DiscoverCrime JunkieANNOUNCING: Park Predators Weekly!
ANNOUNCING: Park Predators Weekly!

ANNOUNCING: Park Predators Weekly!

Update: 2024-10-151


This episode of Park Predators delves into the murder of Henry Stange, a 54-year-old man found dead in Joshua Tree National Park. The case involves a complex love triangle between Henry, his ex-wife Melissa, and a 27-year-old woman named Ashley Stapp, who was also in a relationship with Curtis Krueger, a controlling Marine lieutenant. The investigation reveals Curtis' obsessive personality, his history of violence, and his manipulation of Ashley. Phone records and incriminating phone calls between Curtis and Ashley place them at the scene of the crime, leading to their arrest for murder and conspiracy. Ashley initially denies involvement but later confesses to witnessing Curtis beat Henry and helping him dispose of the body. Curtis remains silent and invokes his right to an attorney. The District Attorney's decision to decline charges against Curtis and Ashley sparks public outrage, but Curtis is eventually re-arrested on a first-degree murder charge. Ashley is not indicted. The episode details Curtis' manipulation of his superiors to gain access to Ashley, who had gone missing. Ashley eventually pleads guilty to harboring a person suspected of committing a felony in exchange for dropping the kidnapping charge. Curtis' preliminary hearing takes place, and he is ordered to stand trial for Henry Stange's murder. Ashley violates her probation and is re-arrested. Curtis' trial begins, with both the prosecution and defense presenting their arguments and evidence. The episode concludes with Curtis Krueger's sentencing to 15 years to life in prison for the murder and three years for the assault charge. Henry Stange's family and friends express their grief and disappointment, while Curtis expresses remorse for his actions. The episode ends with updates on Ashley Stapp and Curtis Krueger's current status.


The Murder of Henry Stange: A Love Triangle Gone Wrong

This episode of Park Predators delves into the murder of Henry Stange, a 54-year-old man found dead in Joshua Tree National Park. The case involves a complex love triangle between Henry, his ex-wife Melissa, and a 27-year-old woman named Ashley Stapp, who was also in a relationship with Curtis Krueger, a controlling Marine lieutenant. The investigation reveals Curtis' obsessive personality, his history of violence, and his manipulation of Ashley.

The Discovery of Henry Stange's Body and the Initial Investigation

The episode details the discovery of Henry Stange's body by a hiker, Mark Powers, who noticed vultures circling the area. The authorities are called, and a thorough investigation begins, revealing signs of a violent assault and a possible transportation of the body from a different location.

Investigating Henry Stange's Life and Relationships

The episode explores Henry Stange's life, including his separation from his wife, Melissa, and his struggles with opioid addiction. The investigation reveals his involvement with a 27-year-old woman named Ashley Stapp, who is also in a relationship with Curtis Krueger, a Marine lieutenant.

Suspicions Arise: Curtis Krueger's Phone Records and Surveillance

The episode focuses on the suspicious phone records of Curtis Krueger, which place him at or near Henry Stange's house on the day of the murder. The authorities begin to suspect Curtis and Ashley Stapp as potential suspects and secure warrants for their phone conversations.

Incriminating Phone Calls and the Arrest of Curtis Krueger and Ashley Stapp

The episode highlights the incriminating phone calls between Curtis Krueger and Ashley Stapp, where they discuss the murder and potential evidence. Based on this evidence, Curtis and Ashley are arrested for murder and conspiracy.

Curtis Krueger's Trial and Sentencing

The episode details the testimony of Ashley Stapp and Curtis Krueger, who both provide their accounts of the events leading up to Henry Stange's murder. The jury deliberates and finds Curtis guilty of second-degree murder and assault with a deadly weapon. The episode concludes with Curtis Krueger's sentencing to 15 years to life in prison for the murder and three years for the assault charge. Henry Stange's family and friends express their grief and disappointment, while Curtis expresses remorse for his actions. The episode ends with updates on Ashley Stapp and Curtis Krueger's current status.


Opioid Addiction

A chronic, relapsing brain disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences. Opioids are a class of drugs that bind to opioid receptors in the brain, producing pain relief, euphoria, and sedation.

Love Triangle

A romantic relationship involving three people, often leading to conflict and jealousy. The term is commonly used in literature, film, and television to describe complex and often dramatic relationships.

Obsessive Personality

A personality trait characterized by excessive preoccupation with a particular person, object, or activity. Individuals with obsessive personalities often exhibit controlling behaviors, jealousy, and a lack of boundaries in their relationships.

Domestic Violence

A pattern of abusive behaviors used by one partner to gain power and control over another. It can include physical, emotional, sexual, and economic abuse, and can have devastating consequences for victims.

Joshua Tree National Park

A national park located in southeastern California, known for its unique desert landscape, towering rock formations, and diverse plant and animal life. The park is a popular destination for hiking, camping, and rock climbing.


The act of planning or considering a crime beforehand. In criminal law, premeditation is a key element in determining the degree of murder, with first-degree murder requiring proof of premeditation.

Accessory After the Fact

A person who, knowing that a crime has been committed, helps the perpetrator avoid arrest, prosecution, or conviction. Accessories after the fact are typically charged with a lesser offense than the original crime.


  • What was the main motive behind Curtis Krueger's murder of Henry Stange?

    Curtis Krueger's motive for murdering Henry Stange was driven by extreme jealousy and possessiveness over his girlfriend, Ashley Stapp, who was also involved with Henry. Curtis' obsessive personality and controlling behaviors escalated over time, leading to a violent confrontation that resulted in Henry's death.

  • How did the authorities initially become suspicious of Curtis Krueger and Ashley Stapp?

    The authorities became suspicious of Curtis Krueger and Ashley Stapp after analyzing Curtis' phone records, which placed him at or near Henry Stange's house on the day of the murder. Additionally, incriminating phone calls between Curtis and Ashley revealed their discussions about the murder and potential evidence, further solidifying their suspicions.

  • What role did Ashley Stapp play in the murder of Henry Stange?

    Ashley Stapp initially lied to the authorities about her involvement in the murder, but later confessed to witnessing Curtis beat Henry and helping him dispose of the body. She also admitted to manipulating both men and covering up the crime to protect Curtis. While she was not directly involved in the killing, her actions as an accessory after the fact contributed to the crime's concealment.

  • What were the key pieces of evidence presented at Curtis Krueger's trial?

    Key pieces of evidence presented at Curtis Krueger's trial included photos of Henry Stange's burial site, his autopsy, the large pool of blood on his garage floor, and traces of blood spatter throughout the crime scene. Additionally, investigators presented an email between Henry and Curtis, as well as transcripts of their wire-tapped phone calls, which revealed their discussions about the murder and their efforts to cover it up.

  • What was the outcome of Curtis Krueger's trial and sentencing?

    Curtis Krueger was found guilty of second-degree murder and assault with a deadly weapon. The jury determined that the state had not met its burden of proof for first-degree murder, which requires premeditation. Curtis was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison for the murder and three years for the assault charge.

Show Notes

Park Predators is back and Delia D’Ambra is staying in the parks all year long, making Park Predators now a WEEKLY audiochuck podcast with new episodes every Tuesday! 

When a decomposed body turns up in the desert in June 2018, law enforcement in California work to ID the victim. The web of secrets, sex and lies that unfold reveal a grim picture of what a young man was willing to do for love.

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Park Predators is an audiochuck production. 

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ANNOUNCING: Park Predators Weekly!

ANNOUNCING: Park Predators Weekly!
