DiscoverWe Like ShootingDouble Tap 388 – Horngry
Double Tap 388 – Horngry

Double Tap 388 – Horngry

Update: 2024-12-17


Double Tap Episode 388

This episode of Double Tap is brought to you by: Brownells, Swampfox Optics, XTech Tactical, Medical Gear Outfitters, Bowers Group, and Matador Arms


Welcome to Double Tap, episode 388! Your hosts tonight are Jeremy Pozderac, Aaron Krieger, Nick Lynch, and me Shawn Herrin, welcome to the show!

XTech double your order giveaway. Best order comment gets their order doubled. Must use discount code WLSISLIFE and add an order comment to be entered.


Dear WLS

Denny E - A few months back Jerambe said that people could get another states CCW permit that had the most reciprocity to carry among the most states. With Trump claiming to instate national reciprocity laws, I had an interest thought. If you lived in a non free state like New York, do you think this would potentially allow you to get a CCW permit from a state like Pennsylvania and now your home state would have to honor your right to carry due to reciprocity laws? Obviously this is a hypothetical , but could be a cool loop hole people could use. Also makes me wonder if you could get around magazine capacity laws, or would you still have to follow magazine capacity laws for the states you visit. Thanks, love the show.

-No notes

The Squancher - I have some odd affinity with the Ruger m77 series guns. The Mauser style bolt is just so damn sexy. Why is Ruger really the only company mass producing a rifle with a Mauser controller feed bolt? Is it an accuracy issue or just cost? Seems most bolt guns are push feed now. #squnchherallnight #Seanisthecunt

Aaron’s Lover - Hello my fellow conqueeftadors,Now that Trump is going to be back in office is it ok to grab them by the pussy again? Aaron you need not to answer because we all know you try to slap PPs while working at Home Depot. Thanks fookerz

Mitch C - I’ve been thinking about adding an SBS to the collection and one of you guys had mentioned buying a shockwave and adding a stock. That sounded all good until I was browsing a store today and they had a Henry Axe on the wall. That got me thinking if I could do the same thing with that. Would I be able to add a stock to that? Buy a Midwest industries stock and rail and tac it out? Wasn’t sure if the Henry stocks were all compatible and interchangeable or not. Might be cool, might be a retarded thought. Just wanted to hear the opinions of the gods and doctors of gun podcasting.

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Austin S - My father approached me wanting to know what I thought about opening an indoor range and gun store. We both agreed there is no indoor range anywhere near us in rural Iowa. There is also not much competition for any type of gunsmithing. We also agree to be successful it would need to be diversified with training, and events as well. My questions are, do you have any advice on how to judge if a range could be successful. I understand an absence of competition doesn't mean there's demand. There are many small towns, some big towns and 1 small city within an hours drive. A follow up is for Jeremy. What was the cost all in for your range? What type of features would you add/remove now that you've been there a while? What is your average dollar amount of inventory you're sitting on at any one point? Can you touch on getting dealer samples to supply to police and sheriff departments? My dad retired after 30 years and knows many departments are not happy with their current suppliers. I know it probably isn't a good idea to try and go this big from the start but it sounds like a good time. Note

- No notes


Rob K - Dear WLS, I need the cast’s opinion on a small dilemma I’m having. My grandfather was an avid 1911 collector who passed away in the mid 2000s. I remember stories of his collection told by family memb...








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End of Episode

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Double Tap 388 – Horngry

Double Tap 388 – Horngry


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