81 - The Past Times with Sarah Tiana

81 - The Past Times with Sarah Tiana

Update: 2024-07-051


This episode of the Pastimes podcast continues its exploration of old newspapers, delving into a variety of strange and amusing stories. The hosts discuss a wedding in Erwin, Pennsylvania, where the bride received an abundance of unusual gifts, including 90 pounds of bologna sausage, 360 cases of beer, and five full barrels of beer. They then move on to a story from Makadou, Pennsylvania, about men who were afraid to shave due to electric currents in the water, which had been flowing through water mains into houses, causing some to catch fire. The hosts speculate on the reasons behind this fear and the potential dangers of using water during this time. Finally, they discuss a bizarre tale from San Jose, California, about a creature captured in Soap Lake near Gilroy that emits a sound described as a cross between a bark and a grunt. The hosts debate whether this creature is a young alligator or something entirely different, and they discuss the potential for this creature to be a hybrid of an alligator and another animal. The episode concludes with a discussion about the potential for this creature to be a hybrid of an alligator and another animal.


Introduction and Guest Introduction

This Chapter introduces the Pastimes podcast and welcomes guest Sarah Tiana, a comedian and writer known for her work in Major League Baseball. The hosts discuss Sarah's upcoming performance in Massachusetts and her interest in the Karen Reed trial.

Newspaper Article: Surprise Party Shootout

This Chapter delves into a 1916 newspaper article from Harpen Springs, Florida, detailing a surprise party that turned deadly. The article describes a shootout between two men, Frank Osborne and Pent Curl, both employees of the Skinner Farm. Osborne was fatally wounded with four bullet wounds, while Curl was killed by a stray bullet. The article also mentions that the guests at the party included four carloads of people, one of whom was Constable J.W. Cooper, who was identified as the shooter.

Newspaper Article: Pastor's Missing Tie

This Chapter focuses on a newspaper article from Omaha, Nebraska, about a pastor who was unable to deliver his sermon because he had lost his tie. The article details the pastor's frantic search for a replacement tie and the organist's impromptu performance while the pastor was away.

Newspaper Article: Pain Restores Soldier's Speech and Hearing

This Chapter examines a newspaper article from England about a soldier who regained his speech and hearing after a painful operation for appendicitis. The article suggests that the pain of the operation somehow triggered the soldier's recovery from a condition that had left him deaf and mute since the Battle of Luz.

Newspaper Article: Bride's Unusual Wedding Gifts

This Chapter explores a newspaper article from Erwin, Pennsylvania, about a bride who received a variety of unusual wedding gifts, including 90 pounds of bologna sausage, 360 cases of beer, and five full barrels of beer. The hosts discuss the potential reasons behind these unusual gifts and the bride's reaction to them.

Wedding Festivities and Unusual Gifts

This Chapter discusses a wedding in Erwin, Pennsylvania, where the bride received an abundance of unusual gifts, including 90 pounds of bologna sausage, 360 cases of beer, and five full barrels of beer. The hosts speculate on the reasons behind these unusual gifts and the bride's reaction to them.

Electric Currents and House Fires

This Chapter discusses a story from Makadou, Pennsylvania, about men who were afraid to shave due to electric currents in the water, which had been flowing through water mains into houses, causing some to catch fire. The hosts speculate on the reasons behind this fear and the potential dangers of using water during this time.

Barking Alligator in California

This Chapter discusses a bizarre tale from San Jose, California, about a creature captured in Soap Lake near Gilroy that emits a sound described as a cross between a bark and a grunt. The hosts debate whether this creature is a young alligator or something entirely different, and they discuss the potential for this creature to be a hybrid of an alligator and another animal.


Pastimes Podcast

A podcast hosted by Dave Anthony and Garrett Reynolds, where they explore old newspapers from random dates in history. Each week, they choose a newspaper that neither of them has seen before and discuss the stories within its pages.

Erwin, Pennsylvania

A town in Pennsylvania, mentioned in a newspaper article about a bride who received a variety of unusual wedding gifts, including 90 pounds of bologna sausage, 360 cases of beer, and five full barrels of beer.

Bologna Sausage

A type of sausage made from cured pork, mentioned in a newspaper article about a bride who received a variety of unusual wedding gifts. The hosts discuss the potential reasons behind the gift and the bride's reaction to it.

Makadou, Pennsylvania

A town in Pennsylvania, mentioned in a newspaper article about men who were afraid to shave due to electric currents in the water, which had been flowing through water mains into houses, causing some to catch fire. The hosts speculate on the reasons behind this fear and the potential dangers of using water during this time.

Gilroy, California

A city in California, known for its garlic festival, mentioned in a newspaper article about a creature captured in Soap Lake near Gilroy that emits a sound described as a cross between a bark and a grunt. The hosts debate whether this creature is a young alligator or something entirely different, and they discuss the potential for this creature to be a hybrid of an alligator and another animal.

Soap Lake

A lake near Gilroy, California, mentioned in a newspaper article about a creature captured in Soap Lake near Gilroy that emits a sound described as a cross between a bark and a grunt. The hosts debate whether this creature is a young alligator or something entirely different, and they discuss the potential for this creature to be a hybrid of an alligator and another animal.

Barking Alligator

A creature captured in Soap Lake near Gilroy, California, that emits a sound described as a cross between a bark and a grunt. The hosts debate whether this creature is a young alligator or something entirely different, and they discuss the potential for this creature to be a hybrid of an alligator and another animal.

Leeland Holloway

The person who captured the barking alligator in Soap Lake near Gilroy, California. The article does not provide any further information about Holloway or his subsequent fate.

Forest Lawn Cemetery

A cemetery in Los Angeles, California, mentioned in a newspaper article about a man who wanted his coffin to be opened daily for two months after his death. The man, William Kip, was haunted by a fear of premature burial and committed suicide by shooting himself.

William Kip

A retired Los Angeles capitalist who committed suicide by shooting himself. He was haunted by a fear of premature burial and requested that his coffin be opened daily for two months after his death.


  • What happened at the surprise party in Harpen Springs, Florida, that led to a deadly shootout?

    The surprise party turned deadly when two men, Frank Osborne and Pent Curl, got into an argument that escalated into a shootout. Osborne was fatally wounded with four bullet wounds, while Curl was killed by a stray bullet.

  • Who was identified as the shooter in the Harpen Springs, Florida, surprise party shootout?

    Constable J.W. Cooper, a guest at the party, was identified as the shooter. The article does not provide any further information about Cooper's role in the incident or his subsequent fate.

  • What unusual gifts did the bride in Erwin, Pennsylvania, receive at her wedding?

    The bride received a variety of unusual gifts, including 90 pounds of bologna sausage, 360 cases of beer, five full barrels of beer, 25 gallons of liquor, and 100 cases of pop. The hosts discuss the potential reasons behind these unusual gifts and the bride's reaction to them.

  • What is the Pastimes podcast about?

    The Pastimes podcast is hosted by Dave Anthony and Garrett Reynolds, where they explore old newspapers from random dates in history. Each week, they choose a newspaper that neither of them has seen before and discuss the stories within its pages.

  • What is the modern pentathlon?

    The modern pentathlon is a multi-disciplinary athletic event that includes five events: pistol shooting, fencing, swimming, show jumping, and cross-country running. The hosts discuss the event's unique features, including the requirement for athletes to ride a horse they have never met before.

  • What is the significance of the Battle of Luz in the context of the podcast episode?

    The Battle of Luz is mentioned in a newspaper article about a soldier who regained his speech and hearing after a painful operation for appendicitis. The article suggests that the soldier had been deaf and mute since the battle, implying that he may have suffered from shell shock or PTSD as a result of his wartime experiences.

  • Why is the Seine River in Paris a controversial location for the upcoming Olympics?

    The Seine River in Paris has been illegal for swimming for a century due to its pollution. The hosts discuss the potential challenges and controversies surrounding the decision to hold a swimming event in the river.

  • What is the significance of the pastor's missing tie in the Omaha Times article?

    The pastor's missing tie highlights the importance of social norms and expectations, even in seemingly mundane situations. The article suggests that the pastor felt unable to deliver his sermon without a tie, demonstrating the power of tradition and appearance in shaping social behavior.

  • What is the significance of the bride's unusual wedding gifts in the Erwin, Pennsylvania, article?

    The bride's unusual wedding gifts highlight the diversity of cultural traditions and gift-giving practices. The article suggests that the gifts may have been intended as a humorous or unconventional expression of well wishes, or perhaps a reflection of the bride and groom's unique personalities and interests.

  • What is the significance of the soldier's recovery from deafness and muteness in the England newspaper article?

    The soldier's recovery from deafness and muteness highlights the complex relationship between physical and mental health. The article suggests that the pain of the operation may have triggered a psychological release, allowing the soldier to overcome the trauma that had left him unable to speak or hear.

Show Notes

Dave Anthony picks a newspaper from a day in history and reads it to co-host Gareth Reynolds. This week they are once again joined by comedian Sarah Tiana

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End of Episode

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81 - The Past Times with Sarah Tiana

81 - The Past Times with Sarah Tiana

All Things Comedy