#73 Green Green Greens: "A *Slice* of Life... Get It??"
This week in your favorite sports podcast, the crew tees off on a brand new cancelled manga! That's right. Put it in the record book. Once again, we finished an entire story. This one however, is about GOLF. Join us as we explore the story of the cripplingly addictive nature of golf and it's affect on the mind of not only highschoolers, but everyone who plays! Will Haku ever find a sport that makes him want to actually try? Does anyone know how to just have fun playing golf? Is Nate a darn fun hater? (or is he right for disliking this manga?) Can one of these kids teach us how to hit a 300 yard drive? Can one of these kids ever make it to the PGA tour? How can these kids afford a hundred dollar round of golf? Should we all just quit golf and take up Pokewon? Find out this week on That One Time We Read Manga!
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Show art created and distributed by @missgreenkitty.
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