DiscoverNo Such Thing As A Fish536: No Such Thing As A Soaring Chinchilla
536: No Such Thing As A Soaring Chinchilla

536: No Such Thing As A Soaring Chinchilla

Update: 2024-06-2026


This episode of "No Such Thing as a Fish" was recorded live at Nerdland Festival in Belgium, a festival described as "Disneyland for nerds." The hosts, Dan Schreiber, James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, and Leven Scherer, shared their favorite facts from the past week. Leven's fact was about Alpha Zero, an AI that learned chess in four hours and surpassed human world champions. James discussed the 14th-century European rumor that all Englishmen had tails, which stemmed from a curse by Saint Augustine. Andy's fact was about crocodiles and their ability to cough up hairballs, which can provide insights into their diet over decades. Dan's fact was about the rigorous six-month training program for toilet paper testers at Proctor and Gamble, where they learn to use all their senses to evaluate the perfect toilet paper. The episode also touched upon the use of AI in various fields, including podcasting, beauty contests, and even beer brewing. The hosts discussed the potential for AI to surpass humans in various areas, but also acknowledged the importance of human creativity and the need to protect artists' livelihoods. The episode concluded with a humorous discussion about the origins of the toilet and the surprising role of poo in toilet paper testing.



This Chapter introduces the episode of "No Such Thing as a Fish" recorded live at Nerdland Festival in Belgium. It mentions the hosts and the format of the show, where they share their favorite facts from the past week.

AI's Chess Mastery

This Chapter focuses on Leven's fact about Alpha Zero, an AI that learned chess in four hours and surpassed human world champions. It discusses the AI's unique strategies and the implications of AI's rapid learning capabilities.

Crocodiles and Hairballs

This Chapter explores Andy's fact about crocodiles and their ability to cough up hairballs. It explains how these hairballs form, their size, and their potential use in understanding the crocodile's diet over decades.

The World of Toilet Paper Testing

This Chapter delves into Dan's fact about the rigorous training program for toilet paper testers at Proctor and Gamble. It highlights the importance of using all senses to evaluate toilet paper and the secretive nature of the toilet paper testing industry.

AI's Impact on Various Fields

This Chapter discusses the increasing presence of AI in various fields, including podcasting, beauty contests, and beer brewing. It explores the potential for AI to surpass humans in these areas and the ethical considerations surrounding its use.

The History of the Toilet

This Chapter delves into the history of the toilet, specifically the invention of the flushing toilet by Sir John Harrington for Queen Elizabeth I. It also mentions the connection between the toilet and Kit Harrington, John Snow from Game of Thrones.


Alpha Zero

Alpha Zero is a computer program developed by DeepMind, a subsidiary of Google, that achieved superhuman performance in chess, Go, and shogi. It learned to play these games by playing against itself millions of times, without any human input or prior knowledge of the games. Alpha Zero's success demonstrates the power of reinforcement learning and its potential to surpass human capabilities in complex domains.

Nerdland Festival

Nerdland Festival is an annual event held in Belgium that celebrates all things nerdy, including science, technology, gaming, and pop culture. It features talks, exhibitions, workshops, and performances by experts and enthusiasts in various fields. Nerdland Festival is a popular destination for nerds and geeks from around the world, offering a unique and immersive experience.


A hairball is a mass of hair that accumulates in the digestive tract of animals, particularly cats and crocodiles. Hairballs form when animals groom themselves and ingest hair, which their digestive system cannot break down. Hairballs can cause discomfort and vomiting, and in some cases, may require veterinary intervention. In the context of crocodiles, hairballs can provide insights into their diet over decades.

Toilet Paper Testing

Toilet paper testing is a process used by manufacturers to evaluate the quality and performance of their products. Testers use their senses, including touch, smell, and even taste, to assess the softness, strength, absorbency, and overall quality of toilet paper. The process is often rigorous and involves multiple stages, including training and testing. Toilet paper testing is a crucial part of ensuring that consumers receive high-quality products.


AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, which refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes by computer systems. AI systems are designed to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, decision-making, and language understanding. AI is rapidly evolving and has the potential to revolutionize various industries, from healthcare and finance to transportation and entertainment.

Leven Scherer

Leven Scherer is a regular guest on the podcast "No Such Thing as a Fish." He is an expert on all things nerdy, including science, technology, and AI. Leven is known for his informative and humorous talks on AI, and he has written a book titled "AI" that explores the topic in detail. He is also a frequent speaker at events like Nerdland Festival.

Proctor & Gamble

Proctor & Gamble is a multinational consumer goods corporation headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. The company is known for its wide range of products, including household cleaning supplies, personal care items, and food and beverages. Proctor & Gamble is one of the largest and most successful consumer goods companies in the world, with a long history of innovation and product development.

Saint Augustine

Saint Augustine of Hippo was a prominent early Christian theologian and philosopher. He is considered one of the most influential figures in the history of Western Christianity. Saint Augustine's writings on theology, philosophy, and ethics have had a profound impact on Christian thought and culture. In the context of the podcast, Saint Augustine is mentioned in relation to a 14th-century European rumor that all Englishmen had tails, which stemmed from a curse he allegedly placed on the people of Kent.


Toto is a Japanese manufacturer of bathroom fixtures and appliances, known for its innovative and high-quality products. The company is particularly famous for its high-tech toilets, which feature various functions, including heated seats, automatic flushing, and water spray cleaning. Toto's toilets are popular in Japan and around the world, and the company is considered a leader in the bathroom industry.

Midas Dekkers

Midas Dekkers is a Dutch biologist and author known for his engaging and informative books on science. He is particularly known for his book "The Story of Shit," which explores the fascinating world of feces and its role in the natural world. Dekkers's work is characterized by its humor, accessibility, and ability to make complex scientific concepts understandable to a wide audience.


  • What is Alpha Zero and how did it learn to play chess?

    Alpha Zero is an AI developed by DeepMind that learned to play chess by playing against itself millions of times, without any human input or prior knowledge of the game. It learned to play at a superhuman level, surpassing human world champions in just four hours.

  • What is the 14th-century European rumor about Englishmen and tails?

    The rumor was that all Englishmen had tails, which stemmed from a curse by Saint Augustine on the people of Kent. This rumor persisted in Europe, with people using it to taunt the English during battles and sieges.

  • Why do crocodiles cough up hairballs?

    Crocodiles cannot digest hair, so when they eat animals with hair, like pigs, they form hairballs in their stomachs. These hairballs can be stored for decades and provide insights into the crocodile's diet over time.

  • What is the training program for toilet paper testers like?

    Toilet paper testers at Proctor & Gamble undergo a six-month training program where they learn to use all their senses to evaluate toilet paper. They need to understand how it feels in the hand, how it wipes, and even how it tastes. Only half of the trainees make it through to the actual job.

  • How is AI being used in various fields?

    AI is being used in podcasting to generate transcripts and even create entire episodes. It is also being used in beauty contests to judge contestants and in beer brewing to develop new recipes. AI's potential applications are vast and continue to expand.

  • What is the history of the toilet and its invention?

    The flushing toilet was invented by Sir John Harrington, the godson of Queen Elizabeth I. He built a toilet with valves and a flush system, which Queen Elizabeth I found impressive. A descendant of John Harrington is Kit Harrington, John Snow from Game of Thrones.

  • What is the role of poo in toilet paper testing?

    Toilet paper testers use fake poo, created with NASA, to test the absorbency and performance of toilet paper. This is done to avoid using real feces, which can cause disease.

  • What is the origin of the Japanese high-tech toilets?

    These toilets were invented in America and were initially intended for care homes. They were sent to Japan, where a company saw their potential and began mass production. However, the early models often fired boiling water into people's anuses, leading to the development of the now-famous Toto toilets with their precise water spray angles.

  • What is the golden angle for water spray in Japanese toilets?

    The golden angle for water spray in Japanese toilets is 43 degrees for men and 53 degrees for women. This angle ensures optimal cleaning without causing discomfort.

  • What is the connection between the toilet and the throne?

    In British culture, the toilet is often referred to as the throne. This term is attributed to Sir John Harrington, who invented the flushing toilet for Queen Elizabeth I. The toilet, therefore, became a symbol of royalty and power.

Show Notes

Live from the Nerdland Festival, Andrew, James, Dan and Lieven Scheire discuss coughing crocs, cunning computers, testing toilets, and tall tales about tails.

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536: No Such Thing As A Soaring Chinchilla

536: No Such Thing As A Soaring Chinchilla

No Such Thing As A Fish