Bloody Popcorn Podcast, Bonus Episode: "8 Questions with Ryan Lambert"
Join me (Joanna) as I (virtually) sit down with Ryan Lambert for a Q&A about, you know, The Monster Squad! But these aren't my questions. They come straight from the mouths of babes - my babes, to be exact, Milo (8) and Ash (6)! So, if you ever wanted to know why Dracula drives a car or need an explanation about why the Mummy isn't all that scary, you've come to the right place. And Ryan's answers do not disappoint.
And while you're at it, don't forget to pick up a copy of the newly released MS doc Wolfman's Got Nards. It's clearly a must buy if you want to be in the goddamn club.
Disclaimer(s): I used a phone recording app, so the quality isn't stellar, but it works! Also, I had a small coughing fit (not COVID, I promise) and forgot to edit it out. Oops (insert eye-roll emoji here).