Cleanup Phase Now, Accountability Phase Next, Trump Installing Safeguards For The Future – Ep. 3554
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The [WEF] agenda is finished, Trump just told them that the green new scam has come to and end, everything is being reversed. Investment will be come back to America. Trump tells the Fed to lower interest rates, what will the Fed do, they are in a holding pattern, will they try to blame it all on Trump? This will fail, Trump just trapped them. The patriots are now moving very quickly to cleanup the destruction of the US, once this is complete and Trump gets his nominees confirmed we will be heading towards the accountability phase. Along the way Trump is installing safeguards for the future. He is forcing the issues up to the SC to shutdown the [DS].
- “Mind-numbing decisions like this are absolute proof that the DNR is completely rotten to its core. This deforestation will destroy habitats and effectively kill wildlife. Let me make that clear, the DNR is choosing to kill wildlife so they can build solar panels.”
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- justify. Hopefully the project is dead and gone, as almost all unsightly and environmentally unsound Windmill project should be. Congratulations to the great people of New Jersey. You have FINALLY won your war on stupidity!!!
their blood is boiling
Trump tells Davos he’ll demand that interest rates drop. It’s a fresh jab at the Fed.
- “With oil prices going down, I’ll demand that interest rates drop immediately. And likewise, they should be dropping all over the world,” Trump said.
- Trump often has jabbed at Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell and other central bank officials, including during his first presidential term and during the 2024 White House race. Trump said in October, for example, that he wanted to “put in comments” on rate decisions, although not to give orders to the Fed.
- President Donald Trump argued that California should not get any money for disaster relief until there are changes made to the state’s water policies.
- Will you give — obviously, Americans want to help other Americans in need, okay? Fair enough, we do that. … Should the money be contingent on them practicing the science of forestry?”
- Trump answered, “I don’t think we should give California anything until they let water flow down into their –.”
- A 2020 memo exposes not only Newsom’s cavalier attitude toward fire mitigation and maintenance, but it further shows that elected leaders disregard of the warnings to take care of the high-risk fire prone communities was more by design than people wish to believe.
- In 2020, SB 182 came across Newsom’s desk. Authored by then-State Senator Hannah Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara), whose district had just suffered the Thomas Fire and subsequent deadly mudslide in Montecito, this bill sought to increase local planning requirements and guidelines for permitting development in certain fire-hazard severity zones. What does that mean? For new and existing development, local governments would have been tasked with creating strategies to retrofit and fire harden the buildings and homes in the area, and smaller municipalities which often lack funding for such measures would have been given grants so they could implement wildfire risk reduction and undertake planning activities to increase fire safety.
From the text of SB 182:
- So, why was this bill not signed into law? Because Newsom vetoed it.
Another show finished. Dave is a liar, they ALL hate you and work together. if Vaxx Daddy told Dave to eat dogshit off the sidewalk he would and then he'd tell everyone how good it was. Fuck these satanists