DiscoverThe Tim Ferriss Show#746: Jerry Seinfeld and Maria Popova
#746: Jerry Seinfeld and Maria Popova

#746: Jerry Seinfeld and Maria Popova

Update: 2024-06-137


Jerry Seinfeld, renowned comedian and co-creator of the iconic sitcom "Seinfeld," joins Tim Ferriss to delve into the craft of writing and the importance of routine in creative endeavors. Seinfeld emphasizes the necessity of learning to be a writer, highlighting the arduous nature of the process and the constant need for rewriting. He shares his writing routine, which involves dedicated sessions with a defined end time, followed by a period of reflection and revision. Seinfeld also discusses the role of feedback, particularly from audiences, and the importance of waiting 24 hours before seeking external opinions on his work. He emphasizes the importance of self-nurturing and encouragement during the writing process, contrasting it with the critical eye he applies during revision. Seinfeld also highlights the importance of exercise and transcendental meditation in maintaining mental and physical well-being, particularly in the face of the demanding nature of his profession. He shares his personal experiences with depression and how he has learned to manage it, recognizing it as a part of the creative process. Seinfeld also reflects on the value of failure, recounting a pivotal experience where he was rejected by the Comedy Store in Los Angeles, which ultimately fueled his determination and led to greater success. He emphasizes the importance of resilience and the ability to turn setbacks into fuel for growth. The conversation concludes with Seinfeld's advice on gameifying creative endeavors, using stats and challenges to motivate oneself. He also shares his thoughts on success, emphasizing the importance of survival and resilience in a demanding world. He highlights the importance of work ethic and self-management in maintaining one's well-being and avoiding burnout. Seinfeld's insights offer valuable lessons for anyone seeking to improve their creative process, manage their mental health, and navigate the challenges of a demanding career. The episode then introduces Maria Popova, an essayist, author, poet, and writer of literary and arts commentary at The Marginalian. Tim Ferriss welcomes Popova to the show and expresses his excitement for the conversation. Popova discusses her work and her website, Brain Pickings, describing it as a record of her personal thinking, which takes place between her reading and writing. She shares her approach to choosing books to read, emphasizing her interest in exploring a wide range of disciplines and seeking insights into the question of how to live a meaningful life. Popova also delves into her writing process, emphasizing her approach of writing for an audience of one, which is herself. She describes her writing as a way of navigating the world and understanding her place within it. Popova also discusses the surreal experience of having her private thoughts shared with millions of readers. She then explores the temptation to dumb down content or chase viral headlines, a challenge faced by many writers and creators. Popova discusses her approach to resisting these temptations, emphasizing the importance of staying true to her own experience and voice. She shares her perspective on the tension between wanting to be seen and understood while remaining true to oneself. The conversation concludes with Popova's advice on creating content that you yourself would want to consume, highlighting the importance of resisting the temptation to chase page views and prioritize creating content that resonates with the human spirit.


One Password Sponsor Segment

This Chapter is a sponsor segment for One Password, a password management service. The speaker highlights the importance of password security and endorses One Password as a reliable and user-friendly solution.

Mementus Sponsor Segment

This Chapter is a sponsor segment for Mementus, a company offering high-quality supplements and products for various health and performance categories. The speaker shares his personal experience with Mementus products, highlighting their effectiveness and the company's commitment to quality and third-party testing.

Introduction and Jerry Seinfeld

This Chapter introduces the episode and welcomes Jerry Seinfeld, a renowned comedian, actor, writer, and producer. The episode is a two-for-one special celebrating the podcast's 10th anniversary and surpassing one billion downloads. Tim Ferriss expresses his excitement for the episode and introduces Seinfeld's latest book, "Is This Anything?"

Seinfeld's Writing Process

This Chapter delves into Jerry Seinfeld's writing process, emphasizing the importance of routine and systemization. He describes his writing sessions as dedicated periods of focused work with a defined end time, followed by a period of reflection and revision. Seinfeld highlights the importance of treating writing as a profession and the necessity of learning to be a writer.

Systemizing Creativity

This Chapter explores the concept of systemizing creativity, with Seinfeld sharing his approach to teaching his daughter how to write. He emphasizes the importance of setting defined writing sessions with a clear end time and a reward system to motivate oneself. Seinfeld also discusses the importance of accepting mediocrity and recognizing that writing is a game of tonnage, requiring consistent effort and dedication.

Teaching Writing

This Chapter delves into Seinfeld's approach to teaching writing, emphasizing the importance of accepting mediocrity and recognizing that writing is a game of tonnage, requiring consistent effort and dedication. He shares his experience with Bill Phillips's "Body for Life" book, which he uses as a model for systemizing exercise and applying it to writing.

Feedback and the Experimental Loop

This Chapter explores the concept of feedback in Seinfeld's writing process, emphasizing the importance of audience feedback and the need to wait 24 hours before seeking external opinions on his work. He explains that this delay helps preserve the positive feeling of accomplishment and avoids potential negativity from others' opinions.

Routines and Resilience

This Chapter discusses Seinfeld's routines, including weight training and transcendental meditation, which he considers essential for maintaining mental and physical well-being. He emphasizes the importance of these activities in building resilience and managing stress, particularly in the demanding world of stand-up comedy.

Managing Depression

This Chapter explores Seinfeld's experience with depression and how he has learned to manage it. He recognizes depression as a part of the creative process and shares his perspective on its prevalence among creative individuals. He also discusses the importance of self-care and the need to balance periods of intense work with periods of rest and relaxation.

The Value of Failure

This Chapter delves into the value of failure, with Seinfeld sharing a pivotal experience where he was rejected by the Comedy Store in Los Angeles. He explains how this setback fueled his determination and ultimately led to greater success. He emphasizes the importance of resilience and the ability to turn setbacks into fuel for growth.

Gameifying Creative Endeavors

This Chapter explores the concept of gameifying creative endeavors, with Seinfeld sharing his approach to using stats and challenges to motivate himself. He emphasizes the importance of setting goals and tracking progress, using the human brain's tendency to respond to challenges and rewards.

Defining Success

This Chapter discusses Seinfeld's definition of success, emphasizing the importance of survival and resilience in a demanding world. He highlights the importance of work ethic and self-management in maintaining one's well-being and avoiding burnout.

LMNT Sponsor Segment

This Chapter is a sponsor segment for LMNT, a sugar-free electrolyte drink mix. The speaker highlights the importance of electrolytes for those following low-carb diets or fasting and endorses LMNT as a healthy and effective option.

Introduction and Maria Popova

This Chapter introduces Maria Popova, an essayist, author, poet, and writer of literary and arts commentary at The Marginalian. Tim Ferriss welcomes Popova to the show and expresses his excitement for the conversation.

Popova's Work and Brain Pickings

This Chapter explores Maria Popova's work and her website, Brain Pickings. She describes her work as a record of her personal thinking, which takes place between her reading and writing. Popova discusses the challenges of keeping up with the constant flow of information and her preference for timeless content that transcends the immediate news cycle.

Choosing Books to Read

This Chapter delves into Popova's approach to choosing books to read, acknowledging the challenge of balancing her appetite for reading with the limited time available. She discusses her criteria for selecting books, emphasizing her interest in exploring a wide range of disciplines and seeking insights into the question of how to live a meaningful life.

Writing for an Audience of One

This Chapter explores Popova's writing process, emphasizing her approach of writing for an audience of one, which is herself. She describes her writing as a way of navigating the world and understanding her place within it. Popova also discusses the surreal experience of having her private thoughts shared with millions of readers.

Resisting Temptation

This Chapter explores the temptation to dumb down content or chase viral headlines, a challenge faced by many writers and creators. Popova discusses her approach to resisting these temptations, emphasizing the importance of staying true to her own experience and voice. She shares her perspective on the tension between wanting to be seen and understood while remaining true to oneself.

Creating for Yourself

This Chapter emphasizes the importance of creating content that you yourself would want to consume. Popova shares her admiration for Tim Ferriss's work, highlighting his commitment to creating content that he believes in, regardless of commercial pressures. She also discusses the importance of resisting the temptation to chase page views and prioritize creating content that resonates with the human spirit.

Writing the Four Hour Work Week

This Chapter recounts Popova's experience writing "The Four Hour Work Week." She shares her struggles with writing and the importance of finding a writing style that feels authentic and engaging. She describes how she overcame writer's block by writing as if she were talking to two close friends, using a conversational tone and focusing on their specific needs and challenges.

Popova's Daily Schedule

This Chapter explores Popova's daily schedule, emphasizing her commitment to a regimented routine that allows her to dedicate significant time to reading and writing. She discusses the importance of balancing productivity with presence and the need to prioritize self-care and mindfulness.

Meditation and Mindfulness

This Chapter delves into Popova's meditation practice, highlighting her use of guided meditations by Tara Brock. She shares her experience with Brock's teachings and her belief in the transformative power of mindfulness.

Exercise and Reading

This Chapter explores Popova's exercise routine, which includes high-intensity interval training on the elliptical and weight training. She also discusses her reading habits, emphasizing her preference for electronic reading and her use of the Kindle app on the iPad.

Note-Taking System

This Chapter explores Popova's note-taking system, which includes both digital and analog methods. She describes her approach to highlighting passages and creating alternate indexes based on key ideas rather than keywords. Popova also discusses her use of acronyms and shorthand to capture key insights and themes.

Literature as the Original Internet

This Chapter explores the concept of literature as the original internet, highlighting the importance of following references and citations to discover new and unexpected works. Popova shares her experience with Seneca the Younger, a Roman philosopher who has had a profound impact on her life, and how she initially mistook him for a Native American elder.

Reclaiming Philosophy

This Chapter discusses the importance of reclaiming philosophy and understanding its relevance to everyday life. Popova emphasizes the need to move beyond the negative connotations associated with philosophy and recognize its value in navigating the complexities of modern life. She suggests starting with Seneca's writings as a gateway into philosophical exploration.

Performance vs. Presence

This Chapter explores the tension between performance and presence, highlighting the importance of finding a balance between achievement and appreciation. Popova discusses the challenges of managing her note-taking workflow and the lack of readily available tools designed for serious readers.

Five Bullet Friday

This Chapter is a sponsor segment for Tim Ferriss's newsletter, Five Bullet Friday. The speaker highlights the benefits of subscribing to the newsletter, which provides a short email every Friday with a curated selection of cool things the speaker has found or discovered. The speaker also encourages listeners to sign up for the newsletter and to check out the sponsor, Momentous, which offers high-quality supplements and products for various health and performance categories.

Momentous Sponsor Segment

This Chapter is a sponsor segment for Momentous, a company offering high-quality supplements and products for various health and performance categories. The speaker highlights the benefits of using Momentous products, including their third-party tested formulations and their commitment to quality. The speaker also encourages listeners to check out Momentous and to use code Tim for 20% off their purchase.

One Password Sponsor Segment

This Chapter is a sponsor segment for One Password, a password management service. The speaker highlights the benefits of using One Password, including its industry-leading security, award-winning design, and user-friendly interface. The speaker also encourages listeners to check out One Password and to get a free two-week trial at


Jerry Seinfeld

Jerry Seinfeld is an American stand-up comedian, actor, writer, and producer. He is best known for co-creating and starring in the sitcom "Seinfeld," which is widely considered one of the greatest television shows of all time. Seinfeld is known for his observational humor, focusing on everyday life and mundane experiences. He has also written several books, including "SeinLanguage" and "Is This Anything?"

Writing Process

The writing process refers to the steps involved in creating a written work, from generating ideas to revising and editing. It typically involves stages such as brainstorming, outlining, drafting, revising, and editing. The writing process can vary depending on the type of writing, the writer's style, and the purpose of the work.


A routine is a set of actions or behaviors that are performed regularly, often in a specific order. Routines can be helpful for establishing structure, increasing productivity, and reducing stress. They can also be used to develop habits and improve performance in various areas of life.


Systemization refers to the process of creating a structured and organized approach to a task or process. It involves breaking down a task into smaller steps, defining clear procedures, and using tools and technologies to streamline the process. Systemization can help improve efficiency, consistency, and scalability.


Feedback is information that is given to a person or group about their performance or work. It can be positive or negative, constructive or critical. Feedback is essential for learning and improvement, as it provides insights into strengths and weaknesses and helps identify areas for development.

Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a specific type of meditation technique that involves silently repeating a mantra, a sound or word, to quiet the mind and achieve a state of deep relaxation. TM is a popular meditation practice that is said to have numerous benefits, including stress reduction, improved focus, and increased creativity.


Depression is a mood disorder that is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyable. It can also lead to physical symptoms such as fatigue, changes in appetite, and sleep disturbances. Depression is a serious condition that can significantly impact a person's quality of life.


Failure is the lack of success in achieving a desired outcome. It can be a source of disappointment and frustration, but it can also be a valuable learning experience. Failure can provide opportunities for growth, resilience, and innovation.


Gameifying refers to the process of applying game mechanics and principles to non-game contexts. It involves using elements such as points, levels, rewards, and challenges to motivate and engage individuals. Gameifying can be used to improve productivity, learning, and engagement in various areas of life.


Success is the achievement of a desired outcome or goal. It can be defined in various ways, depending on individual values and aspirations. Success can be measured by external factors such as wealth, status, or recognition, but it can also be defined by internal factors such as personal fulfillment, happiness, and well-being.

Maria Popova

Maria Popova is an essayist, author, poet, and writer of literary and arts commentary. She is the founder of Brain Pickings, a website that features curated collections of insightful and thought-provoking essays, articles, and excerpts from books. Popova is known for her ability to connect seemingly unrelated ideas and create a tapestry of meaning from diverse sources.

Brain Pickings

Brain Pickings is a website founded by Maria Popova that features curated collections of insightful and thought-provoking essays, articles, and excerpts from books. The website is known for its unique approach to connecting seemingly unrelated ideas and creating a tapestry of meaning from diverse sources. Brain Pickings has gained a large following for its ability to inspire and challenge readers to think differently about the world.


  • What is Jerry Seinfeld's writing routine?

    Seinfeld's writing routine involves dedicated sessions with a defined end time, typically an hour. He emphasizes the importance of setting a clear goal for each session and having a reward system, such as taking a break or enjoying a treat, to motivate himself.

  • How does Jerry Seinfeld manage depression?

    Seinfeld recognizes depression as a part of the creative process and has learned to manage it through a combination of routines, including exercise and transcendental meditation. He believes that these activities help build resilience and manage stress, which are essential for maintaining mental well-being.

  • What is the value of failure according to Jerry Seinfeld?

    Seinfeld believes that failure can be a valuable learning experience. He shares a personal story about being rejected by the Comedy Store in Los Angeles, which ultimately fueled his determination and led to greater success. He emphasizes the importance of resilience and the ability to turn setbacks into fuel for growth.

  • How does Maria Popova choose books to read?

    Popova's criteria for selecting books include exploring a wide range of disciplines and seeking insights into the question of how to live a meaningful life. She is drawn to books that illuminate complex ideas in a clear and engaging way, regardless of their subject matter.

  • What is Maria Popova's approach to writing?

    Popova writes for an audience of one, which is herself. She describes her writing as a way of navigating the world and understanding her place within it. She also discusses the surreal experience of having her private thoughts shared with millions of readers.

  • How does Maria Popova resist the temptation to dumb down her content?

    Popova emphasizes the importance of staying true to her own experience and voice. She believes that creating content that resonates with the human spirit is more important than chasing viral headlines or pandering to the lowest common denominator.

  • What is Maria Popova's note-taking system?

    Popova's note-taking system includes both digital and analog methods. She highlights passages in digital books and creates alternate indexes based on key ideas rather than keywords. She also uses acronyms and shorthand to capture key insights and themes.

  • How does Maria Popova view literature?

    Popova views literature as the original internet, highlighting the importance of following references and citations to discover new and unexpected works. She believes that this practice can help expand one's horizons and break out of filter bubbles.

  • What is Maria Popova's daily schedule?

    Popova's daily schedule is regimented, with a focus on reading and writing. She prioritizes sleep, meditation, exercise, and dedicated writing time. She also emphasizes the importance of balancing productivity with presence and prioritizing self-care.

  • What is Maria Popova's advice for those seeking to improve their writing?

    Popova encourages writers to create content that they themselves would want to consume. She believes that authenticity and passion are essential for creating work that resonates with readers.

Show Notes

This episode is a two-for-one, and that’s because the podcast recently hit its 10-year anniversary and passed one billion downloads. To celebrate, I’ve curated some of the best of the best—some of my favorites—from more than 700 episodes over the last decade. I could not be more excited. The episode features segments from episode #485 "Jerry Seinfeld — A Comedy Legend’s Systems, Routines, and Methods for Success" and episode #39 "Maria Popova on Writing, Workflow, and Workarounds."

Please enjoy!


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[00:00 ] Start

[05:16 ] Notes about this supercombo format.

[06:19 ] Enter Jerry Seinfeld.

[06:46 ] Jerry’s writing process for survival in the comedy ecosystem.

[15:43 ] Lessons Jerry would teach in a writing class and how they relate to his fitness methods.

[15:43 ] Soliciting creative feedback while preserving pride over doing the work.

[20:33 ] Routines essential to Jerry’s well-being and their frequency and duration.

[24:50 ] How nurturing creativity is like parenting, and Jerry’s belief about pain and knowledge.

[26:17 ] Additional ways Jerry mitigates depressive episodes.

[27:27 ] A resilience-building failure.

[32:05 ] The importance of playing the game well.

[33:42 ] “Survival is the new success.”

[36:12 ] Jerry’s billboard.

[39:06 ] Enter Maria Popova.

[39:30 ] Are you correctly pronouncing names you’ve only read but never heard?

[41:13 ] What does Maria do?

[41:50 ] What is Brain Pickings (now The Marginalian)?

[42:31 ] What percentage of New York Times best sellers are a result of Maria’s coverage?

[47:55 ] The common denominator that guides Maria’s reading list.

[49:16 ] The importance of writing for an audience of one.

[52:07 ] Contending with the temptation to create BuzzFeed-like content.

[59:44 ] The daily discipline required for Maria’s well-being.

[1:07:10 ] Maria’s note-taking system.

[1:12:53 ] Seneca and the time-tested challenge of presence vs. productivity.

[1:16:08 ] Start-up opportunity? Build a note-taking tool for heavy readers/highlighters.

[1:22:52 ] About the team behind [The Marginalian].

[1:24:28 ] Collaborative proofreading and copyediting.

[1:27:21 ] Self-reliance pathology and how to overcome it.

[1:29:56 ] Finding a professional personal assistant and learning to delegate.

[1:34:36 ] Maria’s weightlifting regimen and favorite bodyweight-only exercise.

[1:37:22 ] Designing content infrastructure to be evergreen.

[1:39:28 ] Cutting out the commentary contrarians.

[1:46:13 ] Scheduling social media.

[1:48:25 ] Coping with email — and sometimes snail mail.

[1:50:31 ] How to cultivate a personal inner circle and pre-screen book review requests.

[1:54:54 ] What donation model works best for site revenue?

[2:01:22 ] Recommended reading from [The Marginalian] and parting thoughts.


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Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria Sharapova, <a href="" rel=

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#746: Jerry Seinfeld and Maria Popova

#746: Jerry Seinfeld and Maria Popova