Allah's address to the son of Adam in the context of Quranic verses - 5th April 2024
Dr. Maulana Sarfraz Ahmad Awan recorded "Allah's address to the son of Adam in the context of Quranic verses" on 5th April 2024 🗓️.
Topic in English: Allah's address to the son of Adam in the context of Quranic verses 📖🕊️ (Rab Al Naas Ka Aulaad Adam Se Khitaab Qurani Ayaat Ke Tanazur Mein)
Topic In Urdu: 📖🕊️ رب الناس کا اولاد آدم سے خطاب قرآنی آیات کے تناظر میں
Location: Jamia Masjid Toheed, Main Boulevard, Defence 🕌
Date Recorded: 5th April 2024 🗓️
Ramadan 25, 1445 Al-Jum`ah 📅🌙
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