Consecrated to God

Consecrated to God

Update: 2024-05-31


This segment delves into the nature of God's holiness, moving beyond the traditional understanding of separation from sin. The speaker argues that God's holiness is also characterized by an intense consecration to something, specifically the love and devotion within the Trinity. He uses the vision of Isaiah in Isaiah 6 as an example, suggesting that even unfallen spirits are overwhelmed by the burning bliss of God's holiness, not because of sin, but because of the sheer intensity of the love between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The speaker then draws a parallel to human love, comparing the intimacy of a wedding kiss to the profound devotion within the Trinity. He emphasizes that God's holiness is not just about severity but about the overwhelming intensity of love, which can make us feel inadequate and expose the ugliness of our own self-love. The segment concludes with a call to thank God for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit, which brings pardon and salvation, allowing us to experience the eternal light and love of God.


The Holiness of God: Beyond Separation from Sin

This Chapter explores the concept of God's holiness, moving beyond the traditional understanding of separation from sin. The speaker argues that God's holiness is also characterized by an intense consecration to something, specifically the love and devotion within the Trinity. He uses the vision of Isaiah in Isaiah 6 as an example, suggesting that even unfallen spirits are overwhelmed by the burning bliss of God's holiness, not because of sin, but because of the sheer intensity of the love between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The Intensity of Love within the Trinity

This Chapter continues the exploration of God's holiness, drawing a parallel to human love. The speaker compares the intimacy of a wedding kiss to the profound devotion within the Trinity. He emphasizes that God's holiness is not just about severity but about the overwhelming intensity of love, which can make us feel inadequate and expose the ugliness of our own self-love. The segment concludes with a call to thank God for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit, which brings pardon and salvation, allowing us to experience the eternal light and love of God.


Holiness of God

The state of being pure, perfect, and separated from sin. It is a key attribute of God, reflecting His absolute moral perfection and spiritual purity. It is often associated with concepts like righteousness, justice, and love.


The Christian doctrine that God exists as three co-equal and co-eternal persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. Each person is fully God, yet there is only one God. The Trinity is a complex and multifaceted concept that has been debated and explored throughout Christian history.

Isaiah 6

A chapter in the Old Testament book of Isaiah, which describes a vision of God's holiness and the prophet's response to it. Isaiah sees God sitting on a throne surrounded by seraphim, who cry out, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory." The vision emphasizes the overwhelming power and majesty of God's holiness.


Angelic beings described in the Bible, particularly in Isaiah 6. They are often depicted as having six wings and are associated with holiness and purity. They are said to be closest to God and to serve as His messengers.


The site of Jesus Christ's crucifixion, located outside Jerusalem. It is a significant place in Christian tradition, representing the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus for the sins of humanity. The word "Calvary" is derived from the Latin word "Calvaria," meaning "skull."

Holy Spirit

The third person of the Trinity, often described as the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit is believed to be active in the world, empowering believers, guiding them, and providing them with spiritual gifts. The Holy Spirit is also associated with the work of sanctification, making believers holy.

Eternal Light

A metaphor for God's presence, glory, and truth. It represents the ultimate source of light and life, which is beyond human comprehension. The concept of eternal light is often used in hymns and spiritual writings to express the awe and wonder of God's nature.

Eternal Love

The unchanging and everlasting love of God for humanity. It is a love that is not based on merit or worthiness but on God's own nature and character. Eternal love is a source of hope, comfort, and strength for believers.


  • What is the traditional understanding of God's holiness?

    The traditional understanding of God's holiness is that it is a state of being pure, perfect, and separated from sin. It reflects God's absolute moral perfection and spiritual purity.

  • How does the speaker expand on the concept of God's holiness?

    The speaker argues that God's holiness is not only about separation from sin but also about an intense consecration to something, specifically the love and devotion within the Trinity.

  • What example does the speaker use to illustrate the intensity of God's holiness?

    The speaker uses the vision of Isaiah in Isaiah 6, where even unfallen spirits are overwhelmed by the burning bliss of God's holiness, not because of sin, but because of the sheer intensity of the love between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • How does the speaker connect God's holiness to human love?

    The speaker compares the intimacy of a wedding kiss to the profound devotion within the Trinity, highlighting that God's holiness is about the overwhelming intensity of love.

  • What is the ultimate source of pardon and salvation according to the speaker?

    The speaker emphasizes the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit, which bring pardon and salvation, allowing us to experience the eternal light and love of God.

Show Notes

We see the holiness of Christ not only in His separation from sin but also in His loving devotion to His Father and His people. Today, Sinclair Ferguson marvels that we are consecrated to enjoy the perfect love of the triune God.

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Consecrated to God

Consecrated to God