46. Kunsang | From Buddhist Nun to Tibetan Translator
In this episode we speak with Kunsang about her upcoming series of courses in Classical Tibetan. We learn about her fascinating journey growing up in Venezuela and Italy and first encountering Tibetan Buddhism in her youth, studying Buddhist philosophy in Italy, becoming ordained as a Buddhist nun, studying Tibetan language and joining a nunnery in Dharamsala, India. We discuss some of the details and curriculum of her life as a monastic studying and training in India, eventually becoming a translator for HH the Dalai Lama, among others. We then discuss the differences between classical and modern Tibetan, the relationship between Tibetan and Sanskrit, and pedagogies for teaching Tibetan. We conclude by previewing Kunsang's upcoming online course, TIBET 101 | Elementary Tibetan I.
Speaker Bio
Kunsang studied Letters and Philosophy at the Central University of Venezuela and attended a two-year residential Buddhist Philosophy program in Italy, where she became ordained in the Tibetan Tradition in 2006. After this, she moved to India and joined Thosamling Nunnery and Institute in Dharamsala. There she completed both Basic and Advanced Tibetan Language programs. She also completed the Traditional Buddhist Philosophy Studies in Tibetan, which correspond to a Lobön (slob dpon) degree in Buddhist Studies in the Tibetan Tradition.
She has been teaching Tibetan language, translating Buddhist texts and interpreting for numerous masters for over 16 years. Currently, as a lay teacher, she offers various courses online aiming to transmit and preserve the study method of philosophical debate derived from the ancient Nalanda University. She believes that a direct, accurate translation from Tibetan into Western languages is essential to better understand the Dharma through the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism.