DiscoverUnf*ck YourselfA small clip from Day 3 of the Unf*cked Intensive: I asked Source how to actually manifest..and this is what they said
A small clip from Day 3 of the Unf*cked Intensive: I asked Source how to actually manifest..and this is what they said

A small clip from Day 3 of the Unf*cked Intensive: I asked Source how to actually manifest..and this is what they said

Update: 2024-05-29


This podcast episode delves into the concept of 'creator field' and how to align it with your desires for manifestation. The speaker emphasizes the importance of identifying and addressing negative emotions that could hinder your success. They introduce the idea of 'emotional ingredients' – specific emotions that need to be programmed into your creator field to attract your desired outcome. The speaker suggests creating a list of these ingredients and then actively seeking evidence of their presence in your daily life. They also highlight the significance of 'emotional thought broadcasts' – positive affirmations in third person that you repeat to yourself daily. These affirmations should be accompanied by strong emotions and visualization techniques. The episode concludes with a discussion of the 'law of assumption' and the 'law of action'. The law of assumption involves speaking about your desired outcome as if it has already happened, while the law of action encourages you to act as if you already possess the desired outcome, even if it's just for a few minutes each day. The speaker emphasizes the importance of feeling the emotions associated with your desired outcome and using visualization and other techniques to immerse yourself in the energy of your desired reality.


Emotional Ingredients for Manifestation

This Chapter introduces the concept of 'emotional ingredients' – specific emotions that need to be programmed into your creator field to attract your desired outcome. The speaker explains that these ingredients are the opposite of the emotions that would prevent your desired outcome from happening. They suggest identifying these negative emotions and then actively seeking evidence of their presence in your daily life.

Programming Your Creator Field

This Chapter delves into the process of programming your creator field with the identified emotional ingredients. The speaker recommends creating a note in your phone for each ingredient and then actively seeking evidence of its presence in your daily life. This process helps to shift your belief system and emotions, aligning them with your desired outcome.

Emotional Thought Broadcasts

This Chapter introduces the concept of 'emotional thought broadcasts' – positive affirmations in third person that you repeat to yourself daily. These affirmations should be what you want someone else to say to you about your desired outcome. The speaker emphasizes the importance of feeling the emotions associated with these affirmations and using visualization techniques to enhance their effectiveness.

The Law of Assumption and Action

This Chapter discusses the 'law of assumption' and the 'law of action'. The law of assumption involves speaking about your desired outcome as if it has already happened, while the law of action encourages you to act as if you already possess the desired outcome, even if it's just for a few minutes each day. The speaker emphasizes the importance of feeling the emotions associated with your desired outcome and using visualization and other techniques to immerse yourself in the energy of your desired reality.


creator field

A term used to describe the energetic field that surrounds you and influences your reality. It is believed to be a reflection of your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, and can be programmed to attract your desired outcomes.

emotional ingredients

Specific emotions that need to be programmed into your creator field to attract your desired outcome. These emotions are the opposite of the emotions that would prevent your desired outcome from happening.

emotional thought broadcasts

Positive affirmations in third person that you repeat to yourself daily. These affirmations should be what you want someone else to say to you about your desired outcome. They are designed to shift your subconscious mind and attract your desired reality.

law of assumption

A principle of manifestation that involves speaking about your desired outcome as if it has already happened. This helps to shift your belief system and attract your desired reality.

law of action

A principle of manifestation that encourages you to act as if you already possess the desired outcome, even if it's just for a few minutes each day. This helps to align your energy with your desired outcome and attract it into your reality.


The process of bringing your desires into reality through the power of your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. It involves aligning your energy with your desired outcome and taking inspired action.


A technique used in manifestation that involves creating a mental image of your desired outcome. This helps to program your subconscious mind and attract your desired reality.


A powerful inner guidance system that can help you to identify your emotional ingredients, create effective affirmations, and take inspired action towards your desired outcome.


  • What are 'emotional ingredients' and how do they relate to manifestation?

    'Emotional ingredients' are specific emotions that need to be programmed into your creator field to attract your desired outcome. They are the opposite of the emotions that would prevent your desired outcome from happening. By identifying and addressing these negative emotions, you can align your energy with your desired outcome and attract it into your reality.

  • How do I program my creator field with emotional ingredients?

    You can program your creator field by creating a list of your emotional ingredients and then actively seeking evidence of their presence in your daily life. This process helps to shift your belief system and emotions, aligning them with your desired outcome.

  • What are 'emotional thought broadcasts' and how do they work?

    'Emotional thought broadcasts' are positive affirmations in third person that you repeat to yourself daily. These affirmations should be what you want someone else to say to you about your desired outcome. By repeating these affirmations with strong emotions and visualization techniques, you can shift your subconscious mind and attract your desired reality.

  • What is the 'law of assumption' and how can I apply it?

    The 'law of assumption' involves speaking about your desired outcome as if it has already happened. This helps to shift your belief system and attract your desired reality. You can apply this by speaking about your desired outcome in the present tense and feeling the emotions associated with it.

  • What is the 'law of action' and how can I implement it?

    The 'law of action' encourages you to act as if you already possess the desired outcome, even if it's just for a few minutes each day. This helps to align your energy with your desired outcome and attract it into your reality. You can implement this by taking actions that you would take if you already had your desired outcome.

Show Notes

This is a small clip from Day 3 Of the Unf*cked Intensive! 

If you missed it.. get the replay here:

Ready to transform your life by mastering the art of Source creation/manifestation? In this episode, we discuss the emotional ingredients you need to program your creator field for success. Learn how to identify the emotions that could sabotage your goals and flip them to your benefit. Discover the power of making a list and clocking micro-moments to root your belief system and emotions. 

We also explore the Source way of creation deeper than ever before with  emotional thought broadcasts and how to use them to your advantage. Plus, get insights into the laws of Assumption and Action, and how to implement them in your daily life to manifest your dreams. Don’t miss this episode packed with actionable steps to unf*ck your life and achieve your desires!

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A small clip from Day 3 of the Unf*cked Intensive: I asked Source how to actually manifest..and this is what they said

A small clip from Day 3 of the Unf*cked Intensive: I asked Source how to actually manifest..and this is what they said
