60 Second Ideas - It's A Virtual Party - Go Cake Go
What do you get when you there are over 700,000 birthdays in the United States everyday, gourmet cakes and combine it with friends and family far and wide via the Internet for a virtual party? GoCakeGo.com
KieAnn Brownell is a self-described serial entrepreneur. She started her first business at the age of seven, when she and a friend checked out movies from the library and charged their friends admission to view them. They converted the crawl space into the “box seat” and charged double the price. That’s all it took to get her started as a successful business woman. After years of running her families wholesale flooring business, KieAnn was looking for a new challenge. Her entrepreneurial spirit from childhood still in full force and finding that indeed, there are 700,000 birthdays in the good ole US of A everyday, KieAnn said “Wow this might be something.”
Combining mouth watering cakes like chocolate, white buttercreame, carrot, lemon and raspberry torte with virtual parties with family and friends from all parts of the globe via the Internet, KieAnn Brownwell launched GoCakeGo.com in February of 2006 after 14 months of researching, planning and building a website.
In her own words, KieAnn says “My favorite part of this business is that we are truly a catalyst for connecting people. When you send someone a birthday cake you are not only touching them yourself but you are initiating a spontaneous celebration. Unlike flowers or cookies or something when someone gets a cake they usually invite others to join them and have a piece. People love the surprise of receiving a cake from a friend or a loved one on their birthday. It really is a step up from a birthday card.
Find a way to capitalize on the 700,000 birthdays per day and you could be eating your own cake filled with dough, the kind of dough you can spend that is…
Links: http://gocakego.com
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