DiscoverAdam Carolla ShowBilly West + Eddie Pepitone (Carolla Classics)
Billy West + Eddie Pepitone (Carolla Classics)

Billy West + Eddie Pepitone (Carolla Classics)

Update: 2024-10-05


This episode of Cruel Classics, a podcast highlighting the best moments from the Adam Carolla Show, delves into a wide range of topics, from the challenges of taking children to high-end movie theaters to the ethical dilemmas surrounding the death penalty. Adam Carolla, the host, shares his unique perspectives and humorous anecdotes on various subjects, including the prevalence of graffiti, the shortcomings of 3D movies, and the hypocrisy of public outrage. He also discusses the importance of hard work and persistence, the psychological impact of airport security, and the need for global unity against terrorism. The episode features interviews with guests like Paul Provenza, host of "The Green Room," and Eddie Pepitone, a veteran stand-up comedian. The conversation touches upon the evolution of television, the changing landscape of comedy, and the importance of self-esteem.


Introduction and Show Overview

This episode of Cruel Classics, a podcast highlighting the best moments from the Adam Carolla Show, introduces the show and its companion podcast, Cruel Classics, available exclusively through Adam Carolla's subscription service. It also provides contact information for the YouTube channel and clip requests.

Movie Theater Experiences and 3D Movie Dilemmas

Adam Carolla shares his experience with a high-end movie theater, discussing the pros and cons of taking kids to such a place. He highlights the disconnect between the luxurious amenities and the limited appreciation of children for fine dining. He also expresses his frustration with the 3D movie experience, particularly the challenges posed by children's messy eating habits and the impracticality of 3D glasses for kids. He proposes solutions like tear-away goggles and a return to intermissions for cleaning.

Graffiti, Cars 2, and Suicide Bombers

Adam Carolla discusses the prevalence of graffiti in Los Angeles, particularly on freeway signs, and the irony of using barbed wire to protect them. He suggests using clear protective covers similar to those used on race cars to prevent damage. He and his guests discuss the reception of Cars 2, a Pixar film that received a relatively low Rotten Tomatoes score. They attribute the film's weakness to its focus on wall-to-wall action, a common flaw in sequels. Allison Rosen delivers the news, focusing on a suicide bombing attack in Kabul that killed seven people. She expresses her disgust at the use of an eight-year-old girl as a suicide bomber and questions the pointlessness of the attack.

NATO Uniforms, Tom Petty's Cease and Desist, and Kenny Rogers

Adam Carolla and Allison Rosen discuss the need for NATO to update its uniforms, arguing that the current light blue color is not intimidating enough. They compare it to the Swiss Guard's uniforms, which they find more visually striking. Allison Rosen reports on Tom Petty's cease and desist letter to Michelle Bachmann for using his song "American Girl" at one of her rallies. She discusses the common practice of politicians using popular songs without permission and the potential benefits for artists. Adam Carolla and Allison Rosen discuss the song "Ruby, Don't Take Your Love to Town" by Kenny Rogers, highlighting its melancholic tone and the disturbing narrative of gang rape. They also share a humorous anecdote about interviewing Kenny Rogers about the song.

Twitter Followers, Hard Work, and Jeremiah Weed

Adam Carolla speaks with Sydney Bard, his 200,000th Twitter follower, expressing his gratitude and engaging in lighthearted banter. He jokes about the possibility of marrying her in the future and discusses the importance of having a safety net in life. Adam Carolla and Sydney Bard discuss the importance of hard work and persistence in achieving success. They use the example of Adam's grandfather, a writer who struggled for years before finding success, to illustrate the point that breaks are often the result of years of dedication. Adam Carolla promotes Jeremiah Weed, a sponsor of the show, and its "Manly Man of the Week" video series. He describes the series as a collection of fun interviews with strong men, including Navy Seals and bomb disposal experts.

The Green Room, Airport Security, and Power Dynamics

Adam Carolla welcomes Paul Provenza, host of "The Green Room," a Showtime series that explores the world of stand-up comedy. They discuss their experiences with airport security and the challenges of navigating the world of comedy. Adam Corolla discusses the psychological impact of airport security on passengers, highlighting the fear and anxiety it creates. He shares personal anecdotes about his experiences with security personnel and how their behavior often stems from a desire for power and control. Corolla delves into the psychological dynamics between authority figures and those they interact with, using airport security as an example. He argues that these interactions are often based on power imbalances and emotional reactions, leading to unnecessary confrontations.

Security Personnel, Normalization of Intimidation, and Over-Policing

Corolla continues to explore the power dynamics at play in security situations, specifically focusing on the behavior of security guards. He criticizes their often aggressive and unnecessary actions, suggesting they are seeking to assert their authority rather than ensure safety. Corolla expresses concern about the normalization of intimidation tactics used by security personnel. He draws parallels to Nazi Germany, suggesting that the casual and seemingly harmless interactions with security can mask a deeper societal issue. Corolla argues that society has been crafted by fear, leading to a culture of anxiety and mistrust. He criticizes the over-policing and unnecessary regulations that contribute to this environment, highlighting the negative impact on individuals and communities.

Driving Habits, Middle East Conflict, and Anti-Semitism

Corolla contrasts the driving habits of New Yorkers and Los Angelenos, attributing the latter's slow and inconsiderate driving to the over-policing and ticket-writing culture in Los Angeles. He argues that this culture stifles productivity and contributes to a general sense of frustration. Corolla shifts the conversation to the Middle East conflict, expressing his views on the role of Jews in the conflict. He suggests that the conflict is rooted in a "fairy tale" and proposes that Jews should relocate to Mexico to help revitalize the country's economy. Corolla continues his discussion of the Middle East conflict, arguing that the conflict is unlikely to be resolved due to the lack of desire for resolution on both sides. He criticizes the anti-Semitism prevalent in the region and suggests that the conflict is fueled by a desire for conflict rather than peace.

Casey Anthony Case, Public Outrage, and Shame Town

Corolla discusses the Casey Anthony case and the public outrage surrounding it. He questions the level of anger directed at Anthony, arguing that there are many other cases of child abuse and neglect that receive less attention. Corolla further criticizes the hypocrisy of public outrage, highlighting the selective focus on certain cases of child abuse while ignoring others. He argues that the focus on Anthony is a distraction from the larger societal issues of child abuse and neglect. Corolla discusses the difficulty of convicting someone based solely on feeling. He argues that the jurors in the Anthony case may have been privy to information that the public was not, making it difficult to judge their decision. Corolla discusses the importance of cooperation in criminal investigations, arguing that innocent individuals should be eager to cooperate with authorities to clear their names and help find the real perpetrator. He criticizes the "no comment" approach often taken by suspects, suggesting it is a sign of guilt. Corolla explores the emotional response of being accused of a crime, arguing that an innocent person would be outraged and eager to clear their name. He criticizes the passive approach often taken by suspects, suggesting it is a sign of guilt. Corolla speculates on the awkwardness of Thanksgiving at the Anthony family home, given the recent trial and public scrutiny. He suggests that the family may be in hiding and that Thanksgiving may be a difficult and uncomfortable event. Corolla proposes the creation of "Shame Town," a community for individuals who have been publicly shamed or ostracized. He suggests that this community would provide a safe and accepting environment for these individuals to integrate back into society.

Casey Anthony Verdict, Schwarzenegger's Divorce, and Spitzer's Show

The podcast discusses the Casey Anthony verdict and the reactions of the jurors. Juror number three, Jennifer Ford, clarifies that she did not say Anthony was innocent, but rather that there was not enough evidence to convict her. The podcast also discusses the fact that some jurors are seeking compensation for speaking to the media. The podcast discusses Arnold Schwarzenegger's divorce settlement with Maria Shriver. It is speculated that Schwarzenegger will be paying more than 50% of his estimated wealth of $500-$750 million due to his feeling of guilt over the marriage's collapse. The podcast discusses the cancellation of Eliot Spitzer's show on CNN. The host also shares an anecdote about a recent interview he did with a guest who seemed uninterested in the conversation and only asked generic questions based on the guest's Wikipedia page.

Driving Experience, Amazon Affiliate Program, and Groupon Promotion

The host recounts a frustrating driving experience in Los Angeles, where he encountered a driver who was confused by a left-turn arrow that turned to a regular green signal. The host argues that people are becoming increasingly stupid and confused, even about basic traffic signals. The podcast addresses listener questions about the Amazon affiliate program and announces a new partnership with Groupon. The host explains that the Amazon program is temporarily suspended due to new regulations, but they are exploring other affiliate options. Groupon is promoted as a way for listeners to support the show and save money.

Grandpa Lotsi's Memoirs, Larry Miller's Show, and Billy West Interview

The podcast features a clip from Grandpa Lotsi's memoirs, where he recounts his experiences with anti-Semitism in Hungary before World War II. He describes the growing fear and violence against Jews, culminating in the deportation of Hungarian Jews to Germany. The podcast promotes Larry Miller's show, "This Week with Larry Miller," which covers topics like hot food, the best airport in America, and poisonous snakes. The podcast features an interview with voice actor Billy West, known for his work on shows like "Ren & Stimpy" and "Futurama." The hosts playfully explore the concept of "man's man" stereotypes and ask West about his experiences with them.

Show Appreciation, Random Fan Encounter, and Transformer Outfit

The podcast concludes with a message of appreciation to listeners and a call to action to support the show by spreading the word and using their Amazon affiliate link. The hosts use humorous analogies to encourage listeners to share the show with their friends. The host shares a story about a random encounter with a fan who recognized him while he was listening to the podcast. The host expresses his appreciation for listeners who engage with the show in their daily lives. The host recounts a story about a listener who purchased a Transformer outfit for his child's birthday party through the show's Amazon affiliate link. The host finds it humorous that the listener went above and beyond to entertain the children at the party.

Manly Man of the Week, Mumbai Bombings, and Global Unity

The podcast introduces the "Manly Man of the Week" segment, sponsored by Jeremiah Weed. The host discusses the recent bombings in Mumbai, India, and expresses frustration with the lack of understanding and action against terrorism. The host argues for a global unity against terrorism, suggesting that the world's industrialized nations should come together to agree on a common goal of eliminating violence and extremism.

America's Perception of Mexico, Pre-9/11 Naivete, and Eliminating Extremists

The host criticizes America's perception of Mexico, arguing that it is based on stereotypes and a lack of understanding. He uses humor to highlight the absurdity of some of these perceptions. The host reflects on the naivete of pre-9/11 times, when he believed that wars and violence were a thing of the past. He acknowledges that this was a very American perspective and that violence continues to be a reality around the world. The host argues that some people are so extreme in their beliefs that they need to be eliminated to prevent further violence. He expresses a willingness to kill those who pose a threat to innocent lives.

Primitive Nature of Terrorists, Killing to Prevent Violence, and Jared Loughner

The host compares terrorists to cavemen, arguing that they are emotionally primitive and incapable of understanding reason or empathy. He uses a humorous analogy to illustrate this point. The host discusses the hypothetical scenario of killing someone to prevent them from harming others. He argues that he would be willing to kill someone if he knew they were going to commit violence against innocent people. The podcast discusses the case of Jared Loughner, the shooter in the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, and the debate over whether the courts can force him to take anti-psychotic medication. The host expresses his opinion that Loughner should be killed.

Nature's Law, Ugly Duckling of Murderers, and Slippery Slope of Justice

The host draws a parallel between the justice system and the natural world, arguing that those who are mentally ill or dangerous should be eliminated, just as weak animals are preyed upon in the wild. The conversation starts with a discussion about a murderer who killed six people. The speakers discuss the concept of putting down damaged individuals, comparing it to euthanizing injured animals. They argue that it's more evolved to put down such individuals than to keep them alive and potentially dangerous. The conversation shifts to the ethical implications of capital punishment. The speakers debate whether the death penalty is a deterrent to crime and express concern about the potential for abuse of power. They discuss the slippery slope argument, where a society that accepts the death penalty for serious crimes might eventually extend it to less serious offenses.

Chelsea Handler, Self-Esteem, and Legal Zoom

The conversation turns to a humorous anecdote about Chelsea Handler and her decision to not attend the Marine Corp Ball. The speakers discuss the reasons behind her decision and compare it to a similar experience one of them had in college. The conversation explores the importance of self-esteem and how it can be influenced by family dynamics. The speakers share personal anecdotes about their own experiences with self-doubt and how they overcame it. They discuss the importance of having parents who love and support their children, even when they are not perfect. The conversation includes a brief advertisement for Legal Zoom, a company that provides legal services for starting a business. The speakers discuss the benefits of using Legal Zoom to save money on legal fees and make the process of starting a business easier.

A Jew Less, Eddie Pepitone, and Evolution of Television

The conversation shifts to a personal story about the speaker's grandfather's experience leaving Hungary for the United States. The speaker recounts his grandfather's journey, including the challenges he faced as a Jew in a post-war world. The story highlights the difficulties of leaving one's homeland and the prejudice that the speaker's grandfather encountered. The conversation introduces Eddie Pepitone, a veteran stand-up comedian, as a guest on the show. The speakers discuss Pepitone's career and his thoughts on the changing landscape of comedy. They talk about the increased accessibility of comedy through online platforms and the challenges of finding success in a crowded field. The conversation continues with Pepitone discussing the evolution of television and the rise of reality shows. He expresses his dislike for reality television but acknowledges the growing popularity of the genre. The speakers discuss the impact of reality television on the comedy industry and the opportunities it presents for comedians.


Cruel Classics

A podcast highlighting the best moments from the Adam Carolla Show, featuring clips and discussions of memorable episodes.

Highfalutin Movie Theater

A luxurious movie theater with amenities like reclining chairs, personal waitresses, and food service.

3D Movie Dilemma

The challenges associated with watching 3D movies, particularly the messy eating habits of children and the impracticality of 3D glasses for kids.


The act of vandalizing surfaces with unauthorized markings, often a problem in urban areas.

Wall-to-Wall Action

A common flaw in sequels where the focus shifts from character development and plot to non-stop action, often at the expense of the story.

Suicide Bomber

A person who detonates explosives attached to their body, often used in terrorist attacks.


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a military alliance of North American and European countries.

Cease and Desist Letter

A legal document demanding that a party stop engaging in a specific activity, often used to prevent unauthorized use of intellectual property.

Kenny Rogers

A country music legend known for hits like "The Gambler" and "Ruby, Don't Take Your Love to Town."


  • What are some of the challenges of taking children to a high-end movie theater?

    Children may not appreciate the luxurious amenities, such as fine dining, and the experience can be a waste of money.

  • What are some solutions to the problem of messy 3D glasses in movie theaters?

    Adam Carolla suggests tear-away goggles, similar to those used in motocross racing, and a return to intermissions for cleaning.

  • Why does Adam Carolla believe that graffiti is a sign of the times?

    He sees the prevalence of graffiti, particularly on freeway signs, as a reflection of a society that has become increasingly disrespectful of property and authority.

  • What is the common flaw in sequels that Adam Carolla believes weakens Cars 2?

    He argues that sequels often prioritize wall-to-wall action over character development and plot, resulting in a less engaging story.

  • What is Adam Carolla's opinion on the use of an eight-year-old girl as a suicide bomber?

    He expresses disgust and questions the pointlessness of the attack, arguing that it is a waste of life and achieves nothing.

  • Why does Adam Carolla believe that NATO needs to update its uniforms?

    He argues that the current light blue color is not intimidating enough and suggests a more visually striking design.

  • What is the potential benefit for artists when politicians use their songs without permission?

    It can lead to increased exposure and sales for the artist, as people who hear the song may become curious and seek it out.

  • What is the significance of the song "Ruby, Don't Take Your Love to Town" to Adam Carolla?

    He finds the song melancholic and disturbing due to its narrative of gang rape, and he shares a humorous anecdote about interviewing Kenny Rogers about the song.

  • What is Adam Carolla's advice to his 200,000th Twitter follower, Sydney Bard?

    He encourages her to focus on her own happiness and to always have a safety net in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Show Notes

#1 ACS #599 (feat. Paul Provenza, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2011)

#2 ACS #604 (feat. Billy West, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2011)

#3 ACS #610 (feat. Eddie Pepitone, Alison Rosen and Bryan Bishop) (2011)

Hosted by Superfan Giovanni

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Billy West + Eddie Pepitone (Carolla Classics)

Billy West + Eddie Pepitone (Carolla Classics)

Adam Carolla