Ain't I A Woman?, by Sojourner Truth
Amy is joined by Rayna Clay MacKay to discuss the speech ‘Ain’t I A Woman?’ by Sojourner Truth. Topics include the history and multiple versions of this speech, microaggressions, and the legacy of racism in America.
Rayna Clay MacKay is a wife, mom, and Obstetric Anesthesiologist. She married a dreamy Scotsman for much more than his accent and gained two fantastic bonus kids as a result. They added three more kiddos to the mix, including identical twin boys, and a daughter. They also have the best Cavoodle in the world named Hamish. She is a firm believer that differences are what make us great, and they should be applauded and supported. As she’s gotten older and wiser, She’s found her voice becoming louder championing for the injustices in the medical system, and society as a whole. Her hope is that the future is more glorious with a rainbow of differing people and opinions that are equally acknowledged.