Cameron Wright | The Spine Race and Beyond The Ultimate Media
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On the podcast this week I talk to Cameron Wright, digital communications lead at Beyond The Ultimate and The Spine Race.
As an outdoor photographer and videographer, Cameron talks about his experiences covering the Global Race Series for BTU around the world and the obvious challenges that it presents. From sideways rain in Scotland, to sand dunes as big as houses in 45 degree heat, he gets to see it all!
In this interview we talk about Camerons route into his new role, through his background in outdoor and sports photography. Cameron has built up a vast amount of experience through his own freelance photography and videography business and has now taken on his biggest project to date, overseeing the media juggernaut that is the winter Spine Race in January 2025.
We talk about the race and what it means to the running community. From the dot watchers at home, to the hardworking teams on the ground that make the race a reality.
Cameron has big plans for the media team this year and I can't wait to see the coverage take more leaps forward as I'm sure it will!