AJT November 2024 Editors’ Picks
[02:08 ] Robotic living donor hepatectomy is associated with superior outcomes for both the donor and the recipient compared to laparoscopic or open - A single center prospective registry study of 3,448 cases
[09:34 ] Public Attitudes to Xenotransplantation: A National Survey in the United States
[18:09 ] Non-clinical and clinical characterization of MAU868, a novel human-derived monoclonal neutralizing antibody targeting BK polyomavirus VP1
[25:52 ] Establishing targets for goal-directed anesthesia in renal transplantation: a cohort analysis of high-saliency surgical time-courses.
Editorial: Intraoperative blood pressure management during kidney transplantation: grafts under pressure.
[36:53 ] Why partial heart transplantation could be regulated as organ transplantation