CBG 1:04 | Saying where you live
In this week’s episode of Coffee Break German you’ll take your German skills further and continue to develop your confidence in using the language. In weekly episodes you’ll join native speaker Thomas who’ll be teaching learner Mark in gradual, structured lessons. Our “Cultural Correspondent” Julia and our “Grammar Guru” Kirsten will also join us in each episode to share their knowledge and love of all things German. In this lesson you’ll be moving on to talk about where you live. You’ll learn:
- how to say where you live;
- how to change verb endings when talking about ich (I), du (you, informal) and Sie (you, formal);
- how to make a sentence negative using the word nicht;
- how Karneval is celebrated in German-speaking countries.
This season of Coffee Break German features a total of 40 episodes. Stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from lesson notes, bonus audio recordings and video versions of the lessons featuring 'synchronised video flashcards' to help you understand how the words and phrases are written, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break German on the Coffee Break Academy.
Don't forget to follow Coffee Break German on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural points and review materials to help you practise your French. Remember - a few minutes a day can help you build your confidence in the language. Access the Coffee Break German Facebook page here.
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Großartig🌟tausend Dank🙏🏼
Großartig🌟tausend Dank🙏🏼
#Coffee_Break_German Heute Today Was lernen(to learn) wir heute? What are we learning today? Los geht's Let's go Kommen Sie aus Deutschland? Kommst du aus Deutschland? Ja, ich komme aus Deutschland. Nein, ich komme nicht[always comes after the verb to make the sentence negative] aus Deutschland. Ich komme Du kommst Sie kommen Ich heiße Du heißt Sie heißen Wohnen To live Ich wohne Du wohnst Sie wohnen Ich wohne in Deutschland. I live in Germany. Ich wohne in Berlin. I live in Berlin. Hamburg Hamburg Frankfurt Frankfurt München Munich Wien Vienna Österreich Austria Zürich Zurich Genf Geneva Ich komme[second position/second idea] aus Deutschland. Aber(but) jetzt(now) wohne ich in Österreich. I'm from Germany. But now I live in Austria. Frankreich France Spanien Spain Das was schwer(difficult). That was difficult. Das reicht(enough) für heute. That's all for today.
why we use "dann" before USA, or I hear it wrong!!? 🤔
ing the article, and more imp https://vidmate.onl/download/ ortantly, your personal experience mindfully using our emotions as data about our inner state and knowing when it’s better to de-escalate by taking a time out are great tools. Appreciate you reading and sharing your story since I can certainly relate and I think others can too
Sehr gut. Vielen Dank.