A Deep Dive on StarkNet with Henri Liuetad
Today’s guest is Henri from StarkWare. Henri is a dev advocate who is deeply plugged into the StarkNet ecosystem and also hosts the StarkNet team’s podcast. This episode is meant to be a great introduction into building on StarkNet for existing web3 devs.
We went very deep into all things StarkNet and Cairo.
We discussed things like the StarkNet account model & runtime environment, the evolution of Cairo & Cairo 1.0, and the future of applications that might use StarkNet for privacy preserving applications (rather than using the ZK rollup for scalability alone).
We also made sure to talk through the mental models that devs coming from the EVM need to understand in order to build on starknet, and why the team built their own separate language in the first place.
00:00 intro
3:15 How Henri got into crypto
6:05 What is StarkNet?
15:54 Walking through a StarkNet transaction
19:05 Decentralization
19:58 StarkNet account model
23:22 Mental models EVM devs should understand to build on StarkNet
29:34 What will people build on StarkNet?
33:30 Building a privacy preserving application on StarkNet
37:12 Cairo
41:28 Evolution of Cairo and Cairo 1.0
44:52 Building secure products in Cairo
49:15 Validity rollups & data availability
56:20 What *should* people build on StarkNet?
58:58 Henri’s long term view on the industry
StarkWare Base Camp: https://twitter.com/StarkWareLtd/status/1605519238038294529
Henri: https://twitter.com/henrlihenrli
StarkNet: https://starkware.co/starknet/