BloombergNEF's Adithya Bhashyam: A Framework for US Hydrogen Guidance
Sponsored by: KPMG
Much-anticipated guidance coming down the pipeline from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Treasury Department is set to define how clean hydrogen can be produced in the US. Amid furious lobbying efforts, the release of this guidance has already been delayed once. With potentially hundreds of billions of dollars on the line, Adi Bhashyam, a hydrogen analyst for BloombergNEF, joins the show to share what he describes as a framework that should be followed for thoughtfully crafting and effectively implementing the hydrogen piece of the Inflation Reduction Act.
From BloombergNEF
Adi's recent article: "US Hydrogen Guidance: Be Strict or Be Damned"
More resources from KPMG
The Hydrogen Horizon
Energy & Chemicals
Energy Institute 2023 Statistical Review of World Energy
Highlights from Adithya Bhashyam
The basics of the 45V hydrogen tax credit - (3:43 )
Possible timeline for when to expect the guidance - (5:31 )
How is 'clean energy' defined within this guidance? Which colors? - (6:25 )
$70 billion in potential tax credits - (7:28 )
Not the normal lobbying battle lines - (8:27 )
Criteria for qualifying for the 45V tax credit: additionality, time-matching, deliverability - (9:40 )
The ideal framework for US hydrogen guidance - (11:23 )
Potential timeline for implementation - (14:13 )
Outside factors and headwinds to consider - (17:45 )
Adi's bold predictions about how it all plays out - (21:32 )
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