Discoverthe green roomBirds, flowers, and alternative universes
Birds, flowers, and alternative universes

Birds, flowers, and alternative universes

Update: 2022-12-20


Birds, flowers and alternative universes

<figure class="wp-block-audio"></figure>


Join us on a journey into your inner child’s mind and ask, why do flowers smell like that? and who is that bird making that sound?


Ever wondered what life would be like if flowers didn’t smell like sugar, but smelt like death? Luring in pollinators with the promise of sweet sugary goodness is not the only way to ensure you can sexually reproduce. Pollinators can also be attracted to the smell of death and the promise of decaying flesh to lay their eggs in.


This week we turn up the curiosity dial. Hear those birds outside? Do you know who they are? The beauty of living in a technological world is that you can find out. This week we learn together who that mystery bird is singing outside of Kiri’s window.

<svg aria-hidden="true" class="e-font-icon-svg e-fab-spotify" viewBox="0 0 496 512" xmlns=""><path d="M248 8C111.1 8 0 119.1 0 256s111.1 248 248 248 248-111.1 248-248S384.9 8 248 8zm100.7 364.9c-4.2 0-6.8-1.3-10.7-3.6-62.4-37.6-135-39.2-206.7-24.5-3.9 1-9 2.6-11.9 2.6-9.7 0-15.8-7.7-15.8-15.8 0-10.3 6.1-15.2 13.6-16.8 81.9-18.1 165.6-16.5 237 26.2 6.1 3.9 9.7 7.4 9.7 16.5s-7.1 15.4-15.2 15.4zm26.9-65.6c-5.2 0-8.7-2.3-12.3-4.2-62.5-37-155.7-51.9-238.6-29.4-4.8 1.3-7.4 2.6-11.9 2.6-10.7 0-19.4-8.7-19.4-19.4s5.2-17.8 15.5-20.7c27.8-7.8 56.2-13.6 97.8-13.6 64.9 0 127.6 16.1 177 45.5 8.1 4.8 11.3 11 11.3 19.7-.1 10.8-8.5 19.5-19.4 19.5zm31-76.2c-5.2 0-8.4-1.3-12.9-3.9-71.2-42.5-198.5-52.7-280.9-29.7-3.6 1-8.1 2.6-12.9 2.6-13.2 0-23.3-10.3-23.3-23.6 0-13.6 8.4-21.3 17.4-23.9 35.2-10.3 74.6-15.2 117.5-15.2 73 0 149.5 15.2 205.4 47.8 7.8 4.5 12.9 10.7 12.9 22.6 0 13.6-11 23.3-23.2 23.3z"></path></svg>









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Birds, flowers, and alternative universes

Birds, flowers, and alternative universes

The Green Room