DiscoverCasefile True CrimeCase 285: Louise Ellis
Case 285: Louise Ellis

Case 285: Louise Ellis

Update: 2024-05-2546


The podcast delves into the chilling case of Louise Ellis, a freelance writer who vanished in 1995. The episode begins with the report of her disappearance by her partner, Brett Morgan, who claims she was last seen visiting a friend in the Gatineau Hills. However, her car was found abandoned near Wakefield, Quebec, with her belongings inside but no sign of her. The investigation reveals Brett Morgan's troubled past, including a manslaughter conviction for strangling a woman named Gwen Telford. He explains his history and how Louise helped him turn his life around. The episode also introduces John May Zornweve, Louise's ex-partner, who was initially a suspect but was later ruled out. Marie Perant, an aspiring private investigator, becomes intrigued by the case and offers to help Brett find Louise. She begins her own investigation, eventually becoming convinced that John May Zornweve is involved. Despite searching near John's cottage, they find nothing, but Marie continues her investigation and uncovers discrepancies in John's story. The search for Louise's remains continues, and eventually, Marie and Brett find her body in a wooded area. While Brett breaks down in tears, Marie suspects his reaction is a performance. Further investigation reveals Brett's history of violence against women, including abusive relationships and the killing of Gwen Telford. The episode explores Louise's life and her relationship with Brett, highlighting her passion and intelligence, and how she was drawn to Brett's honesty and simplicity. However, their relationship was marred by violence and financial abuse. Marie begins to doubt Brett's involvement in Louise's disappearance, noticing inconsistencies in his story. She becomes convinced he is responsible and agrees to go undercover for the police to gather information. Brett Morgan is eventually arrested and charged with Louise's murder. His trial lasts six months, with Marie Perant testifying against him. He is found guilty and sentenced to 25 years in prison, but dies two months later from hepatitis C.


The Disappearance of Louise Ellis

The episode begins with the report of Louise Ellis' disappearance by her partner, Brett Morgan. Louise was last seen visiting a friend in the Gatineau Hills, but never arrived. Her car was found abandoned near Wakefield, Quebec, with her belongings inside but no sign of her.

Brett Morgan's Criminal Past and Louise's Life

Brett Morgan reveals to the police that he has a criminal past, including a manslaughter conviction for strangling a woman named Gwen Telford. He explains his history and how he met Louise, who helped him turn his life around. The episode also explores Louise Ellis' life and her relationship with Brett Morgan. Louise was a passionate and intelligent woman who was drawn to Brett's honesty and simplicity. However, their relationship was marked by violence and financial abuse.

John May Zornweve, Louise's Ex

The episode introduces John May Zornweve, Louise's ex-partner. He was the friend Louise was supposed to visit in the Gatineau Hills. John claims he last spoke to Louise the day before she disappeared and that she declined his invitation to dinner.

Marie Perant's Investigation

Marie Perant, an aspiring private investigator, becomes interested in Louise's case. She contacts Brett Morgan, offering to help him find Louise. She begins her own investigation, eventually becoming convinced that John May Zornweve is involved.

The Search for Louise's Remains and Marie's Doubts

Marie Perant and Brett Morgan search for Louise's remains near John May Zornweve's cottage. They find nothing, but Marie continues her investigation and discovers discrepancies in John's story. Marie Perant begins to have doubts about Brett Morgan's involvement in Louise's disappearance. She notices inconsistencies in his story and becomes convinced he is responsible.

The Discovery of Louise's Body and Brett's History of Violence

Marie and Brett search again, this time finding Louise's remains in a wooded area. Brett breaks down in tears, but Marie suspects his reaction is a performance. The episode reveals Brett Morgan's history of violence against women. He had a history of abusive relationships, including strangling a woman named Christine and killing Gwen Telford.

Marie's Undercover Work and Brett's Arrest

Marie Perant agrees to go undercover for the police to gather information. Brett Morgan is arrested and charged with Louise's murder.

Brett Morgan's Trial and Death

Brett Morgan's trial lasts six months, with Marie Perant testifying against him. He is found guilty and sentenced to 25 years in prison, but dies two months later from hepatitis C.


Brett Morgan

Brett Morgan was the partner of Louise Ellis, who disappeared in 1995. He had a history of violence against women and was eventually convicted of her murder.

Louise Ellis

Louise Ellis was a freelance writer who disappeared in 1995. Her body was found in a wooded area near Wakefield, Quebec, and her partner, Brett Morgan, was convicted of her murder.

John May Zornweve

John May Zornweve was Louise Ellis' ex-partner. He was initially a suspect in her disappearance, but was later ruled out by investigators.

Marie Perant

Marie Perant was an aspiring private investigator who became involved in Louise Ellis' case. She conducted her own investigation, eventually going undercover for the police to gather information that led to Brett Morgan's conviction.

Gatineau Hills

The Gatineau Hills are a forested area in the neighboring province of Quebec. This is where Louise Ellis was last seen visiting a friend.

Wakefield, Quebec

Wakefield is a town in Quebec, Canada, located near the Gatineau Hills. Louise Ellis' car was found abandoned near Wakefield.


Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a human being without malice aforethought. Brett Morgan was convicted of manslaughter for the death of Gwen Telford.

polygraph test

A polygraph test, also known as a lie detector test, is a technique used to assess a person's truthfulness by measuring physiological responses such as heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration. John May Zornweve failed a polygraph test in relation to Louise Ellis' disappearance.


  • What happened to Louise Ellis?

    Louise Ellis disappeared in 1995. Her body was found in a wooded area near Wakefield, Quebec, and her partner, Brett Morgan, was convicted of her murder.

  • What was Brett Morgan's criminal history?

    Brett Morgan had a history of violence against women, including a manslaughter conviction for strangling a woman named Gwen Telford. He also had a history of abusive relationships and financial abuse.

  • How did Marie Perant become involved in the case?

    Marie Perant was an aspiring private investigator who became interested in Louise Ellis' case. She contacted Brett Morgan, offering to help him find Louise. She began her own investigation, eventually going undercover for the police to gather information that led to Brett Morgan's conviction.

  • What was the motive for Louise Ellis' murder?

    Detectives believed that Brett Morgan murdered Louise because she was on the verge of leaving him, which would cut him off from her money. He also feared that she would report his fraudulent activity, which could have revoked his parole.

  • What was the outcome of Brett Morgan's trial?

    Brett Morgan was found guilty of Louise Ellis' murder and sentenced to 25 years in prison. However, he died two months later from hepatitis C.

Show Notes

*** Content warnings: Domestic violence ***

When freelance writer Louise Ellis disappeared after leaving her Ottawa home on April 22 1995, the person leading the search for her was her devoted partner, Brett Morgan. But Brett’s criminal background made investigators suspicious and he found himself feeling more like a suspect than a victim.

When he was approached by an aspiring private investigator named Marie Parent, the case suddenly took a very different turn…


Narration – Anonymous Host

Research & writing – Erin Munro

Creative direction – Milly Raso

Production and music – Mike Migas

Music – Andrew D.B. Joslyn

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Comments (4)

Hadi Eskandari

how many red flag you have to see to leave someone and run with your life? -_- it's so sad

Jul 6th


This woman is so naive that she thought a man convicted of murdering another woman shouldn't be in prison ... well i can't say she learned her lesson ... rip

Jun 30th

Marísa Chantal

Mai son nwev 💀 Neuve is French lol, and defs not nueve

May 30th

Anne Kastanis

Yikes! What on Earth would compel a woman to begin a relationship with a man serving a prison sentence for strangling a woman to death?

May 27th








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Case 285: Louise Ellis

Case 285: Louise Ellis

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