DiscoverA Public AffairCivil Eats year in review with Margo True and Lisa Held
Civil Eats year in review with Margo True and Lisa Held

Civil Eats year in review with Margo True and Lisa Held

Update: 2025-01-06


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In 2024 host Douglas Haynes tackled issues of wetlands, school lunches, sandhill cranes, and more. On today’s show, he brings his focus on local food ways and the environment into the New Year. Haynes is joined by two journalists from the non-profit digital news site, Civil Eats, to talk about the best of their reporting on food systems and agriculture from last year. “Food touches every aspect of our lives,” says editorial director Margo True. And Civil Eats strives to bring local perspectives and experiences of food policy, farming, health, and climate to the national conversation. 

True and senior staff reporter Lisa Held highlight community food solutions stories, including the farm tool cooperatives springing up all over the country and how North Carolina farmers pivoted to disaster relief after Hurricane Helen. It’s impossible to talk about food ways and not talk about climate change, and Civil Eats has made climate reporting a pillar of their work, including reporting on farmers who are using fungi to capture carbon in the soil and covering the changes to the US plant hardiness maps. They wrap up by talking about potential policy changes coming with the 2025 Farm Bill, including changes to SNAP benefits.

Margo True is the editorial director of Civil Eats. She’s been fascinated by food, and the way food connects to and reverberates through all aspects of life, for more than 30 years. A longtime magazine journalist, she’s worked for Gourmet, Saveur, and Sunset, and has won four James Beard journalism awards. Most recently, True was the lead writer and editor for Patagonia Provisions, the food division of Patagonia, focusing on food’s role in restoring ecosystems. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, loves to cook, and enjoys learning to surf, hunt wild foods and bike the trails of Mount Tamalpais.

Lisa Held is Civil Eats’ senior staff reporter and a contributing editor. Since 2015, she has reported on agriculture and the food system with an eye toward sustainability, equality, and health, and her stories have appeared in publications including The Guardian, The Washington Post, and Mother Jones. In the past, she covered health and wellness and was an editor at Well+Good. She is based in Baltimore and has a master’s degree from Columbia University’s School of Journalism.

Featured image via Flickr.

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Civil Eats year in review with Margo True and Lisa Held

Civil Eats year in review with Margo True and Lisa Held

Douglas Haynes, Ali Muldrow, Carousel Bayrd, Allen Ruff, & Esty Dinur