#8 - CSM(R) Randy Surles

#8 - CSM(R) Randy Surles

Update: 2024-05-31


This episode of the Foreign Area Officer Podcast features an interview with retired Command Sergeant Major Randy Surles, who shares his extensive experience working as an NCO in the security cooperation area. Surles emphasizes the unique value that NCOs bring to embassies, particularly their on-the-ground knowledge, language skills, and personal connections. He advocates for a dedicated NCO program within the Foreign Area Officer (FAO) core, arguing that it would enhance the effectiveness of security cooperation efforts. Surles also discusses his current work as a book coach, helping veterans transition to civilian life by guiding them through the process of writing and publishing their memoirs. He provides insights into the different types of editing, the process of ghostwriting, and the benefits of self-publishing. Surles also highlights the Skill Bridge program, which allows transitioning service members to gain valuable experience in their chosen field before leaving the military. He offers his expertise and support to veterans seeking to pursue careers in writing or editing, and provides valuable advice on navigating VA benefits and integrating Tricare with VA healthcare.



This Chapter introduces the Foreign Area Officer Podcast and its guest, retired Command Sergeant Major Randy Surles, who has a rich history with the FAO program and currently works as a book coach.

Surles's Background and Early Experiences

This Chapter delves into Surles's background, tracing his journey from growing up in Texas to joining the Army and eventually becoming a Green Beret. He recounts his childhood experiences living in Iran during the revolution, which sparked his interest in foreign languages and cultures.

Force Protection Detachments and the Value of NCOs

This Chapter explores Surles's role as a senior listed advisor and force protection manager in Colombia. He explains the responsibilities of a force protection detachment, emphasizing the importance of NCOs in ensuring the safety of American forces and fostering relationships with partner nations.

The NCO FAO Program

This Chapter examines the NCO FAO program, a pilot initiative aimed at integrating NCOs into the FAO core. Surles discusses the program's origins, its challenges, and its potential benefits for both the NCO corps and the FAO core.

Surles's Transition to Book Coach

This Chapter details Surles's transition to civilian life after retiring from the Army. He describes his journey into the world of book coaching, highlighting his expertise in developmental editing, ghostwriting, and memoir writing.

Skill Bridge Program and VA Benefits

This Chapter focuses on the Skill Bridge program, a valuable resource for transitioning service members. Surles explains how the program can help veterans gain experience in their chosen field and provides information on VA benefits and how to integrate Tricare with VA healthcare.

VA and Tricare Benefits Overseas

This Chapter addresses the complexities of accessing VA and Tricare benefits while living overseas. Surles provides insights into the different options available to veterans and offers practical advice for navigating the system.


Foreign Area Officer (FAO)

A Foreign Area Officer (FAO) is a United States Army officer who specializes in a particular region of the world. They are responsible for building relationships with foreign militaries, governments, and other organizations, and for providing expertise on the region's culture, politics, and security environment. FAO officers are typically assigned to embassies, military attaché offices, and other diplomatic missions.

Command Sergeant Major (CSM)

The Command Sergeant Major (CSM) is the senior enlisted advisor to a unit's commander. They are responsible for the welfare, training, and discipline of the enlisted soldiers in the unit. CSMs are typically highly experienced and respected NCOs who have a deep understanding of the Army's culture and traditions.

Security Cooperation

Security cooperation is a broad term that encompasses a range of activities aimed at building relationships and capabilities with foreign militaries and security forces. It can include training, equipment transfers, joint exercises, and other forms of collaboration. Security cooperation is a key element of US foreign policy and national security strategy.

Green Berets

The Green Berets are the United States Army's Special Forces, a highly trained and specialized unit that conducts unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance, counter-terrorism, and other special operations missions. Green Berets are known for their expertise in foreign languages, cultures, and military tactics.

Force Protection

Force protection is a set of measures designed to protect military personnel, equipment, and facilities from threats. It can include physical security measures, intelligence gathering, and training. Force protection is a critical aspect of military operations, particularly in hostile or unstable environments.

NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer)

A Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) is a military member who has been promoted through the ranks and has a leadership role within their unit. NCOs are responsible for training, supervising, and motivating their soldiers. They are the backbone of the military and play a vital role in ensuring the effectiveness of military operations.

Skill Bridge Program

The Skill Bridge program is a Department of Defense program that allows transitioning service members to gain valuable experience in their chosen field before leaving the military. It provides opportunities for internships, apprenticeships, and other work experiences that can help veterans transition smoothly to civilian life.

VA (Veterans Affairs)

The Veterans Affairs (VA) is a federal agency that provides a wide range of benefits and services to veterans, including healthcare, disability compensation, education, and housing. The VA is committed to supporting veterans and their families as they transition to civilian life.


Tricare is a health insurance program for active duty military personnel, retirees, and their families. It provides access to a wide range of healthcare services, including medical, dental, and mental health care. Tricare is a valuable benefit for military members and their families, and it helps ensure that they have access to quality healthcare.

Book Coach

A book coach is a professional who helps authors develop their ideas, structure their stories, and write compelling manuscripts. They provide guidance on everything from brainstorming and outlining to editing and publishing. Book coaches can be invaluable for authors who are new to the writing process or who need help overcoming writer's block.


  • What are the key benefits of having NCOs in embassies, according to Command Sergeant Major Surles?

    Surles believes NCOs bring valuable on-the-ground knowledge, language skills, and personal connections to embassies. They can provide a boots-on-the-ground perspective, understand local customs and nuances, and build strong relationships with partner nation counterparts.

  • What are the challenges and potential benefits of a dedicated NCO program within the FAO core?

    Surles argues that a dedicated NCO program would enhance security cooperation efforts by providing a more comprehensive understanding of partner nation militaries and cultures. However, challenges include the need for specialized training, language proficiency, and a clear career path for NCOs within the FAO core.

  • What are the different types of editing services offered by book coaches?

    Book coaches offer various editing services, including developmental editing, which focuses on the overall structure and message of a manuscript, and copy editing, which addresses grammar, punctuation, and style.

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of self-publishing versus traditional publishing?

    Self-publishing offers greater control over the publishing process and a higher percentage of profits, but it also requires more marketing effort. Traditional publishing provides access to a wider audience and professional support, but authors typically receive a smaller share of profits.

  • How can the Skill Bridge program benefit transitioning service members?

    The Skill Bridge program allows veterans to gain valuable experience in their chosen field before leaving the military, which can help them transition smoothly to civilian life and increase their employability.

  • What are the key considerations for accessing VA and Tricare benefits while living overseas?

    Accessing VA and Tricare benefits overseas can be complex, depending on the country and the specific benefits sought. It's important to understand the different options available and to contact the appropriate agencies for guidance.

  • What advice does Command Sergeant Major Surles offer to veterans seeking to pursue careers in writing or editing?

    Surles encourages veterans to consider writing or editing as a career path and offers his expertise and support through his book coaching services. He also highlights the Skill Bridge program as a valuable resource for gaining experience in these fields.

  • How can veterans effectively navigate VA benefits and integrate Tricare with VA healthcare?

    Surles emphasizes the importance of starting the VA benefits process early and seeking guidance from benefits advisors. He also stresses the need for a holistic approach to healthcare, integrating Tricare with VA benefits to maximize coverage and minimize out-of-pocket expenses.

  • What are the key takeaways from Command Sergeant Major Surles's interview?

    Surles's interview highlights the valuable contributions of NCOs in the security cooperation arena, the need for a dedicated NCO program within the FAO core, and the importance of supporting veterans transitioning to civilian life. He also provides practical advice on writing, editing, and navigating VA benefits.

  • What are some of the challenges and opportunities for the future of the NCO FAO program?

    The NCO FAO program faces challenges in securing funding, establishing a clear career path, and overcoming resistance from some officers. However, the program has the potential to significantly enhance security cooperation efforts and provide valuable opportunities for NCOs.

Show Notes

Why isn't there a dedicated FAO career field for Army NCOs?

From Military Leadership to Literary Success: Randy Surles's Journey and Vital Tips for Retirees

In this compelling episode, retired Command Sergeant Major Randy Surles delves into his military career working with foreign partners, including his role in a nascent FAO NCO program and missions in South America and Africa. We also explore Randy's post-retirement journey as a book coach and editor, highlighting his efforts to guide others in transforming their ideas into published works. He provides invaluable advice on navigating VA and TRICARE benefits, especially for those planning to reside overseas, and shares the significance of early preparation for a smooth transition to civilian life. Randy also shares practical tips for integrating healthcare benefits and personalized guidance on military retirement and literary pursuits.

In Channel
#15 - MAJ Mike White

#15 - MAJ Mike White


#14 - BG Brad Nicholson

#14 - BG Brad Nicholson


#13 - LTC(P) David Bradley

#13 - LTC(P) David Bradley


#12 - LTC Will Hogan

#12 - LTC Will Hogan


#10 - MAJ Sergio Salazar

#10 - MAJ Sergio Salazar


#8 - CSM(R) Randy Surles

#8 - CSM(R) Randy Surles


#7 - LTC Pete Roongsang

#7 - LTC Pete Roongsang


#6 - COL(R) John Haseman

#6 - COL(R) John Haseman


#5 - LTC Jason Morales

#5 - LTC Jason Morales


#4 - MAJ Neil Law

#4 - MAJ Neil Law


#1 - LTC Wes Chaney

#1 - LTC Wes Chaney


Table of contents









Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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#8 - CSM(R) Randy Surles

#8 - CSM(R) Randy Surles

Michael Hill