AI Agents: Substance or Snake Oil with Arvind Narayanan - #704

AI Agents: Substance or Snake Oil with Arvind Narayanan - #704

Update: 2024-10-08


This episode of the Twilmore AI podcast features Arvin Narayan, a professor at Princeton University, discussing the challenges and opportunities of AI agents. Arvin highlights the "capability-reliability gap," where agents demonstrate impressive potential but struggle to achieve consistent real-world performance. He explores the need for better benchmarking and evaluation methods, emphasizing the importance of cost considerations alongside accuracy. Arvin shares his background as a computer scientist and director of the Center for Information Technology Policy at Princeton. He discusses his research interests, including AI agents, AI bias, and advising policymakers on AI regulation. He emphasizes the importance of academic research in areas like benchmarking, where companies may not have the incentive to invest. Arvin delves into the complexities of benchmarking AI agents, particularly in the context of foundation models. He highlights the difficulty of creating realistic simulations for real-world tasks and the potential for benchmarks to encourage the development of brittle agents that perform well in simulations but fail in real-world applications. Arvin discusses the paradox of AI agents: while their capabilities are impressive, achieving reliable performance in real-world settings remains a significant challenge. He uses the example of self-driving cars to illustrate how even with promising prototypes, achieving widespread adoption requires overcoming numerous practical hurdles. Arvin emphasizes the need to consider cost alongside accuracy when evaluating AI agents. He argues that simply focusing on accuracy can be misleading, as models can achieve high accuracy by repeatedly sampling solutions until a correct one is found. He advocates for using Pareto curves to visualize the trade-off between cost and performance. Arvin shares a personal anecdote about using an AI-generated app to teach his five-year-old daughter how to tell time. This example highlights the potential of AI agents for one-time use applications, where perfect reliability is not essential. Arvin discusses the concept of "verifiers" as a way to create guardrails for AI agents. He explains how verifiers, such as unit tests for coding agents, can be used to ensure the reliability of agent outputs. He suggests that domain-specific verifiers could be used to build agents that achieve high reliability in specific domains. Arvin argues that the development of AI agents is as much a political problem as a technical one. He discusses the resistance from companies to allow agents to access their websites and data, highlighting the need for societal changes to facilitate the integration of AI agents into existing systems. Arvin explores the definition of AI agents, acknowledging the ambiguity surrounding the term. He argues that the concept is meaningful because it represents a shift from simple zero-shot prompting to more complex AI systems that require scaffolding and autonomy. He identifies three key factors in defining agents: environmental complexity, task difficulty, and design patterns. Arvin discusses his team's work on a benchmark called Core Bench, which focuses on computational reproducibility in scientific research. The benchmark aims to evaluate AI agents' ability to automate the process of reproducing scientific results, a task that is often time-consuming and challenging for human researchers. Arvin shares his observations about the strengths and weaknesses of current AI agents. He suggests that agents are better at tasks that are well-represented on the web, while tasks involving long sequences of interactions, such as shell commands or turn-taking, pose greater challenges. Arvin discusses three approaches to improving reasoning capabilities in AI models: scaling up models, using inference-time methods like neuro-symbolic AI, and fine-tuning models during training. He highlights the potential of each approach and suggests that the hybrid approach employed by models like Strawberry R01 is particularly promising. Arvin discusses the concept of "AI snake oil" and how it applies to the current state of AI. He acknowledges that while many AI products are based on legitimate research and development, some companies make exaggerated claims about their capabilities. He highlights examples of problematic claims, such as those made about GPT-4's performance on standardized tests, and the use of basic statistical models rebranded as AI. Arvin discusses the challenges of regulating AI, acknowledging the rapid pace of technological development and the lack of technical expertise among policymakers. He argues that regulation should focus on human behavior around AI rather than the technical details of specific models. He emphasizes the importance of enforcement of existing laws and the need for evidence-based policymaking. Arvin discusses the debate surrounding AI safety, arguing that while researchers should study potential risks, policy should focus on known risks and be evidence-based. He cautions against overreacting to hypothetical risks and suggests that more evidence is needed before taking drastic measures to curb AI development. Arvin distinguishes between catastrophic and non-catastrophic AI risks. He argues that while AI can be used to discriminate against individuals, this is not a catastrophic risk from a policy perspective. He considers the potential for adversaries to take over critical infrastructure as a more serious and potentially catastrophic risk, requiring a precautionary approach.


AI Agents: The Capability-Reliability Gap and the Future of AI

This episode of the Twilmore AI podcast features Arvin Narayan, a professor at Princeton University, discussing the challenges and opportunities of AI agents. Arvin highlights the "capability-reliability gap," where agents demonstrate impressive potential but struggle to achieve consistent real-world performance. He explores the need for better benchmarking and evaluation methods, emphasizing the importance of cost considerations alongside accuracy.

Arvin Narayan's Background and Research Agenda

Arvin Narayan shares his background as a computer scientist and director of the Center for Information Technology Policy at Princeton. He discusses his research interests, including AI agents, AI bias, and advising policymakers on AI regulation. He emphasizes the importance of academic research in areas like benchmarking, where companies may not have the incentive to invest.

Benchmarking AI Agents: Challenges and Considerations

Arvin delves into the complexities of benchmarking AI agents, particularly in the context of foundation models. He highlights the difficulty of creating realistic simulations for real-world tasks and the potential for benchmarks to encourage the development of brittle agents that perform well in simulations but fail in real-world applications.

The Fundamental Paradox of AI Agents

Arvin discusses the paradox of AI agents: while their capabilities are impressive, achieving reliable performance in real-world settings remains a significant challenge. He uses the example of self-driving cars to illustrate how even with promising prototypes, achieving widespread adoption requires overcoming numerous practical hurdles.

Cost Considerations in Evaluating AI Agents

Arvin emphasizes the need to consider cost alongside accuracy when evaluating AI agents. He argues that simply focusing on accuracy can be misleading, as models can achieve high accuracy by repeatedly sampling solutions until a correct one is found. He advocates for using Pareto curves to visualize the trade-off between cost and performance.

AI Agents in Everyday Life: A Personal Anecdote

Arvin shares a personal anecdote about using an AI-generated app to teach his five-year-old daughter how to tell time. This example highlights the potential of AI agents for one-time use applications, where perfect reliability is not essential.

Verifiers as Guardrails for AI Agents

Arvin discusses the concept of "verifiers" as a way to create guardrails for AI agents. He explains how verifiers, such as unit tests for coding agents, can be used to ensure the reliability of agent outputs. He suggests that domain-specific verifiers could be used to build agents that achieve high reliability in specific domains.

The Political and Societal Challenges of AI Agents

Arvin argues that the development of AI agents is as much a political problem as a technical one. He discusses the resistance from companies to allow agents to access their websites and data, highlighting the need for societal changes to facilitate the integration of AI agents into existing systems.


AI Agents

AI agents are autonomous systems that can perceive their environment, make decisions, and take actions to achieve specific goals. They are often characterized by their ability to learn and adapt over time, making them increasingly capable of performing complex tasks.

Capability-Reliability Gap

This refers to the discrepancy between the potential capabilities of AI agents and their actual performance in real-world settings. While agents may demonstrate impressive abilities in controlled environments, achieving consistent reliability in complex and unpredictable situations remains a significant challenge.


Benchmarking involves evaluating the performance of AI models or agents against a set of predefined tasks or metrics. It is crucial for assessing progress in AI research and development, but can be challenging to design benchmarks that accurately reflect real-world scenarios.


Verifiers are mechanisms used to ensure the reliability of AI agent outputs. They can take various forms, such as unit tests for coding agents or domain-specific rules for other types of agents. Verifiers act as guardrails, preventing agents from producing incorrect or harmful results.

Neuro-Symbolic AI

This approach combines neural networks with symbolic reasoning systems to enhance the reasoning capabilities of AI models. It aims to leverage the strengths of both approaches, allowing models to learn from data while also incorporating logical rules and constraints.

AI Snake Oil

This term refers to exaggerated or misleading claims about the capabilities of AI products. It highlights the need for critical evaluation of AI claims and the importance of separating hype from reality.

Precautionary Principle

This principle suggests that action should be taken to prevent potential harm, even if there is not complete scientific certainty about the risk. It is often applied in situations where the potential consequences of inaction are severe, such as with environmental or health risks.


  • What is the "capability-reliability gap" in AI agents, and how does it impact their real-world applications?

    The "capability-reliability gap" refers to the difference between the impressive potential of AI agents and their inconsistent performance in real-world settings. This gap makes it difficult to deploy agents for tasks that require high reliability, such as self-driving cars or medical diagnosis.

  • Why is cost an important factor to consider when evaluating AI agents?

    Focusing solely on accuracy can be misleading, as models can achieve high accuracy by repeatedly sampling solutions until a correct one is found. Cost considerations are crucial for determining the practical value of an agent, as it reflects the trade-off between performance and resource consumption.

  • How can "verifiers" be used to improve the reliability of AI agents?

    Verifiers act as guardrails, ensuring that agent outputs meet specific criteria. For example, unit tests for coding agents can verify the correctness of generated code. Domain-specific verifiers can be used to build agents that achieve high reliability in specific domains.

  • What are the main approaches to improving reasoning capabilities in AI models?

    Three main approaches are: scaling up models, using inference-time methods like neuro-symbolic AI, and fine-tuning models during training. Each approach has its strengths and weaknesses, and the most promising approach may involve a combination of these techniques.

  • What are some examples of "AI snake oil" and how can consumers protect themselves from misleading claims?

    Examples include exaggerated claims about AI's ability to replace human professionals, such as lawyers or doctors, and the use of basic statistical models rebranded as AI. Consumers should be critical of AI claims, seeking evidence-based information and avoiding products that make unrealistic promises.

  • How can policy be used to address the challenges of AI development and deployment?

    Policy should focus on regulating human behavior around AI rather than the technical details of specific models. This includes enforcing existing laws against discrimination and ensuring transparency from AI companies. Policymakers should also prioritize evidence-based decision-making and avoid overreacting to hypothetical risks.

  • What are the different types of AI risks, and how should policymakers approach them?

    AI risks can be categorized as non-catastrophic, such as discrimination, and catastrophic, such as the potential for adversaries to take over critical infrastructure. Policymakers should take a precautionary approach to catastrophic risks, while focusing on evidence-based solutions for non-catastrophic risks.

Show Notes

Today, we're joined by Arvind Narayanan, professor of Computer Science at Princeton University to discuss his recent works, AI Agents That Matter and AI Snake Oil. In “AI Agents That Matter”, we explore the range of agentic behaviors, the challenges in benchmarking agents, and the ‘capability and reliability gap’, which creates risks when deploying AI agents in real-world applications. We also discuss the importance of verifiers as a technique for safeguarding agent behavior. We then dig into the AI Snake Oil book, which uncovers examples of problematic and overhyped claims in AI. Arvind shares various use cases of failed applications of AI, outlines a taxonomy of AI risks, and shares his insights on AI’s catastrophic risks. Additionally, we also touched on different approaches to LLM-based reasoning, his views on tech policy and regulation, and his work on CORE-Bench, a benchmark designed to measure AI agents' accuracy in computational reproducibility tasks.

The complete show notes for this episode can be found at

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AI Agents: Substance or Snake Oil with Arvind Narayanan - #704

AI Agents: Substance or Snake Oil with Arvind Narayanan - #704

Sam Charrington