DiscoverSmall Town Murder#521 - Attack Of The Death Twins - Cosby, Tennessee
#521 - Attack Of The Death Twins - Cosby, Tennessee

#521 - Attack Of The Death Twins - Cosby, Tennessee

Update: 2024-08-299


This episode of "Smalltown Murder" delves into the shocking murder of Aaron Smith in Cosby, Tennessee, a small town known for its moonshine production. The case unravels a complex web of deceit, betrayal, and a shocking conspiracy involving Aaron's estranged wife, Denise Lin Graham, her sister, Debbie Graham, and a hired hitman, Alex. The episode begins with a detailed overview of Cosby, Tennessee, its history, and its unique characteristics. The hosts then introduce the central characters of the murder case, Denise and Aaron, and discuss their troubled relationship, including allegations of infidelity and physical abuse. The investigation reveals that Denise had threatened to kill or have Aaron killed if he gained custody of their children. Multiple witnesses, including her babysitter and co-workers, corroborate these claims. Denise also confessed to a tanning salon manager about her desire to have Aaron "taken care of." The episode then focuses on the events leading up to Aaron's murder, including a mysterious phone call about a drug package addressed to Aaron, the delivery of the package by a postal inspector, and the discovery of fingerprints belonging to Debbie Graham on the package. Despite the drug incident, Aaron is granted custody of his children. However, Denise speeds away with the children, leaving Aaron without them. Shortly after, Aaron is found dead on the sidewalk outside his home, covered in blood. The investigation leads to the arrest of Denise, Debbie, and Alex. Debbie confesses to her involvement in the murder, revealing that she and Alex borrowed Denise's car to travel to Michigan. Alex confesses to shooting Aaron three times and ransacking the house to make it look like a burglary. The episode explores the conflicting statements made by Alex, his shifting story, and the evidence that places him at the scene of the crime. It also discusses the role of Safe Space, a domestic violence shelter, and the confidentiality concerns surrounding Denise's potential visits there. The podcast highlights the testimony of inmates who claim that Denise hired her twin sister's boyfriend to kill her husband. The jury finds both sisters guilty of first-degree murder and sentences them to life in prison. Alex is also convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. The episode concludes by raising the question of the George's involvement in the case, leaving listeners with a sense of intrigue and unanswered questions.


Introduction and Case Overview

This episode of "Smalltown Murder" introduces the case of Aaron Smith's murder in Cosby, Tennessee, a small town known for its moonshine production. The hosts discuss the complex web of deceit, betrayal, and a shocking conspiracy involving Aaron's estranged wife, Denise Lin Graham, her sister, Debbie Graham, and a hired hitman, Alex.

Cosby, Tennessee: Moonshine Capital of the World

This chapter delves into the history and characteristics of Cosby, Tennessee, a small town known for its moonshine production and rural lifestyle. The hosts discuss the town's origins, its reputation as the "moonshine capital of the world," and its current demographics and economic activities.

Cosby Real Estate Report

This chapter provides a detailed overview of the real estate market in Cosby, Tennessee, highlighting the median home cost, rental prices, and available properties. The hosts discuss various properties, including a two-bedroom rental, a two-bedroom, three-bathroom house, an RV, and a seven-bedroom, eight-bathroom property with an indoor pool and a cabin.

Things to Do in Cosby

This chapter explores the limited but unique activities available in Cosby, Tennessee. The hosts discuss the Newport Harvest Street Festival, a yearly event featuring arts and crafts, regional cuisine, beauty pageants, and live entertainment. They also mention the Cock County Bluegrass Festival, which showcases various bluegrass bands.

Cosby Crime Rate

This chapter examines the crime rate in Cosby, Tennessee, revealing a surprisingly high property crime rate for a town of less than 800 people. The hosts discuss the potential reasons for this, including auto thefts and the town's isolated location. They also note that violent crime is just below the national average.

The Murder Case: Denise Lin Graham and Aaron Smith

This chapter introduces the central characters of the murder case, Denise Lin Graham and her husband, Aaron Smith. The hosts discuss their backgrounds, their relationship, and the events leading up to the divorce, including Denise's alleged affairs and Aaron's alleged physical abuse.

The Allegations Against Denise

This chapter focuses on the allegations made against Denise Lin Graham, including her threats to kill or have her husband killed if he gained custody of their children. The hosts discuss the testimonies of Sharon Jarvis, Denise's babysitter, and Melanie Hurst and Kristen Latham, Denise's co-workers, who all claim to have heard Denise make these threats.

Denise's Tanning Salon Encounter

This chapter details Denise's encounter with Sandra Strange, the manager of a tanning salon called Tan Fastic. The hosts discuss Denise's confession to Strange about her desire to have her husband killed and Strange's reaction, which included advising Denise to be careful about her words.

Denise's Plans to Flee with the Children

This chapter reveals Denise's plans to flee to Florida with her children after losing custody to her husband. The hosts discuss Denise's confession to Strange about her intentions and her willingness to kill her husband if necessary. They also discuss the allegations that Aaron abused their son, Joshua, by stabbing him with a pencil.

The Custody Hearing and the Mysterious Phone Call

The episode begins with a discussion about the upcoming custody hearing for Aaron Smith's children. Aaron is fighting for custody of his children, Brittany and Joshua, against their mother, Denise. A man named Carl Sanders calls Charles Snyder, a post office worker in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, claiming that a package containing drugs addressed to Aaron Smith will be arriving at the post office. He provides Snyder with the tracking number.

The Package's Origin and Delivery

Postal inspector Russell Fallis arrives at the post office to investigate the alleged drug shipment. He contacts Randy Parton and Richie McMahon, agents with the fourth judicial task force, for assistance. The investigators discover that the package was not mailed from Atlanta, Georgia, as the return address indicated, but from Miami, Florida. Fallis poses as a postal carrier and delivers the package to Aaron Smith at the earthquake museum. Task force agents surround Smith as he opens the package, revealing a small amount of cocaine.

Fingerprints Point to Debbie Graham and Aaron Wins Custody

The fingerprints on the package and inner envelope are identified as belonging to Debbie Graham, Denise's sister. Despite the drug incident, Aaron is granted custody of Brittany and Joshua. Denise, however, speeds away with the children, leaving Aaron without them.

Denise Disappears with the Children and Aaron's Murder

Denise disappears with the children, leaving Aaron and his father, Harry, to search for them. Harry finds Aaron dead on the sidewalk outside their home, covered in blood. The house has been ransacked, and Aaron's belongings, including his gun, are missing.

The Investigation Begins and Evidence Collection

The Cock County Sheriff's Department begins investigating Aaron's murder. They request an autopsy and assistance from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. The TBI arrives at the scene and collects evidence, including blood, a spent bullet, and a handgun. They also find handcuffs that Harry claims don't belong to his family.

Denise's Alibi and Brittany's Account

Denise calls Harry and claims to be in Florida. The TBI officer speaks with Brittany, who doesn't react to the news of her father's death. Brittany reveals that Denise took her and Joshua to Florida to see Debbie. They met Debbie with two men named George and a man named Alex.

A Shocking Revelation and Denise's Escape to Michigan

Brittany overhears a conversation between Debbie, Denise, and Alex, where they admit to hurting someone. Alex claims they killed someone, and Denise says it was easy. Denise takes the children to Michigan, where they stay with Brittany's aunt and uncle.

Vernon Brown's Testimony and Alex's Speeding Ticket

Vernon Brown, a resident of the campground, testifies that he saw two people sitting at a picnic table and a man knocking on Harry's door. He also heard three gunshots coming from Harry's house. A state trooper issues a speeding ticket to a man named David Antonio Rivera, who is later identified as Alex, one of Debbie's boyfriends.

Surveillance in Miami and Denise's Arrest

A special agent in Miami sets up surveillance on Alex and learns that he is using a false ID and social security card. Denise is arrested for custodial interference. She claims she had nothing to do with Aaron's murder and refuses to tell the police where her children are.

Debbie's Arrest and Interrogation

Debbie is arrested in New York. Her boyfriend tells the police that she discussed the burglary and Aaron's death with him and showed him jewelry taken from the house. The investigator lies to Debbie, telling her that someone identified her as being at the campground pool the day Aaron was killed. Debbie, believing the lie, confesses to her involvement in the murder.

Debbie's Confession and Alex's Confession

Debbie confesses that she and Alex borrowed Denise's car to travel to Michigan. She says that Alex wanted to teach Aaron a lesson because he had heard that Aaron was abusive to Denise and the children. Alex confesses to shooting Aaron three times and then ransacking the house to make it look like a burglary. He claims he threw two handguns into the woods and kept one for himself.

Lashon Taylor's Testimony and Alex's Secret Conversations

Lashon Taylor, Alex's girlfriend, testifies that she was jealous of Debbie's relationship with Alex and suspected they were having an affair. She says that Alex told her he was in Tennessee helping Debbie's sister move. Taylor says that she overheard Alex and Debbie talking about hurting someone. She also noticed that they were always secretive and talking on pay phones.

Martin Geovi's Testimony and Alex's Arrest

Martin Geovi, Debbie's boyfriend in New York, testifies that Debbie asked him to kill Aaron Smith three or four times, but he refused. Geovi says that Debbie told him that she and Don Graham had paid someone to kill Aaron. Alex is arrested a year after the murder. He is muttering to himself, saying "fucking bitches, set me up" and threatening that someone is going to die over this.

Alex's Tattoos, Handcuff Key, and Fingerprints

The detective notices tattoos on Alex's chest and arm and finds a handcuff key on his person. The key doesn't fit the handcuffs found at the scene. Alex refuses to allow his fingerprints to be taken for several days. The detective identifies tattoos on Alex's chest and arm.

Alex's Denial and Conflicting Statements

Alex denies shooting Aaron, despite his previous threats and confessions. He claims he and Debbie drove to Michigan to visit her relatives. Alex, claiming to be David, provides inconsistent information about his identity and the rental car. He initially denies meeting Debbie's family and later admits to driving with her to Michigan. He pleads the fifth to driving a white car, contradicting his earlier statements.

Alex's Memory Lapses and Promise to Contact Debbie

Alex struggles to recall details about his trip to Michigan, including the company Debbie interviewed at and the city they visited. He mentions staying with a friend named Jill DeHeart, a black woman living in a red brick house. The officer questions the low mileage on the car considering Alex and Debbie's alleged trip to Michigan. Alex dismisses the discrepancy, claiming the mileage is sufficient for the trip, despite evidence contradicting his statement. Alex promises to contact Debbie and have her speak to the police. He later provides the officer with the location of Debbie's interview in Detroit, Michigan, and the address of Jill DeHeart. However, he becomes unreachable after this.

Alex's Shifting Story and the Plane Ticket

When confronted with evidence, including a plane ticket placing him in the area at the time of the murder, Alex changes his story, claiming he only went to scare Aaron. He insists Aaron was alive when he left the campsite, despite the fact that Aaron was later found dead.

Safe Space Shelter and Confidentiality Concerns

The podcast discusses a subpoena issued to Safe Space, a domestic violence shelter, to determine if Denise had visited there and suffered abuse. The executive director, Diane Levy, refuses to disclose information, citing confidentiality concerns and potential loss of federal funding.

Prosecutor's Argument and Inmate Testimony

The prosecutor, Al Schmutzer, argues that confidentiality requirements are not applicable in this case, as the victim is the one who committed the attack. He seeks information from Safe Space workers regarding any threats of homicide against Aaron. Sharon Jarnigan, an inmate at the Cook County jail, claims Denise told her she hired her twin sister's boyfriend to kill her husband. Jarnigan also states that Debbie told her Alex accidentally shot Aaron Smith.

Custody Battle and Trial for the Sisters

The podcast discusses the custody battle for Aaron's children. Harry and Cleet, Aaron's parents, gain custody. Marion Graham, the children's maternal great aunt, also files a petition for custody, claiming it would be best for the children to be with her. The podcast discusses the upcoming trial for both sisters, Denise and Debbie. Both sisters attempt to have their trials severed, arguing that they should not be tried together.

Sharon Jarvis's Testimony and Jarnigan's Deal

Sharon Jarvis, the daycare lady, testifies about conversations she had with Denise a year before Aaron's death. She states that Denise expressed a desire for Aaron to be dead but didn't believe she would actually kill him. Jarnigan, on cross-examination, admits to being charged with felony murder and aggravated robbery in an unrelated case. She testifies that she provided information about the sisters to the authorities in hopes of getting a deal for herself.

Judy Laws's Testimony and the Jury's Verdict

Judy Laws, Denise's cellmate, testifies that she observed Jarnigan going through Denise's personal papers. Jarnigan tells Laws that she is trying to get information to make a deal with the authorities. The podcast highlights the overwhelming evidence against the sisters, including Jarnigan's statement about Denise hiring her twin sister's boyfriend to kill her husband. The jury deliberates for four hours and finds both sisters guilty of first-degree murder.

Alex's Lack of Weapon and Sentencing

The podcast discusses the fact that Alex went to the house unarmed, despite knowing that the residents had guns. The jury rejects the state's enhancement factor for robbery, suggesting that the robbery was a distraction and not the primary motive. The sisters are sentenced to life in prison with parole eligibility after 51 years. The jury rejects the state's request for the death penalty.

Alejandro Rivera's Trial and Defense

The podcast discusses the trial of Alejandro Rivera, Alex's alias. Rivera's defense is that the witnesses at the murder scene did not see a Hispanic male, but rather a tall, skinny white man. He also questions the logic of hiring someone to kill in broad daylight.

Prosecutor's Closing Argument and Rivera's Sentencing

The prosecutor argues that there is no doubt that Debbie Graham was involved in the murder, citing her confession to her boyfriend and her presence in Tennessee. The jury finds Rivera guilty of first-degree murder. Rivera is sentenced to life in prison with parole eligibility after 51 years. The jury rejects the death penalty.

Appeals by the Sisters and Rivera

The sisters and Rivera appeal their convictions. The sisters argue that the trial court erred in consolidating their cases and that the evidence was insufficient to convict them. Rivera raises several issues, including improper statements by the prosecutor and the admission of certain evidence.

The Court's Decision on the Appeals

The court upholds the sisters' convictions, finding that the evidence was sufficient to support their guilt. The court also rejects their arguments regarding the consolidation of their cases. Rivera's appeal focuses on several issues, including improper statements by the prosecutor, the admission of evidence, and the denial of his requests for a continuance and a judgment of acquittal.

The Handcuff Key and Brittany Smith's Testimony

Rivera argues that the trial court erred in admitting a handcuff key found on him at the time of his arrest, as it did not open the handcuffs found at the murder scene. The court finds that the key was relevant, as it placed Rivera at the scene and suggested a potential connection to the crime. Brittany Smith, Aaron's daughter, testifies that Alex was carrying handcuffs when she met him. The court finds that this evidence, along with the discovery of handcuffs at the murder scene and Alex's possession of a handcuff key, supports the existence of a conspiracy.

Evidence of Conspiracy and the Appeals

The court finds that there was ample evidence of a conspiracy between Denise, Debbie, and Alex, dating back to 1995. The court highlights various pieces of evidence, including the mailing of a drug package to Aaron from a location near Alex's home and Alex's confession to Denise about killing someone. The podcast discusses the appeals filed by the sisters and Rivera, all of which are denied. The sisters and Rivera remain in prison, serving their life sentences.

The Mystery of the George's and Call to Action

The podcast concludes by raising the question of the George's involvement in the case. It is unclear whether the authorities were unable to gather sufficient evidence against them or if they were simply excluded from the plot. The podcast encourages listeners to leave reviews on their podcast app and to check out their other shows, Crime and Sports and Your Stupid Opinions.

Live Show and Virtual Live Show Announcements

The podcast announces upcoming live shows in Minneapolis, Milwaukee, and other cities. It also promotes their virtual live Halloween show, which will be available to viewers worldwide.

Patreon Promotion and Shoutouts

The podcast promotes their Patreon page, where listeners can access bonus content, including back episodes and new content released every other week. The podcast gives shoutouts to their executive producers and patrons, thanking them for their support.



An illegally distilled alcoholic beverage, typically made from corn mash. It was prevalent in rural areas of the United States, particularly in the Appalachian region, during the Prohibition era.

Fraternal Twins

Twins who develop from two separate eggs fertilized by two different sperm. They share 50% of their genes, like any other siblings, and may have different appearances and personalities.

Custody Battle

A legal dispute between parents or guardians over the care and upbringing of a child. It involves determining the child's living arrangements, visitation rights, and other aspects of their well-being.

Conspiracy to Commit Murder

A crime involving two or more people who agree to commit murder. It is a serious offense that can carry significant penalties, even if the murder itself is not carried out.

Custodial Interference

A crime that occurs when a parent or guardian takes a child without the other parent's consent. It is often charged when a parent violates a court order regarding custody.

Latent Fingerprints

Fingerprints that are not visible to the naked eye but can be revealed using special techniques. They are often found at crime scenes and can be used to identify suspects.

False Identification

A fake ID or social security card used to deceive authorities or gain access to services. It is often used by criminals to conceal their true identity.


A person hired to kill another person. They are often involved in organized crime and are paid for their services.


A crime that involves entering a building or other structure illegally with the intent to commit a crime, such as theft.


  • What is the history of the town of Cosby, Tennessee, and what is it known for?

    Cosby is a small town in eastern Tennessee known for its moonshine production, which was so prevalent in the first half of the 20th century that it earned the town the nickname "moonshine capital of the world." The town's origins are somewhat mysterious, with two theories suggesting it was named after either a trapper and distiller or a revolutionary war veteran.

  • What are the main allegations against Denise Lin Graham in the murder case?

    Denise is accused of threatening to kill or have her husband, Aaron Smith, killed if he gained custody of their children. Multiple witnesses, including her babysitter and co-workers, claim to have heard her make these threats on several occasions. Denise also allegedly told a tanning salon manager that she wanted her husband taken care of.

  • What was the motive behind Aaron Smith's murder?

    The motive for Aaron's murder appears to be a combination of factors, including a custody dispute, a drug deal gone wrong, and a personal vendetta. Debbie Graham, Denise's sister, was motivated by her hatred for Aaron and her desire to help her sister. Alex, Debbie's boyfriend, was motivated by a desire to teach Aaron a lesson and possibly by a desire to profit from the robbery.

  • How did the investigators uncover the truth about Aaron's murder?

    The investigators used a combination of evidence, witness testimony, and confessions to uncover the truth about Aaron's murder. They were able to trace the package of drugs back to Debbie Graham, and they were able to identify Alex as the shooter through his speeding ticket, surveillance footage, and his own confessions.

  • What role did Denise Smith play in Aaron's murder?

    Denise's role in Aaron's murder is unclear. She was initially arrested for custodial interference, but she was never charged with murder. However, she was aware of the plot to kill Aaron and she was involved in the planning and execution of the crime.

  • What happened to the children after Aaron's murder?

    After Aaron's murder, Denise took the children to Florida and then to Michigan. They were eventually returned to Tennessee by their aunt and uncle and placed in the custody of Aaron's parents.

  • What was the outcome of the case?

    Alex was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. Debbie Graham was convicted of conspiracy to commit murder and sentenced to 20 years in prison. Denise Smith was never charged with murder, but she was convicted of custodial interference.

  • What conflicting statements did Alex make about his identity and the rental car?

    Alex initially claimed to be David and denied meeting Debbie's family. He later admitted to driving with Debbie to Michigan and pleaded the fifth to driving a white car, contradicting his earlier statements.

  • What were the confidentiality concerns raised by the Safe Space shelter?

    The Safe Space shelter refused to disclose information about Denise's visits, citing confidentiality concerns and potential loss of federal funding under the Victims of Crime Act.

  • What were the arguments made by the sisters in their appeals?

    The sisters argued that the trial court erred in consolidating their cases and that the evidence was insufficient to convict them. They also claimed that the spillover effect from the evidence against each other prejudiced their cases.

Show Notes

This week, in Cosby, Tennessee, a brutal & heartless slaying, on a rural front lawn, leads detectives down a rabbit hole of conspiracy, twin sisters, and multiple guys named George. The plot seemed to be years in the making, and still wasn't done very well. Paper trails, logic, and many murder requests lead to very close family, that reeled in some outsiders to solve one of their problems. Will it all come crashing down on them?

Along the way, we find out that most of the moonshine used to come from this very town, that you shouldn't ask random people from the tanning salon to kill your husband, and that you shouldn't wear the jewelry of the person you just murdered!!

Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman

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#521 - Attack Of The Death Twins - Cosby, Tennessee

#521 - Attack Of The Death Twins - Cosby, Tennessee