DiscoverPodcast UFOAudioBlog:Pictures of UFOs Over an Oil Rig in Mexico
AudioBlog:Pictures of UFOs Over an Oil Rig in Mexico

AudioBlog:Pictures of UFOs Over an Oil Rig in Mexico

Update: 2024-05-31


This episode delves into the intriguing case of UFO sightings over an oil rig in Mexico, as reported by the Daily Mail and the US Sun. The incident, captured on video and photos, involved two UFOs: one saucer-shaped with lights and another with a triangular design and three lights. The photos were taken in October 2023 by a crew member on the rig, who shared them with a colleague who then posted them online. The story gained traction due to the local belief in an underwater alien base called Amupac, where aliens are said to be protectors. The legend of Amupac dates back to 1967, when an article in El Sol de Tampico reported numerous UFO sightings by locals and an air traffic controller. The article attributed the lack of hurricanes in Tampico since 1967 to the presence of the alien base, citing theories about magnetic fields and buried metal bars. While the story has been widely circulated, some experts, like climate scientist Dr. Rosario Romero, have offered alternative explanations for the lack of hurricanes. The episode also examines the credibility of the UFO sightings, considering the possibility of misidentification and the lack of concrete evidence. It explores the history of UFO sightings in the area and the cultural significance of the Amupac legend, highlighting the enduring fascination with extraterrestrial life and the potential for both scientific inquiry and imaginative storytelling.


UFOs Over an Oil Rig in Mexico

This Chapter explores the recent sighting of UFOs over an oil rig in Mexico, as reported by the Daily Mail and the US Sun. The incident, captured on video and photos, involved two UFOs: one saucer-shaped with lights and another with a triangular design and three lights. The photos were taken in October 2023 by a crew member on the rig, who shared them with a colleague who then posted them online.

The Legend of Amupac

This Chapter delves into the local belief in an underwater alien base called Amupac, where aliens are said to be protectors. The legend of Amupac dates back to 1967, when an article in El Sol de Tampico reported numerous UFO sightings by locals and an air traffic controller. The article attributed the lack of hurricanes in Tampico since 1967 to the presence of the alien base, citing theories about magnetic fields and buried metal bars.

Examining the Evidence and Theories

This Chapter examines the credibility of the UFO sightings, considering the possibility of misidentification and the lack of concrete evidence. It explores the history of UFO sightings in the area and the cultural significance of the Amupac legend, highlighting the enduring fascination with extraterrestrial life and the potential for both scientific inquiry and imaginative storytelling.



UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object, a term used to describe any aerial phenomenon that cannot be readily identified. UFO sightings have been reported for centuries, often sparking debates about extraterrestrial life and government cover-ups. The term UFO is often associated with popular culture and science fiction, but it also holds a place in scientific research and government investigations.


Amupac is a legendary underwater alien base located near Tampico, Mexico. The legend claims that aliens reside in this base and act as protectors of the area, preventing hurricanes from hitting Tampico since 1967. The belief in Amupac is rooted in numerous UFO sightings reported in the area, particularly in 1967, and has become a significant part of local folklore and tourism.

Tampico, Mexico

Tampico is a city located in the state of Tamaulipas, Mexico. It is situated on the Gulf of Mexico and is known for its port and industrial activities. Tampico is also known for its connection to the legend of Amupac, an underwater alien base believed to be located near the city. The legend has attracted tourists and researchers interested in UFOs and extraterrestrial life, making Tampico a popular destination for those seeking evidence of alien activity.

Charles Lear

Charles Lear is an author and researcher known for his work on UFOs and alien encounters. He is the author of the book "Crashed Saucers and the Level in Aliens," which explores the possibility of government cover-ups and the existence of extraterrestrial technology. Lear's work has been influential in the UFO community and has contributed to the ongoing debate about the nature of UFO sightings and the potential for alien contact.

Oil Rig

An oil rig is a large structure built in the sea to extract oil and natural gas from beneath the seabed. Oil rigs are often located in remote areas and are associated with the energy industry. In the context of UFO sightings, oil rigs have become a focal point for reports of unusual aerial activity, potentially due to their isolated location and the presence of advanced technology.

SR-91 Aurora

The SR-91 Aurora is a rumored top-secret aircraft developed by the United States government. It is said to be capable of reaching Mach 11.8 and has been the subject of speculation and conspiracy theories. The existence of the SR-91 Aurora has never been officially confirmed, and many experts believe it to be a myth. However, the legend persists, fueled by anecdotal accounts and the allure of advanced military technology.

Jaime Maussan

Jaime Maussan is a Mexican journalist and UFO researcher known for his controversial claims about alien encounters and government cover-ups. He is the founder of the UFO research group "Imagen" and has been a prominent figure in the UFO community for decades. Maussan has presented evidence of alien bodies and technology, which has been widely disputed by scientists and skeptics. His work has contributed to the ongoing debate about the nature of UFO sightings and the potential for alien contact.

Sean Kirkpatrick

Sean Kirkpatrick is a former director of the Pentagon's Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG), also known as the UFO office. He is a physicist and has been involved in the investigation of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs). Kirkpatrick has been critical of some claims about UFOs and has emphasized the need for scientific rigor in the investigation of UAPs. His work has been influential in shaping the government's approach to UFOs and has contributed to the ongoing debate about the nature of UAPs.

El Sol de Tampico

El Sol de Tampico is a Mexican newspaper published in Tampico, Tamaulipas. It is one of the oldest and most respected newspapers in the region. In 1967, El Sol de Tampico published an article about numerous UFO sightings in the area, which contributed to the legend of Amupac, an underwater alien base near Tampico. The article has become a significant piece of evidence for those who believe in the existence of Amupac and has been cited in numerous UFO-related publications.

Miramar Beach

Miramar Beach is a popular tourist destination located in Tampico, Mexico. It is known for its beautiful beaches and its connection to the legend of Amupac, an underwater alien base believed to be located nearby. Locals refer to Miramar Beach as "Plioprotegida" or "protected beach," attributing its lack of hurricanes to the presence of the alien base. The beach has become a popular spot for UFO enthusiasts and those seeking evidence of extraterrestrial life.


  • What evidence supports the claim of UFO sightings over an oil rig in Mexico?

    The evidence consists of photos and videos taken by a crew member on the oil rig in October 2023, showing two UFOs: one saucer-shaped with lights and another with a triangular design and three lights. The photos were shared with a colleague who then posted them online, leading to media coverage.

  • What is the legend of Amupac and how does it relate to the UFO sightings?

    Amupac is a legendary underwater alien base near Tampico, Mexico, where aliens are believed to be protectors. The legend dates back to 1967, when an article in El Sol de Tampico reported numerous UFO sightings. Locals believe the base prevents hurricanes from hitting Tampico, and the recent UFO sightings have reinforced this belief.

  • What are some of the theories about the Amupac alien base?

    Theories about Amupac include the use of magnetic fields to protect the area from disasters. Some believe aliens buried metal bars in the seafloor to create a protective barrier. The lack of hurricanes in Tampico since 1967 is often cited as evidence for the base's existence.

  • What are some alternative explanations for the lack of hurricanes in Tampico?

    Climate scientist Dr. Rosario Romero has suggested that the lack of hurricanes in Tampico is not unexplainable and may be due to natural factors. She has not ruled out the possibility of the Amupac legend, but has offered a more scientific perspective.

  • How credible are the UFO sightings and the Amupac legend?

    The credibility of the UFO sightings and the Amupac legend is debated. Some argue that the photos and videos could be misidentified objects or hoaxes. Others point to the lack of concrete evidence and the reliance on anecdotal accounts. The episode encourages viewers to consider the evidence and form their own conclusions.

Show Notes

In our blog headlined “UFOs Over Scottsdale,” posted on April 15, 2024, we looked at a report of a blue, worm-like UFO captured on video over Scottsdale, Arizona. The main sources were two tabloid news agencies, Daily Mail and The US Sun, and their source was video footage posted on Instagram and Twitter/X. The reporters of both agencies failed to provide a date for the incident, properly represent witnesses, or make mention of the fact that Scottsdale is home to a UFO museum/attraction called “The UFO Experience.” We came across another intriguing case this week covered in the Mail and the Sun (U.K. edition), and this time, the reporting is much more thorough and reveals a long-standing belief by locals that there is an underwater alien base in the area. Read more →

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AudioBlog:Pictures of UFOs Over an Oil Rig in Mexico

AudioBlog:Pictures of UFOs Over an Oil Rig in Mexico

Martin Willis