Does My Kid Have Friends? Why Won't My Kid Eat? Why Has My Toilet Trained Kid Regressed?
Whether you're toilet training, navigating a teen's feelings of isolation or just trying to get your kid to stop being such a picky eater - this is the episode for you. Parenting is flipping hard but we are not in it on our own. Hearing the troubles of others can help. Having 20 years experience helping parenting of children with severe behavioural issues, Tina is here to help. And Jarlath is here to read out the emails!
Question 1
What do you do if you’re toilet training your toddler, you do everything right and they still regress? Do you bang your head off the wall and get the nappies back out or do you change it up and start again. There's a bit more to it than that.
Question 2-
Do we ever stop worrying about our kids and their friendships? It’s extra tough if your child isn’t a sharer. Without any info it's tempting to go straight to panic? Worrying that your kids are lonely, isolated and withdrawn is so common. Is there a way to gain insight into their day? How do you get them to share their private life and keep some of your worries at bay?
Question 3-
Picky eaters are the reason so many parents are completely exhausted by bedtime. They spend energy they don’t have trying to prepare a healthy meal and it’s met with refusal time after time. How do you stop this pattern from gaining ground in your home? "Tina’s Tapas" have come to the rescue again. Listen in to see how this process works.
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