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Decoder with Nilay Patel: What's Next for the Controversial 'Child Safety' Internet Bill

Decoder with Nilay Patel: What's Next for the Controversial 'Child Safety' Internet Bill

Update: 2024-09-03


This episode of Decoder delves into the complex world of online safety and regulation, focusing on the Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act (KOSPA), a controversial bill aimed at protecting children online. The episode explores the arguments for and against KOSPA, highlighting concerns about its potential impact on free speech and access to information. The conversation then shifts to the regulation of deepfakes and AI, particularly intimate deepfakes, examining the challenges of balancing free speech protections with the need to address potential harms. Finally, the episode features an interview with Madeline Lee Young Coleman, who discusses the emotional and ethical complexities of euthanasia for pets, emphasizing the importance of considering the animal's quality of life.


Regulating the Internet: The Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act (KOSPA)

This episode of Decoder explores the Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act (KOSPA), a controversial bill that aims to protect children online by holding tech platforms accountable for harmful content. The bill has garnered bipartisan support in the Senate, but faces opposition from groups concerned about its potential impact on free speech and access to information.

The Arguments for and Against KOSPA

The episode delves into the arguments for and against KOSPA. Supporters argue that the bill is necessary to protect children from online harms, while critics worry about its potential to stifle free speech and limit access to information. The episode also discusses the role of parents and other technologies in protecting children online.

Regulating Deepfakes and AI

The conversation shifts to the regulation of deepfakes and AI, particularly intimate deepfakes. The episode explores the challenges of regulating this type of content, given its potential for harm and the First Amendment protections afforded to free speech.

The Difficult Decision of Euthanasia for Pets

This segment features an interview with Madeline Lee Young Coleman, who wrote about the difficult decision of euthanasia for pets. The conversation explores the emotional and ethical complexities of this decision, and the importance of considering the animal's quality of life.


Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act (KOSPA)

A bipartisan bill in the US Congress aimed at protecting children online by holding tech platforms accountable for harmful content. It seeks to create a \"duty of care\" for platforms, making them liable for showing harmful content to minors.

Duty of Care

A legal obligation for tech platforms to take reasonable steps to protect children from harmful content on their platforms. This concept is central to KOSPA and aims to shift the burden of online safety onto tech companies.


AI-generated videos or images that convincingly portray a person doing or saying something they did not actually do. Deepfakes raise concerns about their potential for misuse, particularly in the context of intimate deepfakes and online harassment.

Intimate Deepfakes

Deepfakes that depict a person engaging in sexually explicit or compromising activities without their consent. These deepfakes pose significant risks to privacy and can be used for revenge porn, blackmail, and other forms of abuse.

Section 230

A provision of the Communications Decency Act that shields online platforms from liability for content posted by their users. KOSPA and other proposed legislation seek to carve out exceptions to Section 230, holding platforms accountable for certain types of harmful content.


The practice of intentionally ending a life to relieve pain and suffering. In the context of pets, euthanasia is often a difficult but compassionate decision made when an animal's quality of life is severely compromised.

Quality of Life

A subjective assessment of an individual's overall well-being, taking into account physical, mental, and emotional factors. When making decisions about euthanasia for pets, it's crucial to consider the animal's quality of life and whether it is experiencing significant pain or suffering.


  • What are the main goals of the Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act (KOSPA)?

    KOSPA aims to protect children online by holding tech platforms accountable for harmful content. It seeks to create a \"duty of care\" for platforms, making them liable for showing harmful content to minors.

  • What are the main arguments against KOSPA?

    Critics of KOSPA worry that it will stifle free speech, limit access to information, and lead to over-censorship. They also raise concerns about the potential for privacy-invasive age verification methods.

  • How does KOSPA attempt to address the First Amendment concerns?

    KOSPA's supporters argue that the government's interest in protecting children is compelling enough to overcome any potential First Amendment issues. They believe that the bill is narrowly tailored to achieve its goal of protecting children from online harms.

  • What are the challenges of regulating deepfakes and AI?

    Regulating deepfakes is difficult because they can be used for both harmless and harmful purposes. The First Amendment protects free speech, making it challenging to regulate deepfakes without infringing on protected expression.

  • What are some potential approaches to regulating deepfakes?

    One approach is to create a Section 230 carve out for intimate deepfakes, holding platforms accountable for hosting this type of content. Another approach is to create a federal framework for intellectual property rights related to likenesses, making it illegal to create deepfakes without consent.

  • What are the ethical considerations involved in euthanasia for pets?

    Euthanasia for pets is a difficult decision that involves weighing the animal's quality of life against the emotional impact on the owner. It's important to consider the animal's pain and suffering, as well as its ability to enjoy life.

  • What are some signs that a pet may be nearing the end of its life?

    Signs that a pet may be nearing the end of its life include loss of appetite, weight loss, lethargy, difficulty breathing, and changes in behavior. If you notice these signs, it's important to consult with your veterinarian to discuss your pet's quality of life and potential end-of-life care options.

Show Notes

There’s a major internet speech regulation currently making its way through Congress, and it has a really good chance of becoming law. It’s called KOSPA: the Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act, which passed in the Senate with overwhelming bipartisan support late last month. At a high level, KOSPA could radically change how tech platforms handle speech in an effort to try and make the internet safer for minors. 

Nilay Patel talks with Verge senior policy reporter Lauren Feiner, who’s been covering these bills for months now, to explain what’s happening, what these bills actually do, and what the path forward for this legislation looks like.

Listen to more from Decoder from Nilay Patel here.

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Decoder with Nilay Patel: What's Next for the Controversial 'Child Safety' Internet Bill

Decoder with Nilay Patel: What's Next for the Controversial 'Child Safety' Internet Bill

New York Magazine