Aidan "Turtleboy" Kearney Gets Sue Happy After His Flying Monkey Commits Perjury in RO Hearing!
Update: 2025-01-12
Turtleboy wins in court after his flying monkey Mary Bagwell commits perjury in his restraining order hearing. Turtleboy sues Lindsey Gaettani for defamation for 2 million and vows on X (Twitter) that he will file five more lawsuits just like it.
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Joan Mahon, Marcie Denton, Rosanne Aponte, Tammie, Hanna, Johnny Jay, Spaceydove, Jude Barnes, JenTheRN, Susan, Victoria Devenish, Jeri Falk, Kimberly Lovelace, Penni Miller, Jil, Janet Gardner, Jayne Wallace (JaynesWhirled), Pat Brooks, Jennifer Klearman, Judy Brown Linda Lazzaro, Suzanne Kniffin, Susan Hicks, Jeff Meadors, D Samlam, Pat Brooks, Kathy Chapin, Cythnia, Bonnie Schoeneman-Dilley, Diane Larsen, Mary, Kimberly Philipson, Stephanie Damilano, Cat Stewart, Cindy Pochesci, Kevin Crecy, Renee Chavez, Melba Pourteau, Julie K Thomas, Riverdale Pilates, Mia Wallace, Stark Stuff,Yvette Jocklin, Kayce Taylor, Alice, JenTile, Dean, GiGi5, Jennifer Crum, Dana Natale, Marie Patriagnnani, Bewildered Beauty, Pepper, Joan Chakonas, Blythe, Pat Dell, Lorraine Reid, Sandra Guse Van Zeeland, Isa, T.B., Kitties1993, Regan Johnson, Melissa, Victoria Gray Bross, Kay Be, Toni Woodland, Danbrit, Kenny Haines, Maureen P and Toni Natalie
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