DiscoverZero To Travel PodcastAn Unconventional Approach to Challenges, Maximizing Travel With a Full-Time Job, Advice on Publishing, Creating Solo Travel Magic With Jen Ruiz
An Unconventional Approach to Challenges, Maximizing Travel With a Full-Time Job, Advice on Publishing, Creating Solo Travel Magic With Jen Ruiz

An Unconventional Approach to Challenges, Maximizing Travel With a Full-Time Job, Advice on Publishing, Creating Solo Travel Magic With Jen Ruiz

Update: 2024-06-04


Jen Ruiz, a former lawyer who took 12 trips in 12 months, shares her journey of transitioning to travel full-time. She discusses her experiences living in Puerto Rico and St. Pete, Florida, and the unique challenges and rewards of both locations. Jen also shares her insights on self-publishing versus traditional publishing, having landed a traditional book deal for her memoir, "12 Trips in 12 Months: Make Your Own Solo Travel Magic." She emphasizes the importance of market research and marketing for self-published authors, and provides practical advice for traveling with a full-time job, including utilizing red-eye flights and planning trips around holidays. Jen also delves into the power of solo travel, particularly in lesser-known destinations, and shares her tips for connecting with locals and making the most of the experience. She discusses the importance of embracing the spirit of a challenge, whether it's a travel quest or a personal goal, and the value of finding grace within your goals and yourself. Jen also addresses the common question of when to take the leap from a regular job, sharing her own experience of transitioning from law to travel blogging and the importance of having a remote income stream to support yourself while building other opportunities. She emphasizes that there's no perfect time to make the leap and that it's essential to accept the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. Jen concludes by offering her best advice for side hustles and maintaining a fulfilling lifestyle, highlighting the importance of freelance travel writing, networking, and staying true to your passions. The host, Jason Moore, emphasizes the importance of identifying your core skills and expertise, and then using those skills to adapt to new opportunities. He also introduces the power question of the episode: can you identify your perceived drawbacks and reframe them as benefits? This question encourages listeners to challenge their perspectives and find ways to turn perceived limitations into advantages. The episode concludes with a shoutout to a listener who is preparing for a five-month travel adventure with her family, highlighting the importance of flexibility and adaptability in travel planning.


Introduction and Sponsor Message

This Chapter introduces the episode of Zero to Travels, sponsored by the 2024 Nissan Pathfinder, highlighting its features and capabilities for adventurous journeys.

The Value of Play and Enjoyment

This Chapter emphasizes the importance of prioritizing fun and enjoyment in life, highlighting how travel can help individuals realize the value of simply having fun and enjoying themselves.

The Power of Playfulness

This Chapter continues the discussion on the importance of playfulness and enjoyment, suggesting that it contributes to a youthful and productive mindset.

Introducing Jen Ruiz

This Chapter introduces Jen Ruiz, the guest of the episode, who embarked on a quest to take 12 trips in 12 months while working full-time as a lawyer.

Jen's Transformative Journey

This Chapter highlights how Jen's simple concept of taking 12 trips in 12 months radically changed her life and how her ideas and perspectives might impact listeners.

Welcome to the Zero to Travel Podcast

This Chapter welcomes Jen Ruiz to the Zero to Travel Podcast and introduces the show's focus on exploring travel-based work, lifestyle, and business opportunities.

Host Introduction

This Chapter introduces Jason Moore, the host of the Zero to Travel Podcast, and welcomes listeners to the show.

Show Overview

This Chapter provides an overview of the Zero to Travel Podcast, highlighting its purpose of helping listeners travel the world on their terms and achieve their travel dreams.

Newsletter Promotion

This Chapter promotes the Zero to Travel newsletter, offering listeners access to additional travel tips, destination ideas, and exclusive content not covered on the show.

Jen Ruiz's Journey: From Lawyer to Travel Blogger

This Chapter introduces Jen Ruiz's background as a full-time attorney and her decision to embark on a 12 trips in 12 months challenge before her 30th birthday.

Jen's New Career Path and Memoir

This Chapter highlights Jen's transition to a new career path as a travel blogger and the documentation of her journey in her memoir, "12 Trips in 12 Months: Make Your Own Solo Travel Magic."

Episode Topics and Jen's Expertise

This Chapter outlines the key topics covered in the episode, including solo travel tips, self-publishing versus traditional publishing, transitioning to travel from a full-time job, and practical advice for travel with a full-time job.

Power Question and Listener Shoutout

This Chapter announces a power question from the episode that can help listeners turn challenges into opportunities and a shoutout to a listener prepping for a five-month trip.

Jen Ruiz's Journey: From Lawyer to Travel Blogger

This Chapter delves into Jen's journey of transitioning from a lawyer to a travel blogger, highlighting her experiences, accomplishments, and the challenges she faced.

The Value of Play and Enjoyment

This Chapter emphasizes the importance of prioritizing fun and enjoyment in life, highlighting how travel can help individuals realize the value of simply having fun and enjoying themselves.

Solo Travel in Lesser-Known Destinations

This Chapter explores the unique aspects of solo travel in lesser-known destinations, discussing the challenges and rewards of navigating unfamiliar places and connecting with locals.

Introvert or Extrovert?

This Chapter delves into Jen's personality, exploring whether she identifies as an introvert or extrovert and how her experiences have shaped her understanding of her own personality.

Taking the Leap from a Regular Job

This Chapter addresses the common question of when to take the leap from a regular job, sharing Jen's experience of transitioning from law to travel blogging and the importance of having a remote income stream to support yourself while building other opportunities.

Counterintuitive Travel Advice: Talk to Strangers

This Chapter shares Jen's counterintuitive travel advice: talk to strangers. She explains how this can lead to unexpected and enriching experiences, highlighting the importance of embracing the unknown and connecting with people from different cultures.

Balancing Side Hustles and a Fulfilling Lifestyle

This Chapter explores Jen's strategies for balancing side hustles and maintaining a fulfilling lifestyle, emphasizing the importance of freelance travel writing, networking, and staying true to your passions.

Jen's Side Hustles and Core Skills

This Chapter delves into Jen's various side hustles, including freelance writing, public speaking, and content creation. She emphasizes the importance of identifying core skills and expertise, which can be applied to different opportunities. Jen highlights her passion for travel, storytelling, and connecting with people, which translates into her various endeavors. She also discusses the importance of being flexible and adaptable in the ever-changing world of entrepreneurship.

Reframing Perceived Drawbacks

This Chapter focuses on the power question of the episode: can you identify your perceived drawbacks and reframe them as benefits? The host, Jason Moore, encourages listeners to challenge their perspectives and find ways to turn perceived limitations into advantages. He emphasizes that not all challenges can be flipped, but there might be opportunities to reframe some of them and use them to your advantage. This exercise encourages listeners to reframe their mental loops and potentially unlock new opportunities.

Listener Shoutout and Travel Planning

This Chapter features a shoutout to a listener, Christy, who is preparing for a five-month travel adventure with her family. Christy shares her plans to sell her home and travel through Europe and Southeast Asia. The host highlights the importance of flexibility and adaptability in travel planning, emphasizing that plans can change and that it's essential to be open to new possibilities. He encourages listeners to embrace the process of travel planning and to be prepared for unexpected twists and turns.


Jen Ruiz

Jen Ruiz is a former lawyer who transitioned to travel full-time. She is a travel blogger, author, and speaker. She is known for her 12 trips in 12 months challenge, which she documented in her memoir, "12 Trips in 12 Months: Make Your Own Solo Travel Magic." She is passionate about solo travel, connecting with locals, and sharing her experiences through her writing and speaking engagements. Her website is and her social media handles are @genonagetplane.

Solo Travel

Solo travel refers to traveling alone, without a companion or group. It can be a transformative experience, allowing individuals to explore destinations at their own pace, connect with locals, and discover new aspects of themselves. Solo travel can be challenging, but it also offers unique rewards, including increased independence, self-discovery, and a deeper understanding of different cultures.

Side Hustles

Side hustles are additional income-generating activities that individuals pursue alongside their primary jobs. They can range from freelance writing and consulting to online businesses and creative projects. Side hustles can provide financial flexibility, allow individuals to explore their passions, and build new skills. They can also serve as a stepping stone to transitioning to a full-time career in a different field.

Core Skills

Core skills are fundamental abilities and knowledge that individuals possess. They are often transferable across different roles and industries. Identifying core skills is essential for career development, as it allows individuals to leverage their strengths and adapt to new opportunities. Examples of core skills include communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity.


Reframing is a cognitive technique that involves changing the way you think about a situation or problem. It involves looking at things from a different perspective and finding new interpretations. Reframing can help individuals to overcome negative thoughts, reduce stress, and find solutions to challenges. It can also be used to turn perceived drawbacks into benefits.

Perceived Drawbacks

Perceived drawbacks are perceived limitations or disadvantages that individuals believe they have. They can be based on personal experiences, societal expectations, or self-doubt. It's important to challenge perceived drawbacks and examine whether they are truly limitations or simply perceived as such. Reframing perceived drawbacks can lead to new opportunities and a more positive outlook.

Travel Blogging

Travel blogging is a form of online content creation that focuses on travel experiences. Travel bloggers share their adventures, tips, and insights with their readers, often through written posts, photographs, and videos. Travel blogging can be a rewarding career path, allowing individuals to combine their passion for travel with their writing skills. It can also provide opportunities for income generation through advertising, affiliate marketing, and sponsored content.


Self-publishing is the process of publishing a book independently, without the involvement of a traditional publishing house. Self-published authors have complete control over their work, including the editing, design, and marketing. Self-publishing has become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to the rise of online platforms and print-on-demand services. It offers authors greater flexibility and control, but it also requires more effort and investment in marketing.

Traditional Publishing

Traditional publishing is the process of publishing a book through a traditional publishing house. Traditional publishers provide authors with editorial support, marketing resources, and distribution networks. However, they also have a more rigorous selection process and may require authors to relinquish some control over their work. Traditional publishing can offer greater reach and credibility, but it can also be a more competitive and time-consuming process.

TEDx Talks

TEDx Talks are independently organized events that bring together speakers to share their ideas and insights on a variety of topics. TEDx Talks are licensed by TED, a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading ideas worth sharing. TEDx Talks are often recorded and shared online, providing a platform for speakers to reach a wider audience. They can be a valuable opportunity for individuals to share their expertise, inspire others, and build their personal brand.


  • What are some of Jen Ruiz's side hustles and how do they relate to her core skills?

    Jen Ruiz has several side hustles, including freelance writing, public speaking, and content creation. These activities all leverage her core skills, which include her passion for travel, storytelling, and connecting with people. She uses these skills to create engaging content, deliver compelling presentations, and share her experiences with others.

  • How can identifying your core skills help you in your career?

    Identifying your core skills is essential for career development. It allows you to leverage your strengths and adapt to new opportunities. By understanding your core skills, you can identify areas where you excel and pursue opportunities that align with your abilities. This can lead to greater job satisfaction, career advancement, and a more fulfilling work life.

  • What is the power question of the episode and how can it be applied to your own life?

    The power question of the episode is: can you identify your perceived drawbacks and reframe them as benefits? This question encourages listeners to challenge their perspectives and find ways to turn perceived limitations into advantages. By examining your perceived drawbacks and looking for alternative interpretations, you can potentially unlock new opportunities and overcome challenges.

  • What are some tips for travel planning, based on the episode?

    The episode highlights the importance of flexibility and adaptability in travel planning. It's essential to be open to changes and to embrace the process of planning. Don't be afraid to adjust your plans based on new information or opportunities. Remember that travel is an adventure, and unexpected twists and turns can often lead to the most memorable experiences.

Show Notes

How can one simple concept or decision radically change your life? In 2017, Jen Ruiz set out to take 12 trips in 12 months before her 30th birthday while employed full-time as an attorney. By the end of the 12 months, she had taken 20 trips and discovered a new career path, empowering others to change their lives through travel.

Jen is a five-time Amazon bestselling author, three-time TEDx speaker, and solo travel maven. Her new memoir, 12 Trips in 12 Months: Make Your Own Solo Travel Magic, documents this journey of what happened when she decided to stop waiting for others and start living for herself. 

Jen and I talk all about solo travel and advice on traveling with a full-time job. She shares advice on self-publishing versus traditional publishing, how and when to make the transition to travel from a full-time job, how your perceived drawbacks can actually be your biggest benefits, and a ton more.

What challenge can you set for yourself to make the most of your travels? I'd love to hear your thoughts and hope you’ll share them by sending me an audio message.

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Tune In To Learn:

  • Her journey of becoming an author and navigating publishing

  • How she finds the balance in her personal and professional identity

  • Why having a challenge can be exactly what you need to get from point A to point B

  • Why choosing travel over responsibilities isn’t selfish

  • Why she says being a content creator is an honor and insights on separating work and travel for aspiring content creators

  • Advice on enhancing the solo travel experience and her favorite destinations for solo travelers

  • How to decide when it’s time to take the leap from the “regular job” to pursue a passion or new lifestyle

  • How she was able to travel with a full-time job

  • Her best, seemingly counterintuitive travel advice

  • Why it’s important to be flexible and adaptable to maintain your business and lifestyle

  • And so much more


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Travel Legend Rick Steves

Travel Legend Rick Steves



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An Unconventional Approach to Challenges, Maximizing Travel With a Full-Time Job, Advice on Publishing, Creating Solo Travel Magic With Jen Ruiz

An Unconventional Approach to Challenges, Maximizing Travel With a Full-Time Job, Advice on Publishing, Creating Solo Travel Magic With Jen Ruiz

Jason Moore