DiscoverInner Green Deal - the human dimension of sustainability.Change & Complexity | Carlos Alvarez Pereira of the Club of Rome | S3E6
Change & Complexity | Carlos Alvarez Pereira of the Club of Rome | S3E6

Change & Complexity | Carlos Alvarez Pereira of the Club of Rome | S3E6

Update: 2023-10-24


We welcome Carlos Alvarez Pereira, Vice President of the Club of Rome, who talks about change, complexity and the human dimension of transformation. 


Carlos started out studying aerospace engineering and teaching applied mathematics before founding a research institute specializing in modelling complex systems and big data applications. And it is this interest in and affection for systems thinking that ultimately led him to his current role with the Club of Rome, where he says the mission, simply put, is to ask better questions.

Inner Green Deal host Tamsin Walker sat down with Carlos and asked him why reconnecting with ourselves, others and the natural world is important in looking for ways to navigate convergent crises, how we can move beyond deeper polarisation and what lies at the heart of collective transformation.

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About the Club of Rome: 

The Club of Rome describes itself as a platform of diverse thought leaders who identify holistic solutions to complex global issues and promote policy initiatives and action to enable humanity to emerge from multiple planetary emergencies."> 


About the Inner Green Deal :

The Inner Green Dea">Inner Green Deal is a non-profit organisation based in Cologne and Brussels with a growing community around the world. We address the human dimension of sustainability and support leaders, change makers and facilitators to accelerate the green transformation. We offer a range of short and longer programmes cultivating capacities such as collaboration, systems thinking and

compassion. In addition to programmes for organisations, we empower facilitators and offer train-the-trainer programmes, access to curricula and digital tools to create cohesive communities of change. Our podcast is hosted and produced by Tamsin Walker. Executive producer is IGD co-founder Jeroen Janss. For more information, visit us on LinkedIn"> LinkedIn,"> or write to">   

Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.

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Change & Complexity | Carlos Alvarez Pereira of the Club of Rome | S3E6

Change & Complexity | Carlos Alvarez Pereira of the Club of Rome | S3E6

Inner Green Deal