DiscoverThe Basement Yard#468 - Strengthening Our Pelvic Floors
#468 - Strengthening Our Pelvic Floors

#468 - Strengthening Our Pelvic Floors

Update: 2024-09-161


The Basement Yard Podcast dives into a wide range of topics, starting with a lighthearted conversation about food preferences and childhood memories. The hosts discuss the differences in food quality and taste between Canada and the United States, their favorite childhood candies, and their experiences with wedding cakes. They then transition to a discussion about laser tag and paintball, followed by a reflection on the nature of viral content and their experiences with street interviews. The conversation shifts to Halloween decorations and movie preferences, leading to a discussion about Costco and impulse buying. They reminisce about their childhood experiences with Capri Sun pouches and the recent announcement of it being bottled. The hosts then delve into the unit of measurement "hand" and its use in measuring horses. They discuss their sponsors and provide detailed reviews of their products. The podcast takes a humorous turn as they discuss a recent article about pelvic floor health and hygiene, specifically the recommendation to only wipe twice after using the bathroom. They engage in a humorous back-and-forth about the technique of "water falling" and the involuntary squeezing of one's butt. The conversation shifts to medical school and the irony of doctors spending years to learn how to tell someone to cough. They discuss the knee reflex test and share personal experiences with physical therapy and chiropractors. The hosts reminisce about fond memories of tour life, specifically enjoying back rubs from medical staff. They delve into pelvic floor exercises and the confusion surrounding "kagels," debating the origin of the term and its meaning. The conversation takes a turn to discuss computer mice and their evolution, reminiscing about the old-style mice with a ball and debating the merits of using a mouse versus a trackpad on a laptop. The podcast ends with a thank you to the listeners and a reminder to follow the hosts on social media.


Food, Memories, and More

The episode begins with a casual greeting and a lighthearted conversation about Harry Potter and the food served at the Halloween dinner. The conversation shifts to the differences in food quality and taste between Canada and the United States. The hosts discuss their experiences with high fructose corn syrup and the sweetness of tequila in Canada. They compare food portions in Europe to those in the United States, noting the smaller sizes in Europe. They then delve into their personal preferences for pasta types, particularly angel hair vs. spaghetti. The conversation takes a nostalgic turn as the hosts reminisce about their favorite childhood candies, specifically birthday letters and spiky candies. They discuss the sensory experience of these candies and their fondness for them. The hosts debate the merits of gel balloons on birthday cakes, with one arguing that they are overrated and the other defending their appeal. They also share their preferences for different types of cakes, including Carvelle ice cream cake and tiramisu. The hosts discuss their experiences with wedding cakes, expressing their preference for cakes with a good ratio of sponge and frosting. They also share their thoughts on the practicality of having an ice cream cake at a wedding.

Laser Tag, Viral Content, and Halloween

The conversation turns to the topic of laser tag and paintball, with one host expressing his dislike for laser tag and the other defending its merits. They discuss the nostalgia associated with these activities and the potential for a future paintball trip. The hosts discuss the phenomenon of viral content and how people often try to replicate successful trends rather than being original. They share personal anecdotes about being approached for street interviews and the awkward questions they were asked. The conversation shifts to Halloween decorations and movie preferences. One host expresses his dislike for demonic Halloween decorations while the other shares his fondness for spooky movies. They reminisce about their first experience watching "The Exorcist" together.

Costco, Capri Sun, and Measurement

The hosts discuss their experiences with Costco and impulse buying. One host shares his recent purchase of Halloween decorations and the other expresses his dislike for Halloween. They also discuss their preferences for scary movies and the impact of true crime content on their sleep. The hosts discuss the recent announcement of Capri Sun being bottled and express their mixed feelings about it. They reminisce about their childhood experiences with Capri Sun pouches and the sensory experience of crushing them. The hosts discuss the unit of measurement "hand" and its use in measuring horses. They express their confusion and amusement at this non-standard unit of measurement.

Sponsors, Pelvic Floor Health, and Hygiene

The hosts discuss their sponsors, including Liquid IV, FitBod, and Squarespace. They provide detailed reviews of each product and encourage listeners to check them out. The hosts discuss a recent article about pelvic floor health and hygiene, specifically the recommendation to only wipe twice after using the bathroom. They express their skepticism and amusement at this advice. They continue their discussion about pelvic floor health and hygiene, focusing on the importance of fiber in maintaining a healthy digestive system. They share their personal experiences with fiber and its impact on their bowel movements. The hosts discuss a technique called "water falling," which involves clenching the sphincter muscle in increments. They express their amusement and skepticism at this advice, engaging in a humorous back-and-forth about the process.

Medical School, Tour Memories, and Pelvic Floor Exercises

The conversation starts with a humorous discussion about squeezing one's butt, comparing it to working out and how it happens involuntarily during certain actions like sneezing or coughing. The conversation shifts to medical school and the irony of doctors spending years to learn how to tell someone to cough. They discuss the knee reflex test and share personal experiences with physical therapy and chiropractors. The conversation turns to fond memories of tour life, specifically enjoying back rubs from medical staff. They discuss the awkwardness of the situation and how it's a secret between them. The conversation delves into pelvic floor exercises and the confusion surrounding "kagels." They discuss the different interpretations of the term, including whether it refers to an exercise or a physical object. They debate the origin of the term "kagel" and whether it refers to the exercise or the physical object used in the exercise. They compare it to other exercise terms like "dumbbell curls."

Computer Mice and Trackpads

The conversation takes a turn to discuss computer mice and their evolution. They reminisce about the old-style mice with a ball and how they miss them. They also discuss the pros and cons of different types of mice. They debate the merits of using a mouse versus a trackpad on a laptop. They discuss the responsiveness of each and when one might be preferable over the other.

Outro and Social Media Shoutouts

The podcast ends with a thank you to the listeners and a reminder to follow the hosts on social media. They also mention their upcoming tour dates and express excitement for their final shows.


Pelvic Floor

The muscles that form the base of the pelvis, supporting the bladder, uterus, and rectum. They play a crucial role in bladder and bowel control, sexual function, and overall pelvic health.

High Fructose Corn Syrup

A sweetener made from corn starch, commonly used in processed foods and beverages. It is known for its high fructose content and potential health risks, including weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease.

Viral Content

Content that spreads rapidly and widely online, often through social media platforms. It can be anything from videos and memes to articles and images, and is characterized by its ability to capture attention and generate engagement.

Nostalgic Products

Products that evoke a sense of nostalgia for a particular time period or experience. They often appeal to consumers' desire to reconnect with their past and can be successful in marketing campaigns.

Hand (Unit of Measurement)

A non-standard unit of measurement for length, typically standardized to four inches. It is primarily used in measuring the height of horses.

Water Falling

A technique for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, involving clenching the sphincter muscle in increments. It is often recommended by pelvic floor therapists to improve bladder and bowel control.

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Exercises that strengthen the muscles that support the bladder, bowel, and uterus. They can help with incontinence, improve sexual function, and prevent prolapse.

Kagel Balls

Small, weighted balls inserted into the vagina or rectum to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. They are often used for pelvic floor exercises.

Computer Mouse

A pointing device used to control a cursor on a computer screen. They come in various forms, including ball mice, optical mice, and laser mice.


  • What are some of the key differences in food quality and taste between Canada and the United States?

    The hosts discuss the presence of high fructose corn syrup in American foods and the sweetness of tequila in Canada, suggesting that there are differences in food standards and ingredients.

  • What are the hosts' personal preferences for pasta types, and why?

    One host prefers angel hair pasta for its finer texture, while the other prefers spaghetti for its more substantial feel. They both agree that pasta is a satisfying meal.

  • What are the hosts' thoughts on the recent announcement of Capri Sun being bottled?

    The hosts express mixed feelings about the change, acknowledging the nostalgic appeal of the pouches but also recognizing the practicality of a bottle. They reminisce about their childhood experiences with Capri Sun pouches.

  • What is the unit of measurement "hand," and how is it used?

    The hosts discuss the unit of measurement "hand," which is standardized to four inches and primarily used for measuring the height of horses. They express their amusement at this non-standard unit of measurement.

  • What is "water falling," and how does it work?

    The hosts discuss a technique called "water falling," which involves clenching the sphincter muscle in increments. They express their skepticism and amusement at this advice, engaging in a humorous back-and-forth about the process.

  • What are some involuntary actions that can cause a person to squeeze their butt?

    Sneezing, coughing, and even swinging a bat in a baseball game can cause involuntary butt squeezing.

  • What is the irony of medical school and the knee reflex test?

    Doctors spend years in medical school to learn how to tell someone to cough, which is a simple action that anyone can do.

  • What are some personal experiences the hosts have had with physical therapy and chiropractors?

    They have both received massages on their knees during physical therapy and have experienced the benefits of chiropractic adjustments.

  • What are "kagel balls" and how are they used?

    Kagel balls are small, weighted balls inserted into the vagina or rectum to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. They are often used for pelvic floor exercises.

  • What are the pros and cons of using a mouse versus a trackpad on a laptop?

    Mice offer more precision and control, while trackpads are more portable and convenient. The choice depends on personal preference and the specific task at hand.

Show Notes

Let's get flexible up in here!

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#468 - Strengthening Our Pelvic Floors

#468 - Strengthening Our Pelvic Floors

Santagato Studios