CHP Talks: Abby Johnson—from Unplanned to Unthinkable
My guest this week is Abby Johnson, author of Unplanned, the story of her leaving her position as director of a Texas Planned Parenthood clinic to become a pro-life advocate. Abby was a keynote speaker at the recent National March for Life in Ottawa, where she and Shawn Carney, Founder and CEO of 40 Days for Life, spoke about how the Lord is helping hundreds of women to leave their jobs in the abortion industry through the organization Abby founded in 2012, And Then There Were None. In this interview, Abby talks about the new film she co-directed with Drew Martin of Mighty Motion Pictures—Unthinkable. She and her team are working hard to make abortion unthinkable and are already having great success. I was able to see the movie at a special showing in Ottawa and I highly recommend that our viewers and listeners see the film themselves, donate to the remaining costs of advertising and distribution and make arrangements to have the film shown in their churches and communities. It is hard-hitting; not for young children . . . but every thinking adult should see it!
To view the trailer, visit:
To contribute to the distribution or to arrange a showing of Unthinkable, contact:
Lisa Barnett - Executive Producer 780-257-3377
or email: