Discover20/20A Model Murder
A Model Murder

A Model Murder

Update: 2024-08-316


This podcast episode delves into the life and death of Dr. Thomas Bershard, a respected child psychiatrist from Monterey, California, and his relationship with Kelsey Turner, a rising Instagram model. The episode begins by introducing Kelsey Turner and her ambition to become famous, highlighting her use of Instagram to gain attention and build a following. It then explores the financial realities of Insta modeling and how some models can earn a living through social media platforms like Instagram. The episode then introduces Dr. Thomas Bershard, a respected and beloved child psychiatrist in Monterey, and details his unique approach to therapy, his generosity, and his belief in the power of medicine and money to solve problems. The episode then explores the complex and potentially transactional nature of Dr. Bershard and Kelsey Turner's relationship, highlighting his financial support for her and her demands for money, drugs, and other resources. The episode details Dr. Bershard's increasing financial support for Kelsey Turner, including financing her lifestyle, buying her a new Mercedes, and paying rent on her house. It also discusses the concerns of those close to him about his actions. The episode then describes Kelsey Turner's move to Las Vegas after being evicted from the Salinas house and Dr. Bershard's continued financial support for her and his inability to break away from her. The episode then describes the events that led to Dr. Bershard's murder, including a fight between him and Kelsey Turner in the car on their way back from the Vegas strip, which escalated after Kelsey Turner saw messages between Dr. Bershard and her mother. The episode then details the escalation of the fight between Dr. Bershard and Kelsey Turner at the house on Puritan Avenue, including Kelsey Turner's threats to contact Dr. Bershard's employer with false accusations of child pornography. The episode then describes John Logan Kennison's intervention in the fight between Dr. Bershard and Kelsey Turner, including his breaking down the door to the bedroom where Dr. Bershard had retreated. The episode then describes John Logan Kennison's attack on Dr. Bershard with a baseball bat, which Diana Pena witnessed and tried to stop. The episode then describes Dr. Bershard's fear for his life after being attacked by John Logan Kennison. The episode then details Kelsey Turner's instructions to Diana Pena to clean up the mess created during the fight, while Dr. Bershard remained in the garage. It also mentions Kelsey Turner's encouragement of John Logan Kennison to attack Dr. Bershard again. The episode then describes John Logan Kennison's murder of Dr. Bershard in the garage of the house on Puritan Avenue. The episode then describes Diana Pena's fear for her own safety after witnessing the murder of Dr. Bershard. The episode then explores the motive for Dr. Bershard's murder, suggesting that Kelsey Turner and John Logan Kennison killed him because he was no longer willing to be their financial support. The episode then describes the aftermath of Dr. Bershard's murder, including the panic and chaos that ensued among the residents of the house on Puritan Avenue. The episode then describes the escape of Kelsey Turner, John Logan Kennison, and Diana Pena from the house on Puritan Avenue, including their ditching of Dr. Bershard's phone and their use of his credit cards. The episode then describes John Logan Kennison's attempt to dispose of the Mercedes with Dr. Bershard's body inside, which was ultimately unsuccessful. The episode then describes the discovery of Dr. Bershard's body and the subsequent escape of Kelsey Turner, John Logan Kennison, and Diana Pena from the Rio hotel in Las Vegas. The episode then describes Diana Pena's escape to California with Kelsey Turner and John Logan Kennison, where she lied to them about finding them jobs. The episode then delves into the events leading up to the murder of Dr. Bashar, highlighting Kelsey Turner's manipulative nature and her ability to influence others. It details how she instigated the violence that ultimately led to Dr. Bashar's death, with Logan Kennisin ultimately pleading guilty to second-degree murder and conspiracy. The episode then focuses on Kelsey Turner's trial and the surprising plea deal she accepted. It explores her defiant attitude in court, her attempts to maintain her innocence, and the eventual decision to plead guilty to second-degree murder while still maintaining her innocence. The episode then examines the impact of Dr. Bashar's murder on his loved ones, particularly his long-time girlfriend Judy Eurb. It highlights the emotional toll of the crime and the lasting impact it has had on the community.


Introduction and Background

This podcast episode begins with a brief introduction and some background music. It sets the stage for the story of Kelsey Turner and Dr. Thomas Bershard, hinting at a mysterious and potentially dangerous relationship between the two.

Kelsey Turner and Dr. Thomas Bershard: A Mysterious Relationship

The episode introduces Kelsey Turner, a rising Instagram model, and Dr. Thomas Bershard, a respected child psychiatrist. The episode hints at a mysterious and potentially dangerous relationship between the two, setting the stage for a story of manipulation, greed, and ultimately, murder.

Kelsey Turner's Rise to Fame and the Babes in Toy Land Charity Drive

The episode discusses the Babes in Toy Land charity drive, a high-profile event in Los Angeles, and how Kelsey Turner made her red carpet debut at the event in 2017. It highlights her ambition to become famous and her use of Instagram to gain attention and build a following.

The Rise of Insta Models and Social Media Influence

The episode explores the rise of Instagram models and how social media has made it easier for people to break into the modeling space. It also discusses the importance of social media presence for aspiring models and the potential for leveraging social media following for financial gain.

Kelsey Turner's Pursuit of Fame and the Importance of Image

The episode delves into Kelsey Turner's ambition to become famous and how she used Instagram to gain attention and build a following. It highlights the importance of image and getting noticed in the world of Insta models, showcasing her two Instagram accounts: Kelsey Turner Official and Kelsey Turner Bad Barbie.

The Financial Realities of Insta Modeling and Kelsey Turner's Modeling Career

The episode discusses the financial realities of Insta modeling and how some models can earn a living through social media platforms like Instagram. It also explores the potential for leveraging social media following for financial gain and details Kelsey Turner's modeling career, including her appearances in magazines like Dream Vixen's and 110 Says.

Dr. Thomas Bershard: A Respected Psychiatrist and His Unique Approach

The episode provides a detailed portrait of Dr. Thomas Bershard, highlighting his reputation as a respected and beloved child psychiatrist in Monterey. It describes his unique approach to therapy, his generosity, and his belief in the power of medicine and money to solve problems.

The Complex Relationship Between Kelsey Turner and Dr. Bershard

The episode explores the complex and potentially transactional nature of Dr. Bershard and Kelsey Turner's relationship. It highlights his financial support for her and her demands for money, drugs, and other resources, revealing a dynamic that raises questions about their true motivations.

The Escalating Tension and Dr. Bershard's Financial Strain

The episode details Dr. Bershard's increasing financial support for Kelsey Turner, including financing her lifestyle, buying her a new Mercedes, and paying rent on her house. It also discusses the concerns of those close to him about his actions and the financial strain he was experiencing due to his support for her.

The Events Leading to Dr. Bershard's Murder

The episode describes the events that led to Dr. Bershard's murder, including a fight between him and Kelsey Turner in the car on their way back from the Vegas strip, which escalated after Kelsey Turner saw messages between Dr. Bershard and her mother. The episode then details the escalation of the fight between Dr. Bershard and Kelsey Turner at the house on Puritan Avenue, including Kelsey Turner's threats to contact Dr. Bershard's employer with false accusations of child pornography.

The Murder of Dr. Bershard and the Aftermath

The episode describes John Logan Kennison's intervention in the fight between Dr. Bershard and Kelsey Turner, including his breaking down the door to the bedroom where Dr. Bershard had retreated. The episode then describes John Logan Kennison's attack on Dr. Bershard with a baseball bat, which Diana Pena witnessed and tried to stop. The episode then describes Dr. Bershard's fear for his life after being attacked by John Logan Kennison. The episode then details Kelsey Turner's instructions to Diana Pena to clean up the mess created during the fight, while Dr. Bershard remained in the garage. It also mentions Kelsey Turner's encouragement of John Logan Kennison to attack Dr. Bershard again. The episode then describes John Logan Kennison's murder of Dr. Bershard in the garage of the house on Puritan Avenue. The episode then describes Diana Pena's fear for her own safety after witnessing the murder of Dr. Bershard.

The Investigation and the Trial

The episode explores the motive for Dr. Bershard's murder, suggesting that Kelsey Turner and John Logan Kennison killed him because he was no longer willing to be their financial support. The episode then describes the aftermath of Dr. Bershard's murder, including the panic and chaos that ensued among the residents of the house on Puritan Avenue. The episode then describes the escape of Kelsey Turner, John Logan Kennison, and Diana Pena from the house on Puritan Avenue, including their ditching of Dr. Bershard's phone and their use of his credit cards. The episode then describes John Logan Kennison's attempt to dispose of the Mercedes with Dr. Bershard's body inside, which was ultimately unsuccessful. The episode then describes the discovery of Dr. Bershard's body and the subsequent escape of Kelsey Turner, John Logan Kennison, and Diana Pena from the Rio hotel in Las Vegas. The episode then describes Diana Pena's escape to California with Kelsey Turner and John Logan Kennison, where she lied to them about finding them jobs.

The Impact of Dr. Bershard's Murder

The episode then delves into the events leading up to the murder of Dr. Bashar, highlighting Kelsey Turner's manipulative nature and her ability to influence others. It details how she instigated the violence that ultimately led to Dr. Bashar's death, with Logan Kennisin ultimately pleading guilty to second-degree murder and conspiracy. The episode then focuses on Kelsey Turner's trial and the surprising plea deal she accepted. It explores her defiant attitude in court, her attempts to maintain her innocence, and the eventual decision to plead guilty to second-degree murder while still maintaining her innocence. The episode then examines the impact of Dr. Bashar's murder on his loved ones, particularly his long-time girlfriend Judy Eurb. It highlights the emotional toll of the crime and the lasting impact it has had on the community.


Insta Model

An Instagram model is a person who uses Instagram to promote their modeling career, often showcasing their physique and lifestyle. They typically gain followers through attractive photos and videos, and can earn income through brand partnerships, sponsored content, and other forms of social media marketing.

Sugar Daddy

A sugar daddy is a wealthy older man who provides financial support and gifts to a younger woman in exchange for companionship or a romantic relationship. This arrangement is often characterized by a significant age gap and an imbalance of power.

Child Pornography

Child pornography is any visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct involving a minor. It is illegal and harmful, and can have serious consequences for those who create, distribute, or possess it.

Body Dump

A body dump is a location where a body is disposed of after a murder. It is often chosen for its remoteness and lack of surveillance, making it difficult for investigators to find the body and determine the cause of death.


Extortion is the act of obtaining something, typically money, from someone by threats or force. It is a criminal offense and can result in serious penalties.


In the context of dating and relationships, a \"whale\" refers to a wealthy and generous person who is willing to spend a lot of money on their partner. This term is often used in a derogatory way, implying that the person is being taken advantage of.

Toxic Love

A relationship characterized by unhealthy patterns of behavior, including manipulation, control, and emotional abuse. It can have detrimental effects on individuals involved, leading to emotional distress and potentially dangerous situations.

Puppet Master

A person who manipulates and controls others, often for their own gain. They use their influence to orchestrate events and influence the actions of those around them.

Alfred Plea

A plea in which a defendant pleads guilty to a crime but maintains their innocence. This allows the defendant to avoid a trial while still preserving their right to appeal the conviction.


  • What was the nature of the relationship between Kelsey Turner and Dr. Thomas Bershard?

    Kelsey Turner and Dr. Thomas Bershard had a complex and potentially transactional relationship. Dr. Bershard provided significant financial support for Kelsey, including paying for her lifestyle, buying her a new Mercedes, and paying rent on her house. In return, Kelsey Turner seemed to provide companionship and potentially a romantic relationship.

  • What led to the murder of Dr. Thomas Bershard?

    Dr. Bershard's murder appears to have been motivated by Kelsey Turner and John Logan Kennison's desire to end his financial support for them. Dr. Bershard had been providing them with a significant amount of money, but he was becoming increasingly strained by his financial obligations. When he attempted to end their relationship, Kelsey Turner and Kennison reacted violently, ultimately killing him in the garage of the house on Puritan Avenue.

  • What role did Diana Pena play in the events leading up to Dr. Bershard's murder?

    Diana Pena was a housemate of Kelsey Turner's and a friend who babysat her son. She witnessed the fight between Dr. Bershard and Kelsey Turner, and tried to intervene to stop the violence. She also played a role in the aftermath of the murder, helping to clean up the crime scene and fleeing with Kelsey Turner and John Logan Kennison.

  • What was the impact of Dr. Bershard's murder on those who knew him?

    Dr. Bershard's murder had a devastating impact on those who knew him, particularly his longtime girlfriend, Judy Earp. She was shocked and heartbroken by his death, and she struggled to come to terms with the loss of her partner. The murder also tarnished Dr. Bershard's reputation as a respected and beloved child psychiatrist.

  • How did Kelsey Turner manipulate Logan Kennisin into participating in the murder of Dr. Bashar?

    Kelsey Turner used her manipulative skills to convince Logan Kennisin to participate in the murder of Dr. Bashar. She likely played on his feelings for her and his desire to please her, ultimately leading him to commit a terrible crime.

  • What was the significance of Kelsey Turner's pregnancy during the events leading up to Dr. Bashar's murder?

    Kelsey Turner's pregnancy during the events leading up to Dr. Bashar's murder adds a layer of complexity to the case. It raises questions about her motivations and the potential impact of her actions on her unborn child.

  • What was the outcome of Kelsey Turner's trial?

    Kelsey Turner ultimately accepted a plea deal and pleaded guilty to second-degree murder while maintaining her innocence. This allowed her to avoid a trial but resulted in a significant prison sentence.

  • How did Dr. Bashar's murder impact his loved ones?

    Dr. Bashar's murder had a devastating impact on his loved ones, particularly his long-time girlfriend Judy Eurb. She described the emotional toll of the crime and the lasting impact it has had on her life.

Show Notes

An Instagram model's relationship with an older man turns deadly, and a witness provides a shocking account of the fatal day

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Comments (7)


Is this old b****** married? And his wife is cool with him f****** instagram.Chicks, what the f*** is this world coming to

Sep 6th


He was going over there to get some a** for the last time. Or so he thought f****** dumb a**

Sep 6th


because she could suck a dick 😅

Sep 6th


You were suspicious because of the vehicles, not because you had A horny old man Spending money and buying drugs. On AI g Hooker.🙄

Sep 6th


He was pussy whoop with a i.g hooker

Sep 6th


And there are some sick s***People do to get famous on social media

Sep 6th


What corny movie are these people living in? Men wanted to be with her; women wanted to be her. Nobody moves like that. 🙄

Sep 6th








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A Model Murder

A Model Murder

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