DiscoverThe Goal Digger Podcast791: Can Pinterest Work for YOUR Business? Hit Play!
791: Can Pinterest Work for YOUR Business? Hit Play!

791: Can Pinterest Work for YOUR Business? Hit Play!

Update: 2024-07-151


Jenna Kutcher, a successful entrepreneur and podcaster, joins Lori Harder on her podcast, Earn Your Happy, to discuss the underutilized power of Pinterest as a search engine for driving traffic, generating leads, and boosting sales for businesses of all types. Kutcher emphasizes that Pinterest is not social media but a search engine where people actively seek information and resources, making it a powerful platform for connecting with potential customers. She highlights the platform's ability to extend the shelf life of content from hours to months, allowing businesses to leverage existing assets and reach a wider audience. Kutcher shares practical tips for using Pinterest effectively, including creating keyword-rich descriptions, repurposing existing content, and leveraging the platform's community features. She also emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and prioritizing time to create a sustainable and fulfilling business. Kutcher encourages listeners to explore Pinterest as a valuable marketing tool and to join her free training, "20x Your Traffic in One Hour a Week Using Pinterest," for a deeper dive into the platform's potential.


The Power of Pinterest for Business

This Chapter explores the potential of Pinterest as a powerful marketing tool for businesses of all types. Jenna Kutcher, a successful entrepreneur and podcaster, explains that Pinterest is not social media but a search engine where people actively seek information and resources. She highlights the platform's ability to extend the shelf life of content from hours to months, allowing businesses to leverage existing assets and reach a wider audience.

Jenna Kutcher's Journey to Entrepreneurship

This Chapter delves into Jenna Kutcher's entrepreneurial journey, starting with her experience in the corporate world and her decision to pursue a career as a wedding photographer. She shares how she transitioned from a traditional career to building a successful online business, emphasizing the importance of finding a path that aligns with personal values and goals.

The Underutilized Power of Pinterest

This Chapter focuses on the underutilized potential of Pinterest as a marketing platform. Jenna Kutcher argues that Pinterest is a search engine, not social media, and that businesses can leverage its search functionality to connect with potential customers who are actively seeking information and resources. She highlights the platform's ability to extend the shelf life of content from hours to months, allowing businesses to repurpose existing assets and reach a wider audience.

Leveraging Podcast Content on Pinterest

This Chapter provides practical advice for leveraging podcast content on Pinterest. Jenna Kutcher explains how to create visually appealing pins that link back to podcast episodes, maximizing the reach and impact of existing content. She emphasizes the importance of keyword optimization and creating multiple pins for each episode to increase visibility and engagement.

The Return of Long-Form Content

This Chapter explores the resurgence of long-form content, including blogs and podcasts. Jenna Kutcher argues that people are increasingly seeking in-depth information and complete thoughts, making long-form content a valuable asset for businesses. She encourages listeners to repurpose existing content into blog posts or summaries to enhance their online presence and reach a wider audience.

Prioritizing Pinterest for Business Growth

This Chapter discusses the importance of prioritizing Pinterest for business growth. Jenna Kutcher argues that Pinterest offers a high return on investment (ROI) in terms of time and effort, allowing businesses to drive significant traffic and generate leads with minimal investment. She contrasts Pinterest with other social media platforms, highlighting its unique ability to connect with potential customers who are actively seeking information and resources.

Pinterest for Coaching and Digital Businesses

This Chapter provides specific strategies for using Pinterest to grow coaching and digital businesses. Jenna Kutcher emphasizes the importance of creating valuable freebies and opt-ins that attract potential clients and build an email list. She encourages listeners to explore Pinterest as a platform for providing value and building relationships with potential customers before making a sale.

Setting Boundaries and Prioritizing Time

This Chapter focuses on the importance of setting boundaries and prioritizing time in business and personal life. Jenna Kutcher shares her personal experiences with setting boundaries and how it has allowed her to create a sustainable and fulfilling business. She encourages listeners to prioritize their time and energy, focusing on activities that align with their values and goals.



Pinterest is a visual search engine that allows users to discover and save ideas, products, and inspiration. It is a popular platform for sharing recipes, fashion inspiration, home decor ideas, and more. Pinterest is also a powerful marketing tool for businesses, as it allows them to reach a targeted audience of potential customers who are actively seeking information and resources.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a website or web page in search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO involves optimizing website content, structure, and technical aspects to make it more appealing to search engines. By improving SEO, businesses can increase their organic traffic and reach a wider audience.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Return on investment (ROI) is a financial metric that measures the profitability of an investment. It is calculated by dividing the net profit by the total investment cost. ROI is a key metric for businesses, as it helps them to evaluate the effectiveness of their investments and make informed decisions about resource allocation.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. It is a powerful tool for building brand awareness, generating leads, and driving sales.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial or promotional messages to an audience. It is a powerful tool for building relationships with customers, promoting products and services, and driving sales.

Virtual Assistant (VA)

A virtual assistant (VA) is a self-employed individual who provides administrative, technical, or creative assistance to clients from a remote location. VAs can help businesses with a wide range of tasks, including scheduling appointments, managing email, creating content, and providing customer support.


Boundaries are limits or rules that we set to protect ourselves from being taken advantage of or feeling overwhelmed. They are essential for maintaining healthy relationships, managing stress, and achieving our goals. Setting boundaries involves communicating our needs and expectations clearly and respectfully, and enforcing those limits when necessary.

Long-Form Content

Long-form content refers to content that is longer than typical social media posts or articles. It includes blog posts, podcasts, ebooks, and other types of content that provide in-depth information and analysis on a particular topic. Long-form content is valuable for building trust and authority, engaging audiences, and driving conversions.


ChatGPT is a large language model chatbot developed by OpenAI. It is a powerful tool for generating text, translating languages, writing different kinds of creative content, and answering your questions in an informative way. ChatGPT is a rapidly evolving technology with a wide range of potential applications.

Human Design

Human Design is a system that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and chakra systems to create a unique blueprint for each individual. It provides insights into a person's strengths, weaknesses, and life purpose, and can be used to guide decision-making and personal growth.


  • What is the main difference between Pinterest and other social media platforms?

    Pinterest is a search engine, not social media. People are actively seeking information and resources on Pinterest, making it a powerful platform for connecting with potential customers who are ready to buy or plan.

  • How can I leverage my existing podcast content on Pinterest?

    You can create visually appealing pins that link back to your podcast episodes. Use keyword-rich descriptions and create multiple pins for each episode to increase visibility and engagement.

  • Why is long-form content making a comeback?

    People are increasingly seeking in-depth information and complete thoughts, making long-form content like blogs and podcasts valuable for building trust and authority, engaging audiences, and driving conversions.

  • How can I prioritize Pinterest for business growth?

    Pinterest offers a high return on investment (ROI) in terms of time and effort. You can drive significant traffic and generate leads with minimal investment by leveraging the platform's search functionality and repurposing existing content.

  • What are some strategies for using Pinterest to grow a coaching or digital business?

    Create valuable freebies and opt-ins that attract potential clients and build an email list. Use Pinterest to provide value and build relationships with potential customers before making a sale.

  • Why are boundaries important for building a sustainable and fulfilling business?

    Boundaries protect your time and energy, allowing you to prioritize activities that align with your values and goals. They help you create a sustainable business that supports your personal life and well-being.

  • How can I create a no-script for saying no to requests?

    A no-script is a pre-written response that you can use to politely decline requests. It helps you avoid feeling overwhelmed and resentful, and allows you to prioritize your time and energy.

  • What are some tips for using your autoresponder to manage requests?

    Use your autoresponder to provide clear and concise information about your availability and services. This helps you manage expectations and avoid unnecessary back-and-forth communication.

  • What is the best way to learn more about using Pinterest for business?

    Jenna Kutcher offers a free training called "20x Your Traffic in One Hour a Week Using Pinterest." This training provides a clear and actionable plan for leveraging Pinterest for your specific business type.

  • What is the main takeaway from this podcast episode?

    Pinterest is a powerful marketing tool that can drive significant traffic, generate leads, and boost sales for businesses of all types. By leveraging Pinterest's search functionality and repurposing existing content, you can extend the shelf life of your content and reach a wider audience with minimal effort.

Show Notes

The results are in: Pinterest is one of the BEST places to market your business. If the reason why you haven’t given it a chance is because you’re not sure it will work for YOU, click play on this episode and snag a seat for my FREE class at!

I originally had this conversation with Lori Harder on her podcast, Earn Your Happy, earlier this year and I couldn’t wait to share it with you. I have seen this powerful search engine work for business owners in all different industries and I know it can work for you too.

Whether you’re selling handmade jewelry, offering virtual services, or sharing expert advice, Pinterest is a game-changing platform, no matter what your business goals are. In this interview, not only will I explain the potential of Pinterest, I’ll also share how I use it to build my email list, whether or not I think blogs are still relevant in 2024, and how to use Pinterest to increase the shelf life of the content you create. 

Visit for a clear, actionable plan to get started, and let’s dive into my conversation with Lori Harder about how to drive traffic, generate leads, and boost sales in your business!

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791: Can Pinterest Work for YOUR Business? Hit Play!

791: Can Pinterest Work for YOUR Business? Hit Play!

Jenna Kutcher