DiscoverThe Charlie Kirk ShowA Vote For President is a Vote for 5,000 People: My Appearance at Calvary Chapel Tucson
A Vote For President is a Vote for 5,000 People: My Appearance at Calvary Chapel Tucson

A Vote For President is a Vote for 5,000 People: My Appearance at Calvary Chapel Tucson

Update: 2024-09-293


This podcast episode features Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, and Frank Turek, a Christian apologist, discussing the importance of Christian involvement in politics, particularly regarding pro-life advocacy. They argue that Christians should actively participate in the political arena, citing biblical examples of individuals who were politically involved and advocating for the vulnerable. They emphasize the need to fight for the unborn and to protect the vulnerable, particularly in the context of sex trafficking and abortion. The episode also features a Q&A session where Kirk and Turek address various questions from the audience, including their views on IVF, the role of pastors in the pro-life movement, the morality of voting for a less-than-perfect candidate, and the future of the pro-life movement. They discuss the importance of incremental change, the need for the church to actively engage in the political process, and the importance of fighting for truth and righteousness. The episode concludes with a call to action, urging viewers to get involved in the political process, register new voters, and vote for candidates who will stand for truth and righteousness. They also emphasize the importance of supporting Hands of Hope, a pro-life organization that provides support and resources to pregnant women facing unplanned pregnancies.


Pro-Life Advocacy and Christian Involvement in Politics

Charlie Kirk introduces the episode, highlighting his conversation with Pastor Robert Ferrell and Frank Turek about pro-life advocacy and his support for President Trump in Arizona. He emphasizes the need for Christians to actively participate in politics, arguing that the Bible encourages involvement in the public arena and caring for the vulnerable.

Condemning Kamala Harris and Supporting Hands of Hope

Charlie Kirk expresses his belief that a Christian cannot vote for Kamala Harris due to her stance on abortion and her actions against pro-life organizations like Hands of Hope. He urges viewers to donate to Hands of Hope.

The Moral Crisis of Sex Trafficking and the Need for Action

Charlie Kirk draws a parallel between the current situation of sex trafficking on the southern border and slavery, arguing that Christians must not be passive observers but active participants in fighting for the vulnerable.

The Power of the Vote in Arizona

Charlie Kirk emphasizes the importance of voter turnout in Arizona, stating that the outcome of the election could be decided by a small number of voters in Pima County. He encourages viewers to register new voters and get out the vote.

Q&A: College Campus Ministry, Turning Point USA, and Voter Engagement

Charlie Kirk answers questions about his college campus ministry, the impact of Turning Point USA, and how students can get involved. He highlights the growing conservatism among young men and the need to reach out to young women.

Q&A: Donald Trump's Stance on IVF and Ethical Considerations

Charlie Kirk discusses his personal views on IVF, emphasizing the importance of ethical considerations and the potential dangers of creating life in a laboratory. He acknowledges that President Trump's stance on IVF differs from his own.

Q&A: The Role of Pastors in the Pro-Life Movement

Charlie Kirk and Frank Turek discuss the importance of pastors speaking out against abortion and the need for the church to actively engage in the pro-life movement. They address the Catholic Church's stance on IVF.

Q&A: The Fake Elector Scheme and Arizona Politics

Charlie Kirk and Frank Turek discuss the fake elector scheme and the Arizona Attorney General's actions against those involved. They debate the priorities of the Attorney General and the use of taxpayer money.

Q&A: Encouraging Hope and Addressing the Single Mom Rate

Charlie Kirk and Frank Turek respond to a question about encouraging men to commit to family formation and address the high single mom rate. They discuss the importance of prioritizing family over career and the need for men to become responsible adults.

Q&A: Trump's Stance on Abortion and Incremental Change

Charlie Kirk and Frank Turek discuss Donald Trump's stance on abortion and the need for incremental change in the pro-life movement. They argue that while Trump may not be as pro-life as some would like, he has made significant progress on the issue.


Pro-Life Movement

A social and political movement advocating for the legal protection of unborn human beings from conception. It seeks to restrict or overturn abortion laws and promote policies that support pregnant women and families.

Turning Point USA

A non-profit organization founded by Charlie Kirk that aims to promote conservative values and ideas on college campuses and among young people. It organizes events, provides resources, and advocates for conservative policies.

Hands of Hope

A pro-life organization that provides support and resources to pregnant women facing unplanned pregnancies. It offers counseling, material assistance, and educational programs to help women choose life for their unborn children.

Sex Trafficking

The recruitment, harboring, transportation, or receipt of persons for the purpose of sexual exploitation. It is a form of modern slavery that often involves coercion, force, or fraud.

Voter Turnout

The percentage of eligible voters who cast a ballot in an election. It is a key indicator of democratic participation and can significantly influence the outcome of elections.

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)

A fertility treatment that involves fertilizing an egg with sperm in a laboratory setting and then transferring the resulting embryo to the woman's uterus. It is a controversial issue, particularly within the pro-life movement, due to ethical concerns about the creation and disposal of embryos.

Incremental Change

A gradual process of achieving a desired outcome through a series of small steps or changes. It is often used in politics and social movements to achieve goals that may be difficult to achieve all at once.

School Choice

A policy that allows parents to choose where their children attend school, including public, private, charter, or homeschooling options. It is a controversial issue, with proponents arguing that it increases parental control and competition in education, while opponents argue that it undermines public education and exacerbates inequality.

Religious Liberty

The freedom to practice one's religion without government interference. It is a fundamental human right that is protected by many constitutions and international law.


  • What is the main argument Charlie Kirk makes about the role of Christians in politics?

    Charlie Kirk argues that Christians should actively participate in politics, citing biblical examples of individuals who were politically involved and advocating for the vulnerable. He believes that the Bible encourages Christians to care for the least of these and to be involved in the public arena.

  • Why does Charlie Kirk believe that a Christian cannot vote for Kamala Harris?

    Charlie Kirk believes that a Christian cannot vote for Kamala Harris because of her stance on abortion and her actions against pro-life organizations like Hands of Hope. He argues that her policies are directly opposed to the biblical values of protecting the unborn and caring for the vulnerable.

  • What is Charlie Kirk's stance on IVF?

    Charlie Kirk believes that IVF is ethically problematic, particularly when multiple embryos are fertilized. He argues that creating life in a laboratory raises concerns about playing God and potentially manipulating the natural order. However, he acknowledges that IVF is a complex issue and that it may be the only option for some couples struggling with infertility.

  • How does Charlie Kirk suggest combating leftist curriculum in public schools?

    Charlie Kirk suggests that parents should consider homeschooling or sending their children to private schools to avoid exposure to leftist curriculum. He also encourages parents to attend school board meetings and expose the content of these books, arguing that showing rather than telling is the most effective way to combat these ideas.

  • What is Charlie Kirk's view on the United States' relationship with Israel?

    Charlie Kirk believes that the United States should resolutely stand with Israel and that turning our back on Israel would be detrimental to our national security. He praises President Donald Trump's pro-Israel policies and argues that the current administration's approach of funding both sides of the conflict is problematic.

  • How can we address those who use certain Old Testament passages to justify their views, particularly on abortion?

    Consulting resources like Craig Keener's \"Is God a Moral Monster?\" and Paul Copan's work can provide helpful interpretations of these passages, addressing issues of hyperbolic language and context.

  • What is God's authority over life and death, and how does it relate to human choices?

    God has the ultimate authority over life and death, as the creator. While God can take life at any time, humans do not have the same right, as we are not the creators of life.

  • How can we get involved in the upcoming election and make a difference?

    We can participate in \"chasing ballots\" by contacting voters, reminding them to vote, and providing information about how to vote. We can also use the Turning Point Action app to find and mobilize voters in our local area.

Show Notes

Is it moral for a pro-lifer to sit out this election? Is IVF ethical? Do Arizona's "fake electors" belong in jail?  Charlie's Q&A session with Frank Turek and Pastor Robert Furrow at Calvary Chapel Tucson hit a lot of topics. Listen in for crucial perspectives about what really maters this election cycle.

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A Vote For President is a Vote for 5,000 People: My Appearance at Calvary Chapel Tucson

A Vote For President is a Vote for 5,000 People: My Appearance at Calvary Chapel Tucson

Charlie Kirk