DiscoverGlobal Dispatches -- World News That MattersAn Inside look at Jimmy Carter's Quest to Kill the Last Guinea Worm
An Inside look at Jimmy Carter's Quest to Kill the Last Guinea Worm

An Inside look at Jimmy Carter's Quest to Kill the Last Guinea Worm

Update: 2024-12-30


Jimmy Carter passed away on December 29th, at the age of 100.  Jimmy Carter's term in office coincided with some key events in international affairs, including the Iran hostage crisis and the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan. But for my money, Jimmy Carter's most lasting legacy will be what he did after office.  And in terms of history alterting impacts on the human species, Jimmy Carter has no greater legacy than his determination to eradite guinea worm disease.  

Guinea worm is a water born parasite that when ingested grows and grows until it painfully exits the body through a lesion in the skin. There is no treatment for it. There is no cure for it. But it can be prevented.  And if prevented everywhere, Guinea Worm Disease will be eradicated. 

We are now on the cusp of global eradication moment. This is largely thanks to the work of the Carter Center. 

In 1986, 3.5 million people a year were impacted by guinea worm disease across 21 countries in Africa and Asia. Then, Jimmy Carter decided to make guinea worm eradicationa pillar of his post-presidential work. According to the Carter Center, the incidence of Guinea worm has been reduced by more than 99.99 percent. As of last year there were just 14 cases of the disease. 

In February 2023, I caught up with Adam Joseph Weiss, director of the Guinea Worm Eradication Program at the Carter Center. In our conversation he explained how the Carter Center and its partners are able to confront this ancient parasite and why they are so tantalizingly close to global guinea worm eradication. 

Rest in power, Jimmy Carter 

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An Inside look at Jimmy Carter's Quest to Kill the Last Guinea Worm

An Inside look at Jimmy Carter's Quest to Kill the Last Guinea Worm