DiscoverPassion for the ParanormalAn Astronomer's Perspective on UFOs with Marc D'antonio
An Astronomer's Perspective on UFOs with Marc D'antonio

An Astronomer's Perspective on UFOs with Marc D'antonio

Update: 2023-05-26


Episode 122: On this episode, Astronomer Marc Dantonio joins me on the show. Marc D'Antonio is Director SkyTour LiveStream Observatories, CEO of FX Models, a model making and special effects company specializing in digital/physical models, and organic special effects in the film industry and Mutual UFO Network’s (MUFON) Chief Photo/Video Analyst. Marc will be doing a never-before-seen presentation at this year's Contact In the Desert (CITD) event, live streaming from a remote observatory in the Arizona Desert, where he will showcase amazing objects in the sky! Marc has appeared on a number of networks including programs on CNN, Discovery, SciFy, History, NATGEO and Science Channels, performing on camera work in his role as a UFO investigator, scientific presenter and photo/video analyst and he is also author of the book, The Populated Universe.

Marc talked about how he went from having an interest in Astronomy to UFOs and he also talked a little about his involvement with doing video and photo analysis for MUFON. While he says that the vast majority of videos and photos he has analyzed have a prosaic explanation, he said that are still handful that are anomalous. He also talked about how there may be a scientific explanation for how UFOs travel, which may include the use of gravitons to accomplish a type of interdimensional travel. He also talked about how he believes whatever is piloting UFOs may have established bases under the oceans. To find out more about this year's Contact in the Desert, to include Marc's live stream event, visit This years event will be held June 2-4 at the Renaissance Indian Wells Resort and Spa in Indian Wells, CA.

Music by: Sergey Cheremisinov

#Contactinthedesert; #marcd'antonio; #USOs; #passion4theparanormal; #FXmoodels; #Thepopulateduniverse








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An Astronomer's Perspective on UFOs with Marc D'antonio

An Astronomer's Perspective on UFOs with Marc D'antonio

Curry Stegen