Animation Day - October 28th, 2024 | Kid Jokes | Dad Jokes
"Celebrating the art and creativity of animated films and cartoons. Let’s animate some fun! After each joke, you’ve got five seconds to draw out the right answer. Stick around for today’s frame-by-frame riddle!
1st Joke: Why did the cartoon go to the doctor?
2nd Joke: What do you call an animation about bread?
3rd Joke: Why do animators make good dancers?
4th Joke: Why was the animated clock always running late?
5th Joke: What did one cartoon pencil say to another?
Today's Riddle: I am the transparent sheet used to create animations by hand. What am I?
That’s a wrap on today’s animated fun! Don’t forget to log on tomorrow for some internet-inspired jokes on Internet Day!
Jokes for Kids, Kid Jokes, Children Jokes, Funny Jokes for Kids, Silly Jokes, School Jokes, Dad Jokes, Animation Day Jokes"
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