Bridging the Sim2real Gap in Robotics with Marius Memmel - #695

Bridging the Sim2real Gap in Robotics with Marius Memmel - #695

Update: 2024-07-30


This podcast episode delves into the challenges of building AI for robotic agents, particularly in unstructured environments like kitchens. The guest, Marius Memel, a PhD student at the University of Washington, discusses his research on using simulation to bridge the gap between real-world robotics and traditional models. He introduces the concept of SimTeriel, which involves incorporating simulation into solving robotics problems, and highlights the importance of data collection and the limitations of traditional approaches. Marius delves into the challenges of collecting data for robot learning, emphasizing the cost and limitations of real-world data collection. He explains how simulation offers a cost-effective solution for generating high-quality data, but highlights the "reality gap" between simulation and the real world. He introduces SimTeriel as a way to address this gap by creating more accurate simulations. Marius introduces Acid, a Sim-to-Real approach that aims to close the gap between simulation and the real world. Acid involves an exploration phase where the robot learns to explore the real world to improve the simulator, followed by an exploitation phase where the robot uses the improved simulator to solve tasks. He explains how Acid uses domain randomization and system identification to achieve this. The discussion explores the challenges of defining tasks and selecting the appropriate granularity for robot learning. Marius explains how Acid focuses on the longest horizon possible without adding additional methods, allowing for flexibility in task definition. He emphasizes that Acid provides a simulator that can be used for various tasks involving the parameters and objects of interest. Marius elaborates on Acid's two-phase approach: exploration and exploitation. He explains how the exploration phase in the real world complements the exploration done in simulation, using domain randomization to train the robot to identify a variety of parameters. This information is then used to improve the simulator, enabling more accurate exploitation in the real world. Marius discusses the objective function used in Acid, which is inspired by Fisher information. He explains how this function encourages the robot to collect data that is informative about the underlying physics parameters, leading to more accurate simulations. He highlights the novelty of using Fisher information in a Sim-to-Real loop. Marius discusses the challenges of reconstructing both the geometry and dynamics of a scene for simulation. He explains that Acid focuses on reconstructing the geometry and kinematic structure, assuming the robot has a tracker for the object of interest. The robot then learns to identify the dynamics of the object, such as its center of mass. Marius emphasizes that the Fisher information objective function used in Acid is not limited to the Acid framework. He suggests that it can be used as a general-purpose reward function for any task involving parameter identification, particularly in Sim-to-Real scenarios. Marius compares Acid to other approaches that integrate exploration and exploitation, such as motor adaptation and iterative approaches. He argues that Acid's approach is superior for tasks where a single shot in the real world is crucial, as it uses a safer exploration strategy that doesn't directly execute the task. Marius introduces URD Former, a project that focuses on reconstructing the kinematic structure or geometry of a scene from a single RGB observation. He explains how URD Former uses depth information to create a URDF document, which can then be used to construct a simulator for training robots. Marius discusses the challenges of training an inverse model to go from an RGB image to a URDF document. He explains how URD Former uses synthetically generated data, created through procedural generation and re-skinned with Stable Diffusion, to train the model. This approach allows for the creation of a large dataset of realistic-looking images. Marius discusses the process of bootstrapping URD Former, which involves generating a large dataset of synthetic images and training a transformer-based model. He explains how the model uses bounding box detection to provide additional information, making it easier to reconstruct the URDF document. Marius discusses the potential for combining Acid and URD Former to create a more comprehensive system for constructing simulators on the fly. He highlights the potential for using VLMs to initialize simulations and the challenges of managing large datasets generated by these simulators. Marius shares his perspective on the future of robotics and Sim-to-Real approaches. He believes that constructing simulations on the fly, informed by the real world, is a promising path. He highlights the potential for leveraging VLMs to improve simulation construction and the need for better data management strategies as simulators become more powerful.


Building AI for Robotic Agents with Sim-to-Real

This podcast episode explores the challenges of building AI for robotic agents, particularly in unstructured environments like kitchens. The guest, Marius Memel, a PhD student at the University of Washington, discusses his research on using simulation to bridge the gap between real-world robotics and traditional models. He introduces the concept of SimTeriel, which involves incorporating simulation into solving robotics problems, and highlights the importance of data collection and the limitations of traditional approaches.

SimTeriel and the Role of Simulation

Marius delves into the challenges of collecting data for robot learning, emphasizing the cost and limitations of real-world data collection. He explains how simulation offers a cost-effective solution for generating high-quality data, but highlights the "reality gap" between simulation and the real world. He introduces SimTeriel as a way to address this gap by creating more accurate simulations.

Addressing the Reality Gap with Acid

Marius introduces Acid, a Sim-to-Real approach that aims to close the gap between simulation and the real world. Acid involves an exploration phase where the robot learns to explore the real world to improve the simulator, followed by an exploitation phase where the robot uses the improved simulator to solve tasks. He explains how Acid uses domain randomization and system identification to achieve this.

Defining Tasks and Granularity

The discussion explores the challenges of defining tasks and selecting the appropriate granularity for robot learning. Marius explains how Acid focuses on the longest horizon possible without adding additional methods, allowing for flexibility in task definition. He emphasizes that Acid provides a simulator that can be used for various tasks involving the parameters and objects of interest.

Acid's Exploration and Exploitation Phases

Marius elaborates on Acid's two-phase approach: exploration and exploitation. He explains how the exploration phase in the real world complements the exploration done in simulation, using domain randomization to train the robot to identify a variety of parameters. This information is then used to improve the simulator, enabling more accurate exploitation in the real world.

The Importance of the Objective Function

Marius discusses the objective function used in Acid, which is inspired by Fisher information. He explains how this function encourages the robot to collect data that is informative about the underlying physics parameters, leading to more accurate simulations. He highlights the novelty of using Fisher information in a Sim-to-Real loop.

Reconstructing Geometry and Dynamics

Marius discusses the challenges of reconstructing both the geometry and dynamics of a scene for simulation. He explains that Acid focuses on reconstructing the geometry and kinematic structure, assuming the robot has a tracker for the object of interest. The robot then learns to identify the dynamics of the object, such as its center of mass.

Fisher Information as a General-Purpose Reward Function

Marius emphasizes that the Fisher information objective function used in Acid is not limited to the Acid framework. He suggests that it can be used as a general-purpose reward function for any task involving parameter identification, particularly in Sim-to-Real scenarios.

Comparing Acid to Other Approaches

Marius compares Acid to other approaches that integrate exploration and exploitation, such as motor adaptation and iterative approaches. He argues that Acid's approach is superior for tasks where a single shot in the real world is crucial, as it uses a safer exploration strategy that doesn't directly execute the task.

URD Former: Reconstructing Kinematic Structure

Marius introduces URD Former, a project that focuses on reconstructing the kinematic structure or geometry of a scene from a single RGB observation. He explains how URD Former uses depth information to create a URDF document, which can then be used to construct a simulator for training robots.

Using Synthetic Data for URD Former

Marius discusses the challenges of training an inverse model to go from an RGB image to a URDF document. He explains how URD Former uses synthetically generated data, created through procedural generation and re-skinned with Stable Diffusion, to train the model. This approach allows for the creation of a large dataset of realistic-looking images.

Bootstrapping URD Former

Marius discusses the process of bootstrapping URD Former, which involves generating a large dataset of synthetic images and training a transformer-based model. He explains how the model uses bounding box detection to provide additional information, making it easier to reconstruct the URDF document.

Combining Acid and URD Former

Marius discusses the potential for combining Acid and URD Former to create a more comprehensive system for constructing simulators on the fly. He highlights the potential for using VLMs to initialize simulations and the challenges of managing large datasets generated by these simulators.

The Future of Robotics and Sim-to-Real

Marius shares his perspective on the future of robotics and Sim-to-Real approaches. He believes that constructing simulations on the fly, informed by the real world, is a promising path. He highlights the potential for leveraging VLMs to improve simulation construction and the need for better data management strategies as simulators become more powerful.



SimTeriel is an approach to solving robotics problems by incorporating simulation. It involves using simulation to generate data for training robots, but also addresses the "reality gap" between simulation and the real world by creating more accurate simulations.


Acid is a Sim-to-Real approach that aims to close the gap between simulation and the real world. It involves an exploration phase where the robot learns to explore the real world to improve the simulator, followed by an exploitation phase where the robot uses the improved simulator to solve tasks.

Fisher Information

Fisher information is a measure of how informative a dataset is about the underlying parameters of a system. In the context of Acid, it is used as a reward function to encourage the robot to collect data that is informative about the physics parameters of the environment.

URD Former

URD Former is a project that focuses on reconstructing the kinematic structure or geometry of a scene from a single RGB observation. It uses depth information to create a URDF document, which can then be used to construct a simulator for training robots.

Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a text-to-image generation model that is used in URD Former to re-skin synthetically generated images, making them look more realistic. It is trained on a large dataset of real-world images, allowing it to generate images that are visually similar to real-world scenes.

Domain Randomization

Domain randomization is a technique used in robot learning to train robots on a variety of simulated environments. This helps to improve the robot's ability to generalize to new environments.

System Identification

System identification is a process of identifying the parameters of a system from observed data. In the context of Acid, it is used to identify the physics parameters of the environment from data collected by the robot.


URDF stands for Unified Robotic Description Format. It is a common way to represent the kinematic structure of robots and environments. It is used in URD Former to create a document that can be used to construct a simulator.


VLM stands for Vision Language Model. It is a type of AI model that can understand both images and text. In URD Former, it is used to provide additional information about the scene, such as the location of handles and doors.


  • What are the challenges of building AI for robotic agents in unstructured environments?

    Traditional robotics models struggle to handle the complexity and uncertainty of unstructured environments like kitchens. Collecting real-world data is expensive and limited, and traditional approaches require a lot of information about the environment and objects.

  • How does SimTeriel address the challenges of data collection for robot learning?

    SimTeriel uses simulation to generate high-quality data for training robots, offering a cost-effective alternative to real-world data collection. However, it addresses the "reality gap" between simulation and the real world by creating more accurate simulations.

  • What is Acid, and how does it work?

    Acid is a Sim-to-Real approach that uses an exploration phase to improve the simulator by learning from real-world interactions. This improved simulator is then used in an exploitation phase to solve tasks. Acid uses domain randomization and system identification to achieve this.

  • How does Acid define tasks and select the appropriate granularity?

    Acid focuses on the longest horizon possible without adding additional methods, allowing for flexibility in task definition. It provides a simulator that can be used for various tasks involving the parameters and objects of interest.

  • What is the role of Fisher information in Acid?

    Fisher information is used as a reward function in Acid to encourage the robot to collect data that is informative about the underlying physics parameters. This leads to more accurate simulations and better generalization to the real world.

  • How does URD Former work, and what is its purpose?

    URD Former reconstructs the kinematic structure or geometry of a scene from a single RGB observation. It uses depth information to create a URDF document, which can then be used to construct a simulator for training robots.

  • How does URD Former use synthetic data to train its model?

    URD Former uses procedurally generated simulations and re-skins them with Stable Diffusion to create a large dataset of realistic-looking images. This allows for the training of an inverse model that can go from an RGB image to a URDF document.

  • What are the potential benefits of combining Acid and URD Former?

    Combining Acid and URD Former could create a more comprehensive system for constructing simulators on the fly. This could enable robots to learn and adapt to new environments more effectively, leading to more robust and versatile robotic agents.

  • What are some of the challenges and opportunities for the future of robotics and Sim-to-Real approaches?

    The future of robotics will likely involve more sophisticated Sim-to-Real approaches, leveraging VLMs to improve simulation construction and addressing the challenges of managing large datasets. This will require advancements in data management strategies and the development of more efficient training methods.

Show Notes

Today, we're joined by Marius Memmel, a PhD student at the University of Washington, to discuss his research on sim-to-real transfer approaches for developing autonomous robotic agents in unstructured environments. Our conversation focuses on his recent ASID and URDFormer papers. We explore the complexities presented by real-world settings like a cluttered kitchen, data acquisition challenges for training robust models, the importance of simulation, and the challenge of bridging the sim2real gap in robotics. Marius introduces ASID, a framework designed to enable robots to autonomously generate and refine simulation models to improve sim-to-real transfer. We discuss the role of Fisher information as a metric for trajectory sensitivity to physical parameters and the importance of exploration and exploitation phases in robot learning. Additionally, we cover URDFormer, a transformer-based model that generates URDF documents for scene and object reconstruction to create realistic simulation environments.

The complete show notes for this episode can be found at

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Bridging the Sim2real Gap in Robotics with Marius Memmel - #695

Bridging the Sim2real Gap in Robotics with Marius Memmel - #695

Sam Charrington