Breaking Free from People-Pleasing: A Survival Guide to Setting Boundaries | CWM EP 418
Are you trapped in an endless cycle of saying "yes" when you desperately want to say "no"? In this episode, we talk about why saying "no" feels so threatening to our survival instincts and how this inability to set boundaries can sabotage our health and wellness goals. Host Matty explores the fascinating connection between our pack animal nature and the fear of social rejection that keeps us locked in unhealthy patterns of behavior.
Key Takeaways:
- The biological fear of being outcast from our "pack" makes saying no particularly challenging
- Most health-related patterns aren't just about genetics - they're learned behaviors and belief systems passed down through our social tribes
- Success in setting boundaries requires preparation and practice
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Intro/Outro track Tropic Love by "Diviners feat. Contacreast"