96. What Every Guy Thinks About All the Time
"It’s not too late going forward, just focus on what’s ahead of you, not what’s behind you." Guys think about four things: sex, finances, time, and relationships. We're skipping over sex today to discuss HOW to think about the other 3 on the list to become a successful man who adds significance and value to the world around him.
Hear firsthand how regular conversations and planning with your wife can reduce stress, foster harmony, and reveal unexpected opportunities for more time for what matters.
Key Takeaways:
- What turning to a vice will do for you
- What do we do with our anxieties?
- How to move forward from past mistakes
- How to manage your time well
We reflect on the early, challenging days of starting a business, and the powerful role of faith and community support. A heartwarming story of family prayer and an anonymous act of generosity highlights the importance of prioritizing relationships and time. We delve into strategies for balancing personal time, nurturing relationships, and achieving both success and significance. Tune in for actionable insights and join our ISI Iron Sharpens Iron community for ongoing support and engagement.
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LinkedIn Group: https://www.viewfromthetop.com/group
If you want to hear more speakers like this every month and be with the guys on the call, join the Iron Sharpens Iron Community today: https://www.isibrotherhood.com/isi-community
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View From The Top Website: https://isibrotherhood.com
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Big A’s Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaronwalkerviewfromthetop/
Episode 50: Is a Sexless Marriage Really a Marriage?: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/view-from-the-top/id1649249589?i=1000628482116