoritemurder.com/episodes.
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